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Well that went wrong!

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Went and checked the stink pit where I dropped a dozen squirrels yesterday  and every one had gone!

I left another and after a good scan around headed back to the car. On the way I heard a fox barking down wind probably about 3/4 a mile away but off me. Thinking it's a dog fox down wind from a vixen I went to the neighbouring farm which is up wind of the barking fox. A crude form of triangulation if you like. 

So I gets to the next farm and walks up the concrete track slowly and scanning as I go. I had seen tracks on this farm last week!

On my right is pasture and on my left is wheat stubble. I see nothing but keep going. The electric poles in stubble field get closer to the road the further you go and wow, curled up asleep at the bottom  of one I get eye shine!

I carefully set the sticks, this fox is less than 50yds away, it'll never be there by the time I'm set up.....but it was. It's looking around and turns back to the lamp. The only shot was between  the eyes.

As clean as a whistle. No more cold winter for that one.


Vixen just coming into heat and I bet her belly is full of squirrels!

Thanks jimmy for the lamp. Its better than my old one ?

Thanks Dave for the whip?

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If there is one thing I hate its snow! If there is one thing I love hunting in its snow! As you know I've been feeding a fox. Think my trail cam just packed up but the fox had taken a p

Went and checked the stink pit where I dropped a dozen squirrels yesterday  and every one had gone! I left another and after a good scan around headed back to the car. On the way I heard a fox ba

Did somebody say NV? 

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1 minute ago, BenBhoy said:

Well done that man. 


Was he clutching his pillow tight???

She was sleeping so I never knew she was there. Maybe she heard me kick a stone so she looked around just as I lit her up by coincidence.

That's the beauty of a handy lamp ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

If there is one thing I hate its snow!

If there is one thing I love hunting in its snow!

As you know I've been feeding a fox.

Think my trail cam just packed up but the fox had taken a pheasant I left it after I breasted the meat.  This morning was my first chance to get out after a few days of bad gout. The forecast was snow but went out anyway. 

I moved into the patch I knew it was living in. Checked the baiting point. Pheasant gone and two of the three squirrels still present.

After I approached a gate, opened it, went through it, shut it, looked down the long meadow only to see the fox running across the meadow 300yards away. I aimed at it knowing it would stop and it did, staring straight at me, BUSTED already!

I held above it wondering what my hold is at that range but did not send one. It moved into the cover.

I went to slightly higher ground and made a stand and started calling. An hour passed and it never showed. It started snowing but I was convinced it was still in this slang that follows a water course. 

Soon a blackbird started kicking off and a crow in there but further upstream so I moved in the same direction keeping 200yds away.

The snow got thicker and as one part of the wooded slang ends and another begins there is a little long paddock overgrown and neglected and wow, there it was. It moved out of the thick large hawthorn hedge and started mooching around in the paddock. I was above it and everytime it went behind  bramble  I got closer. At 100yds plus I sat down in the winter wheat covered in snow. It reappeared, I decided to ignore the wind but worried about the snow catching the bullet! It turned side on. Looked at me so I sent one. It lept into the air like a classic heart shot and ran in a circle and buried itself into a thick bramble.

A classic winter hunt in snow. Critters are more relaxed in snowing weather, they are not expecting any humans to be out at all in it and they are easier to spot.


Vixen in prime condition except for one canine missing. Heart shot. The blood trail was easy to follow.

I only just about for home in the car. People haven't  got a clue how to drive in snow anymore!!

I'm glad the pickup driver finally let go of his brakes when he did!

So there you go, I said " I'll be back ".

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The rut is on.

Have heard a few barking tonight and seen two.

One large dog came charging from 300yds away down to 50 with a squeal from me and me stood out in the moonlight!


Heard some pinks flying over tonight as well. It got to cold for me gone 9:30. My chest was hurting from it.

Nice bowl of rabbit and leek and potato stew and a shot of whiskey should fix that.

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