iworkwhippets 12,752 Posted January 1, 2021 Report Share Posted January 1, 2021 Told you i was talking to a shopkeeper down the village about the vaccine, his exact words , that they wont be made welcome in his shop, not that he would ban them, so you wont have the comfort of moving around in your own area, neh mind abroad Link to post Share on other sites
MH1 1,888 Posted January 1, 2021 Report Share Posted January 1, 2021 What's the conspiracy/conspiracies about the jabs? I've not looked into it Link to post Share on other sites
chartpolski 24,821 Posted January 1, 2021 Report Share Posted January 1, 2021 3 minutes ago, MH1 said: What's the conspiracy/conspiracies about the jabs? I've not looked into it The more far out ones are it's going to alter your DNA or its cover to implant a micro chip , both supposedly to allow the government to control you. Paid for by Bill Gates , or George Soros, or the Illuminati, take your pick ! ! Cheers. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Greyman 29,228 Posted January 1, 2021 Report Share Posted January 1, 2021 8 minutes ago, MH1 said: What's the conspiracy/conspiracies about the jabs? I've not looked into it From my own personal perspective no conspiracy, just not willing to be a living Guinea pig for a vaccine that has been created in 10 months not 10 years of a normal vaccine has had lots of the crucial testing skipped is making a handful of people an obscene amount of money and will protect me from a virus that I have a 99.8% chance of recovering from naturally, I think it’s more common sense than conspiracy but hey ho 5 Link to post Share on other sites
MH1 1,888 Posted January 1, 2021 Report Share Posted January 1, 2021 6 minutes ago, Greyman said: From my own personal perspective no conspiracy, just not willing to be a living Guinea pig for a vaccine that has been created in 10 months not 10 years of a normal vaccine has had lots of the crucial testing skipped is making a handful of people an obscene amount of money and will protect me from a virus that I have a 99.8% chance of recovering from naturally, I think it’s more common sense than conspiracy but hey ho Nothing wrong with being a bit cautious i suppose Link to post Share on other sites
NEWKID 27,666 Posted January 1, 2021 Report Share Posted January 1, 2021 If you travel to most far flung destinations you have a vaccine, in fact a few vaccines So is the reluctance based on the short time the vaccine has been developed only? 99% of people vaccinate there kids, hundreds of thousands probably millions have the flu jab... Is this a kick back against science? Because science has in the main been one of humans greatest strengths. Who truly gives a f**k if the pharmaceuticals are gonna make trillions...they're already billions of times richer than any of us, who cares?? I'll never ger my head around blaming the government for everything, this is being played out world wide our government is as clueless about the next steps as the next man....whatever they do someone will say its wrong... This constant under 65 only 388 without any illness is hard to swallow, what if 5000 died because they had asthma and covid finished them off, its flimsy in my opinion because its a fact to suit a narrative... state how many under 65 have died completely. I would also guess, and there is no science or facts behind this, that the money, resource and time attributed to producing a vaccine for the disease would accelerate any program exponentially... this has been put through quicker than drug before because the weight of world resource is behind it... 5 Link to post Share on other sites
hambone 950 Posted January 1, 2021 Report Share Posted January 1, 2021 That's me convinced...Fk it I'm going to ask for all three 3 Link to post Share on other sites
Greyman 29,228 Posted January 1, 2021 Report Share Posted January 1, 2021 7 minutes ago, NEWKID said: If you travel to most far flung destinations you have a vaccine, in fact a few vaccines So is the reluctance based on the short time the vaccine has been developed only? 99% of people vaccinate there kids, hundreds of thousands probably millions have the flu jab... Is this a kick back against science? Because science has in the main been one of humans greatest strengths. Who truly gives a f**k if the pharmaceuticals are gonna make trillions...they're already billions of times richer than any of us, who cares?? I'll never ger my head around blaming the government for everything, this is being played out world wide our government is as clueless about the next steps as the next man....whatever they do someone will say its wrong... This constant under 65 only 388 without any illness is hard to swallow, what if 5000 died because they had asthma and covid finished them off, its flimsy in my opinion because its a fact to suit a narrative... state how many under 65 have died completely. I would also guess, and there is no science or facts behind this, that the money, resource and time attributed to producing a vaccine for the disease would accelerate any program exponentially... this has been put through quicker than drug before because the weight of world resource is behind it... All the money paid to firms to develop vaccines are to be expected, they are investing and want a return on there money no different to your good self wanting to turn a profit on your air cleaners etc, only difference is you have gambled your own time and money and stand to make or loose, a lot of the people making millions from corona have no vaccine or medical experience at all and have been given the contracts through the old boy funny handshake route as a result of this we have not been given unbiased opinions or the best people for the job, so is it really a surprise people are just a tad sceptical about something they no very little about and can never remove from there system if things don’t turn out quite as we are being told, I,m quite happy to wait 10 years to find out the truth which will eventually materialise and if my body is not strong enough to get me through I was going to croak anyway so no problem, in summary I have never seen so many resources used to push something through so fast that 99% of us don’t need so yes I’m very suspicious and would just rather not 3 Link to post Share on other sites
king 11,984 Posted January 1, 2021 Report Share Posted January 1, 2021 1 hour ago, maxhardcore said: 388 people under the age of 60 with no underlying health conditions have died of this virus Average kill age is 82 Average life expectancy 79 in uk Look at Hancock’s laughing / crying vid ffs They evidence is staring folk in the face to the agenda being played out . How many people under the age of 60 "WITH" health conditions have died from covid ? Link to post Share on other sites
Greyman 29,228 Posted January 1, 2021 Report Share Posted January 1, 2021 19 minutes ago, king said: How many people under the age of 60 "WITH" health conditions have died from covid ? A lot of them are just sat waiting to die anyway, we are a nation that just abuse our selves and expect the government or nhs to make it right, if your morbidly obese and diabetic through your own choosing you can’t really expect a long and fruitful life with or without this shit thrown into the mix, if there is one thing people should take from this virus is we need to look after ourselves a bit more so we are better prepared for the next virus to come along 1 Link to post Share on other sites
NEWKID 27,666 Posted January 1, 2021 Report Share Posted January 1, 2021 1 minute ago, Greyman said: A lot of them are just sat waiting to die anyway, we are a nation that just abuse our selves and expect the government or nhs to make it right, if your morbidly obese and diabetic through your own choosing you can’t really expect a long and fruitful life with or without this shit thrown into the mix, if there is one thing people should take from this virus is we need to look after ourselves a bit more so we are better prepared for the next virus to come along Fast food, processed food, lack of exercise etc etc has had a big bearing on the unhealthy Western world norm.... you are completely correct on saying that...but it still doesn't alter that this rhetoric of 388 under 65 is bollocks... there could be a million and 1 reasons why they have died, but covid pushed them over the edge... its just an easy figure to chuck about and claim as fact... I like how you look at things mate, always read your posts and agree with most, I'm personally just watching this unfold and can't make big sweeping statements as we ate still in the middle of it....the rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer, the sick will die and the politicians will take the last fiver out of our pockets, we know that...but ill hold full judgement on what this whole virus thing really is for a while yet.. 7 Link to post Share on other sites
king 11,984 Posted January 1, 2021 Report Share Posted January 1, 2021 3 minutes ago, Greyman said: A lot of them are just sat waiting to die anyway, we are a nation that just abuse our selves and expect the government or nhs to make it right, if your morbidly obese and diabetic through your own choosing you can’t really expect a long and fruitful life with or without this shit thrown into the mix, if there is one thing people should take from this virus is we need to look after ourselves a bit more so we are better prepared for the next virus to come along Here's an example GM. Me and the wife were in the supermarket yesterday.there was an old lady maybe 80yrs of age and the smallest woman I have seen apart from midget's.she was tiny.pushing along 1 of them little wheeled cloth box type things with a handle and balanced on top was a shopping basket..I felt quite sad for her to be honest.#1 being she was struggling to move about and #2 no one was with her. Such a person should be at home.in the warm not struggling around the supermarket.. Now I'm no expert on this covid-19.but say I had the jab would my body kill the virus if I caught it ? Would that then make me unable to pass the virus on ? As i have been turned into a covid virus killing machine of sorts.. Now the last thing I would want to do was pass covid-19 to that little old lady and potentially kill her. Obviously I wouldn't know if I had passed it to her or another oap. I could become a killer of people by passing the virus on.. Now that's a dilemma when I eventually get called for the jab...that's my take on it.. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
mushroom 13,302 Posted January 1, 2021 Report Share Posted January 1, 2021 My poor little old mam hasn't been able to leave her house in 10 months! If the vaccine helps her and others in the same situation to have that freedom again. Then I'm all for it 1 Link to post Share on other sites
NEWKID 27,666 Posted January 1, 2021 Report Share Posted January 1, 2021 I completely get Greymam being reluctant to take a vaccine as he has said the time developing isn't long enough for him to feel assured its safe, its a hard fact to argue. I also think Greyman is actively dropping off the radar/rat race, from his posts and the short time in his company id say solitude, peace maybe even a little isolation is what he enjoys and thrives on...living the dream!! Lol.... so why would he need or want the vaccine?? Is that the case with all other anti vaxxers?? I dont think so personally...it seems more like a f**k you to the establishment, government, pharmas and any other large organisation who are part of some major plot... it seems like a political statement to me in some way...perhaps I'm reading it wrong (not just on here, but in general).... this stick it to the man (whoever he is??)... has become the big thing in the last few years, and to take a phrase off Wilf, it is all connected... it would appear that even if the vaccine was proving to be without doubt completely safe, ensured you could not catch Covid, opened up travel and normal ways of life, there would still be those opposed as it is playing into the "mans" hand.... 5 Link to post Share on other sites
Jonjon79 13,358 Posted January 1, 2021 Report Share Posted January 1, 2021 1 hour ago, Greyman said: From my own personal perspective no conspiracy, just not willing to be a living Guinea pig for a vaccine that has been created in 10 months not 10 years of a normal vaccine has had lots of the crucial testing skipped is making a handful of people an obscene amount of money and will protect me from a virus that I have a 99.8% chance of recovering from naturally, I think it’s more common sense than conspiracy but hey ho Spot on .............. I think that's how a lot of regular folk feel at the moment - me included. We're not conspiracy nuts, I just don't want to be one of the first to have a rushed vaccine - I might have it one day, depending on what adverse effects we see in others. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
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