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to have the corvid jab or not

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  On 01/12/2020 at 17:57, .357shooter said:

so it looks like they can not force you to have it but if you want to go abroad,to the gym,to the pub you will need a certificate that you will no doubt have to pay for.so you will be forced into having one against you wishes.as said on the bbc site just now we will not force you y to have it so that means you must.may aswell live in fecking china ffs.YOU WILL DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD.


I thought Gove explicitly denied exactly that?

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You said "end of thread "and then carried on 

Just to show it’s not all doom and gloom my daughter has been nominated and won a local hero award for her work through the pandemic, we may not believe all the shit being pumped at us on the news but

Crack on then you Guinean pig but just respect people’s wishes not to, it’s not rocket science and like a typical little lefty you have to throw in the little snide ONLY SENSIBLE PEOPLE LIKE ME, quip

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It's a "free world", "free speech", "free choice" , and all of that; but if a foreign country demands you have the vaccine before you enter; if an airline demands you have the vaccine before you fly; if a pub or restaurant demand you have the vaccine......well, that's THEIR free choice !

Then you make YOUR choice, wether to travel abroad, eat out, go to a pub.

If enough say NO, then things will change.

If enough aquience, .......well, then wer'e f****d !


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I don't understand the problem with having a Covid - 19 jab. There are thousands of covid type viruses most in animals, a few 7 I think that humans get. We have been able to get Flu (Covid) jabs since the 60's. Every year they guess which one is lightly to do the round and Jab every body that wants a Jab with that strain. These anti Virus Jabs have been developed and altered for years with no fuss. Now a new serious strain comes along that kills people the scientists go flat out to find a anti virus and when then find it people say no. Conspiracy theory's abound they want your DNA they going to put a chip in you and Bill Gates will track you FFS. Do you question the Dentist when he jabs you in the gum as a blocker or the Doctor gives you a Tetanus jab because you cut yourself on rusty metal. Or all the other Jabs you have had through out you life.

It's just the latest Flu jab and as soon as I can have it I will.

Cheers Arry

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Pfizer vaccine approved for use in the UK, hopefully others follow soon. I’ll put my trust in all the medical experts who have evaluated the risk and get it, even if it’s only to protect others. 

And if I owned an airline, a hotel, a restaurant, a pub, even a bus or a taxi, I wouldn’t let anyone who could have been immunised, but has refused to, anywhere near my business. Bunch of fcukin flat-earth, tin foil hat wearing bampots.

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  On 01/12/2020 at 20:47, Arry said:

I don't understand the problem with having a Covid - 19 jab. There are thousands of covid type viruses most in animals, a few 7 I think that humans get. We have been able to get Flu (Covid) jabs since the 60's. Every year they guess which one is lightly to do the round and Jab every body that wants a Jab with that strain. These anti Virus Jabs have been developed and altered for years with no fuss. Now a new serious strain comes along that kills people the scientists go flat out to find a anti virus and when then find it people say no. Conspiracy theory's abound they want your DNA they going to put a chip in you and Bill Gates will track you FFS. Do you question the Dentist when he jabs you in the gum as a blocker or the Doctor gives you a Tetanus jab because you cut yourself on rusty metal. Or all the other Jabs you have had through out you life.

It's just the latest Flu jab and as soon as I can have it I will.

Cheers Arry


for me  its nothing to do with conspiracys or anything silly like that arry....and to be fair you are correct most of us have had a host of jabs all our lives ...and some of us have messed around with numerous recreational drugs....

i think for most of us its the speed this jab has been rolled out that leaves us a little susspicous ....i just dont fancy being used as a guini pig...in case there are some horrible side affects 

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  On 02/12/2020 at 07:17, pesky1972 said:

Pfizer vaccine approved for use in the UK, hopefully others follow soon. I’ll put my trust in all the medical experts who have evaluated the risk and get it, even if it’s only to protect others. 

And if I owned an airline, a hotel, a restaurant, a pub, even a bus or a taxi, I wouldn’t let anyone who could have been immunised, but has refused to, anywhere near my business. Bunch of fcukin flat-earth, tin foil hat wearing bampots.


again nothing to do with silly ideas...conspiracy or owt like that....just untrusting of the speed the jab has been rolled out

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  On 02/12/2020 at 07:17, pesky1972 said:

Pfizer vaccine approved for use in the UK, hopefully others follow soon. I’ll put my trust in all the medical experts who have evaluated the risk and get it, even if it’s only to protect others. 


My thoughts are that I'm not really interested in it for my own health so much as that of those who might not respond well to vaccination. I could very well be asymptomatic and spreading it to people who are at risk. Civic duty if you like. All the more important because of people who don't want to be vaccinated and contribute to that 'herd immunity' effect.

Likewise, though it'd probably not hit me any harder than the flu, the flu is shit and I'd rather not have it! :laugh:

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  On 02/12/2020 at 08:05, TOMO said:

for me  its nothing to do with conspiracys or anything silly like that arry....and to be fair you are correct most of us have had a host of jabs all our lives ...and some of us have messed around with numerous recreational drugs....

i think for most of us its the speed this jab has been rolled out that leaves us a little susspicous ....i just dont fancy being used as a guini pig...in case there are some horrible side affects 


That’s a legitimate concern in my eyes, a far cry from being an anti-vaxxer. Even my mum who takes the flu jab every year has reservations about taking it this soon & she’s spent the best part of the year holed up in her house. 

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