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to have the corvid jab or not

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1 minute ago, Greyman said:

Just had a text from my doctor for the flu jabs I have never taken in my life and to tell me my vaccine is ready from the 14th of this month, can’t see me booking that anytime soon ?

What tier are you in ?


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You said "end of thread "and then carried on 

Just to show it’s not all doom and gloom my daughter has been nominated and won a local hero award for her work through the pandemic, we may not believe all the shit being pumped at us on the news but

Crack on then you Guinean pig but just respect people’s wishes not to, it’s not rocket science and like a typical little lefty you have to throw in the little snide ONLY SENSIBLE PEOPLE LIKE ME, quip

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2 minutes ago, Chaff said:

If people want to take a vaccine and feel safer for taking it that's fine by me.

Thay will be protected from people like me that won't have the Vax.

So all's fair

That’s the spirit mate, there isn’t any right or wrong.

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20 minutes ago, Neobliviscaris1776 said:

Who might they be? 

But seriously, everyone has a right to decide what they want to do wether to take a vaccine or not. Let's hope the Government respects that human right also. 

I know it’s a flippant remark, but ‘they’ are the same people charged with approving all our vaccines, cancer treatment etc. I have no expertise at all, but think we’ve all got to back a horse, so I know where my money’s going.

Totally agree that no-one should be forced to take it, but equally, no-one should be forced to put their health or livelihood at risk by accommodating those who don’t want it. I do not want to hear people bleating about the vaccine being used as a ‘passport to liberty’ when they’re refused access to flights, mass public gatherings, etc.

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7 minutes ago, WILF said:

That’s the spirit mate, there isn’t any right or wrong.

I have a feeling I'm going to be on the wrong side as far as the government is concerned mate.

I hear in Wales after being vaccinated they will receive a Vax card.

What's the bet that if you don't have a card your movements will be restricted in some way ?

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3 minutes ago, Chaff said:

I have a feeling I'm going to be on the wrong side as far as the government is concerned mate.

I hear in Wales after being vaccinated they will receive a Vax card.

What's the bet that if you don't have a card your movements will be restricted in some way ?

I'll likely be one who gets vaccinated eventually but any f***ing card will go straight in the bin. At this point I don't believe it'll impact anything other than border control.

Edited by Born Hunter
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1 minute ago, Chaff said:

I have a feeling I'm going to be on the wrong side as far as the government is concerned mate.

I hear in Wales after being vaccinated they will receive a Vax card.

What's the bet that if you don't have a card your movements will be restricted in some way ?

If it’s that simple mate you wil be able to get a snide in 6 months no problem, unless they build a big database for all the card holders to be logged into ??

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So born I see  you said earlier,its like a civic duty to get it,or pardon me if it was someone else.

So if you get vaccinated are you saying you cant contract the disease or spread it?

So that means vaccinated folk for any virus cant contract it or spread it,but wait .......   

Think about what your saying,pressure put on folk to get it under the guise of,its my duty to stop spreading it blah blah

I refer to my top questions anyone?

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