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Just asking for trouble driving over farmers land an crops! Had it near us lately it said in the village news letter it’s apparently happened a few times crops being turfed up by poachers in 4x4s looking for hares an deer gives all people that runs dogs the shitty end of the  brush did have a little chuckle though because there’s no hares on there I know this as fact.Can imagine all the nosy villagers being on high alert now though to anyone having a cheeky little lamp there be informing the police straight away trying to be a village hero the first sight of lites ??

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the sport is ruined by the activities of some of the tramps involved in hunting ..i cant understand why folk speak to landowners in an offensive and insulting way...its the farmers that have the last say on who can and cant access his land ..and if a farmers a c**t ,i bet theres a bloody good reason from past experiences...i spoke to a bloke who courses with travellers and they have been told to stay out on numerous occasions and have been pulled over by the cops on manys a time for running dogs in around cattle and his home ...no regard or thought for anyone ...well his son has taken over now and has shot 2 dogs ....and ive heard 2 individuals went back a while after and shot dead a cow belong to him....between farms getting looted and physical altercations between farmers and scum that do what they want ,go wherever they want ....everyone now is looked on with suspicion.....the golden days of roam where ye like with no hassle whatsoever is long gone ...and the sport will be too in the future if lads dont get a bit of cop on and be approachable without menace

Edited by jigsaw
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Don't believe what ye see fellas I know plenty of travellers and gorgers that course and not a single one of em would take a "gun" coursing there's no need I think the farmer has exaggerated to get the police out quicker. Or they've took the gun off the farmer that thought he was billy big balls and played him at his own game I've seen plenty of em jump out of motors with shotguns and bullet rifles thinking they're clever waving em about in a lay by where we've parked in the past and disappeared field after field inland from the road. 

Edited by Kalibrgun
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  On 04/12/2020 at 18:28, Kalibrgun said:

Don't believe what ye see fellas I know plenty of travellers and gorgers that course and not a single one of em would take a "gun" coursing there's no need I think the farmer has exaggerated to get the police out quicker. Or they've took the gun off the farmer that thought he was billy big balls and played him at his own game I've seen plenty of em jump out of motors with shotguns and bullet rifles thinking they're clever waving em about in a lay by where we've parked in the past and disappeared field after field inland from the road. 


They raided the camp and found firearms 

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One thing I learnt back in the day is just be tidy and eat humble pie at the end of the day your in the wrong though not doing any thing remotely major. But you can even turn things around and come away with permission some times lol. Used to get the odd farmer that was really against it but that just made catch even better and more fun. But them days are long gone need 3 hours to get over a gate now a days let alone slide through hedge like I used too haha

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