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CORONAVIRUSChief Medi Canadians Who Refuse Vaccine Won’t Have “Freedom to Move Around”

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  On 05/12/2020 at 18:35, Greyman said:

We could crash our cars and kill an innocent person but most of us still drive, it’s just about freedom of choice, being told your not allowed to move around your own country unless you allow someone to inject you with something you no nothing about is very Orwellian in my eyes and should be fought tooth and nail ?


And that's our doing.we can see it happening etc.this is invisible that's the main problem.

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We could crash our cars and kill an innocent person but most of us still drive, it’s just about freedom of choice, being told your not allowed to move around your own country unless you allow someone 

Wrong  mate there has been plenty after Adolf , the poor bloke gets the blame for everything 

Or make my own choices which my grandfathers fought for my right to do,  this virus will be a year old in March and probably fizz out by itself the way things are looking , I,m not shouting at people

  On 06/12/2020 at 07:59, South hams hunter said:

Same way as the flu jab


There are about 250 flu strains and each year they take the 4 they think are going to be most prolific and put them in that years vaccine, it’s an educated guess nothing more and some years even those that had a flu jab are not vaccinated against the strain of flu that is present, there is at this moment one strain of coved 19 and one so say vaccine, two totally different situations not to be confused with each other, I also refuse my flu jab each year as well because I think a natural immune system is the strongest and yes I would go in a corona ward tomorrow if asked to, I,m old but fit and healthy because I stay active and busy, ??

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  On 06/12/2020 at 11:16, maxhardcore said:

So you saying folk Were not eating healthier and naturally fitter back 30-50 years ago ?

Id say they were .

Diets not grown in pesticides and insecticides or chickens ect fed on roids


Folk were naturally more active re walking everywhere ‘ allotments ‘ Sports ‘ Hobbies ect.

Granted folk smoked like chimneys and were in the pubs a bit more but even ale was more natural’ nowdays lots of Chemicals .

Kids had freedom and played outdoors more ‘ the dangers were there re no health or safety but kids had a childhood 

Nowdays it’s all gaming and overweight kids with bad eyesight .

Yes I stand by back in the day in general folks immune systems were stronger than today ?



So how do you explain the massive rise in life expectancy? 

More people are living to a ripe old age than 50 years ago. 

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  On 06/12/2020 at 11:40, maxhardcore said:

Antibiotics ‘ Less smokers ‘ less regular drinking.

But the increase is now actually decreasing .

Sedate unhealthy lifestyles is reversing the upward trend that occurred after the Second World War .

Less will probably die young nowdays in workplaces because of the demise of heavy industry and heightened health and safety which pushes the average up.

Less dying in child birth 

Infant mortality less due to better housing ‘ central heating ect 

loads of variables but we regressing on many fronts


Well at least you are acknowledging that one of the reasons is due to medical science. 

At the end of the day regarding obesity and such, people aren't forced to eat junk food. 

If you can't control what you eat then that's on you IMO, it's a shame people's kids have to suffer for that though. 

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  On 06/12/2020 at 11:31, Greb147 said:

So how do you explain the massive rise in life expectancy? 

More people are living to a ripe old age than 50 years ago. 


A rise in life expectancy occurs over a lifetime, not short-term.

So if life expectancy is say on average eighty years old in this country today, then that means that the 1940s has something do with it. Does this mean this is what this next generation should expect? I would say unlikely.

Edited by Neobliviscaris1776
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  On 06/12/2020 at 11:45, Neobliviscaris1776 said:

A rise in life expectancy occurs over a lifetime, not short-term.

So if life expectancy is say on average eighty years old in this country today, then that means that the 1940s has something do with it. Does this mean this is what this next generation should expect? I would say unlikely.


But the stats 50 years ago weren't based on those born at that time, they were based on people born in the early 1900's.

I agree with Max about his points regarding obesity and that, but that's nothing to do with medical science. 

I imagine more folk will live to a ripe age due to medical advances despite living less healthy. 

Edited by Greb147
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  On 06/12/2020 at 12:00, maxhardcore said:

I’m not against all advances in medicine ‘I’m just not for rushed vaccines and no choice .

You don’t have to take antibiotics ‘but they are there if needed and you do choose .

We are actually using them to often making them less efficient and diseased ect they were developed to help beat in worst case scenarios becoming resistant to them .

Another reason maybe a vaccine for Covid should be only the choice of the most vulnerable and at risk ?


I brought up a point a while back that had been overlooked. 

When did the first strain of SARS break out, almost 20 year ago from what I recall.

This strain of SARS is related to the earlier strains so there's the fact that lots of research and knowledge as been put towards a potential vaccine. 

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  On 06/12/2020 at 12:09, maxhardcore said:

Look if you want a vaccination for something that chances are won’t kill you go for it.

It def not killing kids but again roll your kids sleeves up and let big gov do as they please

But it should be personal choice

Not big gov ?


Max don't be like the others on here. 

Where have I said I want a vaccine, I've never taken a flu vaccine as I'm happy to take my chances. 

I'll be pushing for my mother to have the vaccine as she's in her 60's and not in the best of health. 

If she catches the virus I think it will likely kill her, at her age what has she got to lose? 

I want her to get the vaccine ASAP tbh but with her poor health I'm not sure how effective it will be. 

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  On 06/12/2020 at 12:19, maxhardcore said:

Let your Mam make her own choice ‘ she has 60 years experience on Mother Earth and free will .

My mates 92 year old Aunt just had it ‘not a problem as all her life she has kept active and at a healthy weight ‘never abused her body re drink or drugs ect.-

My mate and his family all had it ‘ from a generation not as healthy living as his aunt.

They suffered more symptoms and 40-60 years younger .

Like I say that’s imo why Thailand has shrugged it off

Heakthier folk with less overweight 

UK and USA hardest hit

Unhealthy fat sorts ‘bad diet ‘abusing their body’s .

Gov would do better to advise healthy living that a jab imo ?


Of course it's her own choice but are you saying the vaccine could put her life in danger in her twilight years? 

I'd say the risk of her catching and dieing from the virus is much higher than her succumbing to the vaccine. 

It's a no brainer if you ask me. 

And that's a great proposal Max but a vaccine is more than just a measure to stop deaths, it has financial implications as well. 

Remember, healthy folk are still being hospitalised, we don't want the NHS being overrun with Covid patients. 

Edited by Greb147
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