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to have the corvid jab or not

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21 minutes ago, Wideboy said:

It’s like a fire stop in a forest.

More like an asbestos blanket at the moment. It'll stop the fire spreading but we don't know whether the fabric will cause any problems later on. That's the immediate vs the long term risk strategy.

The layman doesn't know enough about the information floating around and we've designated the translation to Karen from Facebook's University of Epidemiology. I'm all for science but this is where we're failing at the moment. None of them can explain it so a 5 year old can understand it so we're just told to trust them.

I get it but it's easier to post a meme and Google a headline than condense all this data and technology into a format that the average bloke can understand.

I'm getting the jab for the reasons I've posted because I believe the short term benefits are outweighed by any long term risk I may face. To some that make me a sheep but I couldn't give a f*ck. I've already missed two funerals for Covid patients because of travel restrictions and relying on government to fix this mess should show everyone what a farce this has become.

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You said "end of thread "and then carried on 

Just to show it’s not all doom and gloom my daughter has been nominated and won a local hero award for her work through the pandemic, we may not believe all the shit being pumped at us on the news but

Crack on then you Guinean pig but just respect people’s wishes not to, it’s not rocket science and like a typical little lefty you have to throw in the little snide ONLY SENSIBLE PEOPLE LIKE ME, quip

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10 hours ago, ChrisJones said:

More like an asbestos blanket at the moment. It'll stop the fire spreading but we don't know whether the fabric will cause any problems later on. That's the immediate vs the long term risk strategy.

The layman doesn't know enough about the information floating around and we've designated the translation to Karen from Facebook's University of Epidemiology. I'm all for science but this is where we're failing at the moment. None of them can explain it so a 5 year old can understand it so we're just told to trust them.

I get it but it's easier to post a meme and Google a headline than condense all this data and technology into a format that the average bloke can understand.

I'm getting the jab for the reasons I've posted because I believe the short term benefits are outweighed by any long term risk I may face. To some that make me a sheep but I couldn't give a f*ck. I've already missed two funerals for Covid patients because of travel restrictions and relying on government to fix this mess should show everyone what a farce this has become.

You speak a lot of sense mate.

From my view, we rely on science and continued progress in modern medicine everytime we are ill or with any vaccine to date, and very few have ever questioned it....or known the time in development, ingredients or anything else...

I completely understand that this is the most polarised event in my lifetime, everyone has a view and an opinion and yet again it is causing divides, if you don't agree you are laughed at and called a conspiracy theorist, a Karen, a fanny or a sheep.... both sides are at it (this place just shows it magnified).

Personally I think free choice is key, no one should be forced, but you can't say you are being forced if it is a condition to travel, that will be implemented country to country, currently closed borders or 2 week quarantined show that every country is taking this very seriously.

The main view from people that don't want the jab is the lack of time developing, which I understand.

Plus the survival rate is high and in general it "only" kills the old and weak (I'm not a fan of this argument as we have developed way past survival of the fittest). 

Due to the short time the virus has been present no one knows the longterm affects, it is impossible to guess, you may suffer from lung conditions akin to asbestosis later in life, you can catch repeatedly so this may add to the weakening of your lungs or other organs....who knows..?


I suppose in a nutshell your choice will be between your belief in the ability of modern science/medicine to protect you and others or your belief that the virus is will not affect you in a too adverse way now or in the future.


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2 hours ago, maxhardcore said:

Plenty have died since having the vaccine ?

Amd don’t the vast majority recover from Covid ?

With most not even presenting any symptoms worse than a common cold ?

Plenty are going to die everyday mate, vaccine/covid or not....thats life.

I dont know any stats but I would guess not many have died as a direct consequence of the vaccine.

Only time will give us the answers on this one mate, the same as you need 5 or 10 years to have comfort in the vaccine, I dont think we will fully understand how the virus affects us for the same amount of time.



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16 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

Your right NK plenty do die every day .

How many kids die around the globe 

Daily  weekly monthly from starvation 

Don't forget about land slides/ choking/push bike accident's.and trees falling on cars...

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19 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

Your right NK plenty do die every day .

How many kids die around the globe 

Daily  weekly monthly from starvation 

I'm not sure of the relevance mate?

But a f***ing lot id guess

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4 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

The relevance is death is death and have a dig and see how many Kids who haven’t yet had a life are dying around the globe of Starvation ?

We have mountains of food going to waste that could save them but we choose not to as their is no Profit in that for the globalists .

There is profit in a Vax for a virus that kills 83 year olds on average and in small numbers.

That’s the relevance 

One is profitable and one ain’t ?

Death is Death

Loss is Loss ?

So we have gone from the covid jab and are now talking about food waste and starvation..

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1 minute ago, maxhardcore said:

The relevance is death ‘ loads of other things causing suffering and death and nothing done about it because the maths don’t add up.

Cant be much worse a death than a child slowly dying of hunger and their cannot be much worse for a parent having to helplessly watch it happen .

The relevance is death? 

I know what, let's scrap the NHS and every other health care system in the world. 

All that money wasted on health care could pay towards all those starving across the globe.

We are all going to die so why try and fight it? 

You come out with some shite at times you mate. 

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Just now, maxhardcore said:

Your the one talking the shit imo re expecting all to get a vaccine for something which has as much chance of killing them as suffocation by Paris Hilton’s pussy ffs ?

Stop making up little fibs to try and make yourself relevant. 

Where did I say I expect all to get the vaccine? 

This very real and killing virus has got you going loopy. 

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Just now, maxhardcore said:

You have just said we all going to die so why try fight it ?

I agree with you on that one 

This nonsense has went on long enough

Open up and craic on ?

I was being sarcastic mate.

You are being stupid and you know it. 

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1 minute ago, maxhardcore said:

Your the stupid Fooker willing to let whoever stick shit into your kids for something that won’t kill them


It don’t come anymore STUPID ?

You really are an idiot aren't you Max. 

Tell me again, how many kids have been vaccinated since their roll out? 

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