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to have the corvid jab or not

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You said "end of thread "and then carried on 

Just to show it’s not all doom and gloom my daughter has been nominated and won a local hero award for her work through the pandemic, we may not believe all the shit being pumped at us on the news but

Crack on then you Guinean pig but just respect people’s wishes not to, it’s not rocket science and like a typical little lefty you have to throw in the little snide ONLY SENSIBLE PEOPLE LIKE ME, quip

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The government has just passed a law without any debate in HoC nor has been thru the HoL

no vote on it either, to allow the cops access to anyone’s NHS records to find anyone who is self isolating. This allows the names & addresses to be given to the cops 


Where in this together 



These Regulations amend the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (All Tiers) (England) Regulations 2020...


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  On 30/01/2021 at 03:58, Ted Newgent said:

The government has just passed a law without any debate in HoC nor has been thru the HoL

no vote on it either, to allow the cops access to anyone’s NHS records to find anyone who is self isolating. This allows the names & addresses to be given to the cops 


Where in this together 



These Regulations amend the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (All Tiers) (England) Regulations 2020...



Move along Ted nothing to see here apparently.

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  On 29/01/2021 at 21:52, dogmandont said:

Have I called you an anti vaxer? 


Didn't say you 'personally' called me an anti vaxxer.

But you inferred in your reply to socks, about him being an anti vaxxer, because he's not having a covid vaccine. Then you reply to walshie saying that you're not having it either! Seems a tad hypocritical. 

Edited by shaaark
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  On 28/01/2021 at 10:29, socks said:

I’m not having the jab and I’m certainly not making my judgement on the back of lefty twats or internet professors. 
my reasons for not having the vaccine are as follows. 
1. I’m fit and healthy and hardly ever catch a cold or flue. 
2. The vast majority of people dying of covid are over 80. 
3. 99.8% of covid sufferers recover.

4. The majority of deaths from covid are due to an underlying issue exasperated by the virus. I have none. 
5. the vaccine does not stop you catching or transmitting covid it just stops you getting the virus to an extent it that it will not kill you.

6 there has been no long term testing done on this virus.

7. Due to no long term testing the vaccine suppliers have demanded a waver from the government to any prosecution in the future due to unforeseen problems due to not having done any long term testing. 

so because of those reasons I have come to an informed decision that I don’t need or want the vaccine  




Can't really add anything else to this post. Clear, concise, and refreshingly sensible.

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  On 30/01/2021 at 10:19, shaaark said:

Didn't say you 'personally' called me an anti vaxxer.

But you inferred in your reply to socks, about him being an anti vaxxer, because he's not having a covid vaccine. Then you reply to walshie saying that you're not having it either! Seems a tad hypocritical. 



  On 30/01/2021 at 10:19, shaaark said:

Didn't say you 'personally' called me an anti vaxxer.

But you inferred in your reply to socks, about him being an anti vaxxer, because he's not having a covid vaccine. Then you reply to walshie saying that you're not having it either! Seems a tad hypocritical. 


Because I'm not having it I'm being hypocritical? How exactly? I feel I don't need it but there's certainly people that will benefit from it and could possibly save their lives. 

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  On 29/01/2021 at 23:41, maxhardcore said:

And I hate that fooking new normal mantra 

Let’s just get back to how we were and maybe even better with investment in new state of the art hospitals ‘ staff ‘ services ‘ leisure centres ‘ youth centres ‘ grass root sports and the arts ‘ tax breaks ect for pubs and resturaunts ‘ investment in schools - all schools not just those for the more well off in more well off areas .

Lets get back to Normal only better than before after this shit show .

Fook this new normal buzz word ?


Like it or not it’s  happening mate 

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  On 29/01/2021 at 19:43, dogmandont said:

Keith all I can say is go get the vaccine. 

Dont be listening to the self proclaimed experts on here. 



  On 29/01/2021 at 19:49, dogmandont said:

Its the dangerous side effect of the anti vaxers talking shite and getting into peoples heads. 



  On 29/01/2021 at 20:22, dogmandont said:

Your certainly anti the covid vax. 

What and those against the vax don't do the same. 

Take the blinkers off walshie. 



  On 29/01/2021 at 20:40, dogmandont said:

And I'm the same, I'll not be having it if I'm offered it and my kids certainly won't be having it but I can see the benefits of a vaccine to the elderly and vulnerable. 




  On 29/01/2021 at 21:34, dogmandont said:

Only you can answer that socks as I don't know your stance on the rest. 

I understand people's reservations about the vaccine as I feel the same but for some is has to be lesser of 2 evils surely. 

For someone like Keith with health issues I can only see the benefits of the vaccine but it seems somewhere along the line he's charged his mind about it and that would be a travisty if was because of some self proclaimed expert on here spouting half truths and nonsense 




  On 29/01/2021 at 21:52, dogmandont said:

Have I called you an anti vaxer? 

But if the cap fits. ?

There's absolutely been anti vaxers on this thread spouting a load of bollox as if it facts. 



  On 30/01/2021 at 14:26, dogmandont said:


Because I'm not having it I'm being hypocritical? How exactly? I feel I don't need it but there's certainly people that will benefit from it and could possibly save their lives. 


Look at your posts above mate, and they do look a bit hypocritical.

And there's been more bullshit and lies from the government and scientists re stats, figures etc, that have been pasted and copied on here, by the pro vaxxers, than by people that don't want a covid vaccine.

And your later posts, have made more sense the your first couple. 

I think we're pretty similar in our opinion on this really, as are many others. I won't be having it, you won't, socks won't, and many others on here won't, but can understand why some people will have it, for their own personal reasons, and that's fine.

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  On 30/01/2021 at 16:19, shaaark said:







Look at your posts above mate, and they do look a bit hypocritical.

And there's been more bullshit and lies from the government and scientists re stats, figures etc, that have been pasted and copied on here, by the pro vaxxers, than by people that don't want a covid vaccine.

And your later posts, have made more sense the your first couple. 

I think we're pretty similar in our opinion on this really, as are many others. I won't be having it, you won't, socks won't, and many others on here won't, but can understand why some people will have it, for their own personal reasons, and that's fine.


Im sorry if its come across like that but I've been pretty clear on my opinion about the vaccine and have stated it on this thread a good while ago. 

I agree there's been as much shite talked by the pro vaccine lot as the anti lot and for myself who's somewhere in the middle it's frustrating reading two completely polarised opinions with no room for discussion. 

And then you have a massive bellend like max talking shite and calling lads fannies for wanting the vaccine for very real reasons. 

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