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my little brindle bitch was pretty fit in this pic....she's also fairly easy to keep reasonably fit..  

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  On 07/12/2020 at 18:05, Black neck said:

I ain't done ote for a bit as you know but after Xmas when the gear is at its finest I shall be at full cry ,blouse flapping about and digging me heels in the winter seed


You go out to early if I was you I'd Waite til May don't mess about with December quarry it's too easy 

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  On 07/12/2020 at 17:39, Penda said:

Trouble is every dog has a breaking point weither it's age ,Injury or just literally chucking the towel in it is what it is now when I had all the time in the world to get out with my dogs and I meant literally all the time in the world there wasn't a single day or night where I wasn't out I was a hungry young lad and so were the lads I knocked about with we had lurchers and terrier that we were out with when ever the chance came about but some times I'l admit that we may be had more about us then the dogs did at time I've literally ran the legs off them the poor fuckers have I learnt from that yes I sure have but sometimes we do think that they are machines I'm as guilty as the next man but now I think as long as the dogs doing the job your happy with then fair play 


My original point had nowt whatsoever to do with pushing dogs to breaking point, that just got thrown in, as the usual response to these kind of things. Joe initially stated that life gets in the way of working dogs, and thats true. My observation was that very few folk manage to get 'the most' out of their dog or see what it really is or isn't capable of, simply because life gets in the way. Working a running dog and taking it on that journey to really give it as much as it can handle (without wrecking it), requires a lot of time, effort and dedication, a drop of luck and probably quite big balls! I know I dont get the most from mine and I work pretty hard at it. No one wants to run their dogs into the ground, but following on from the fit dogs thread, most good lurchers at peak fitness can handle more than the man on the slip most of the time! I dont really care how much anyone else does or how good or bad their dogs are as long as they are happy. . . . . however it is interesting to see that what is often talked about as a 'great' dog is just one thats not crap. See its ALL of the time with collies.

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  On 07/12/2020 at 18:35, SheepChaser said:

My original point had nowt whatsoever to do with pushing dogs to breaking point, that just got thrown in, as the usual response to these kind of things. Joe initially stated that life gets in the way of working dogs, and thats true. My observation was that very few folk manage to get 'the most' out of their dog or see what it really is or isn't capable of, simply because life gets in the way. Working a running dog and taking it on that journey to really give it as much as it can handle (without wrecking it), requires a lot of time, effort and dedication, a drop of luck and probably quite big balls! I know I dont get the most from mine and I work pretty hard at it. No one wants to run their dogs into the ground, but following on from the fit dogs thread, most good lurchers at peak fitness can handle more than the man on the slip most of the time! I dont really care how much anyone else does or how good or bad their dogs are as long as they are happy. . . . . however it is interesting to see that what is often talked about as a 'great' dog is just one thats not crap. See its ALL of the time with collies.


Not crap is all you can hope for then tek it from there before I come on here I thought I'd had some decent dogs but turns out they was crap like ? 

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  On 07/12/2020 at 18:35, SheepChaser said:

My original point had nowt whatsoever to do with pushing dogs to breaking point, that just got thrown in, as the usual response to these kind of things. Joe initially stated that life gets in the way of working dogs, and thats true. My observation was that very few folk manage to get 'the most' out of their dog or see what it really is or isn't capable of, simply because life gets in the way. Working a running dog and taking it on that journey to really give it as much as it can handle (without wrecking it), requires a lot of time, effort and dedication, a drop of luck and probably quite big balls! I know I dont get the most from mine and I work pretty hard at it. No one wants to run their dogs into the ground, but following on from the fit dogs thread, most good lurchers at peak fitness can handle more than the man on the slip most of the time! I dont really care how much anyone else does or how good or bad their dogs are as long as they are happy. . . . . however it is interesting to see that what is often talked about as a 'great' dog is just one thats not crap. See its ALL of the time with collies.


Yeah I get what your saying mate but I think it's not just down to life that fact of the matter is there people out there who are just happy to go out now and again and just do abit of this and that with there dogs I think the b s starts when people make out they do more with there dogs then they actually do get my drift end of the day really dogs only got to prove it's self to 1 person ?

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  On 07/12/2020 at 19:13, Balaur said:

I can honestly say I'm never gonna see my bitches full potential or have enough opportunity to do more than I've done the last few months , which has been time off procured through illness and Pandemic, I've couple of little kids , wife , etc, had I of owned this bitch whilst living at home age 16 with thousands of acres of perm to let rip on , then I may have found an amazing dog or sickened her by 10 months or been locked up lol, as it stands I have too much to lose , no land and little time but we go out optimistically on the odd mooch , for me if I'm honest daytime a good run with no drama is a good day. I feed them , so as long as I get some pleasure from owning them , so be it. Hell I might have an amazing January with them and tbh if they can turn it on when I have the time, which may be a bigger ask than dogs getting chances every day/night ,then they'll do for me.....


Very wise words.

its nearly always true that the more you do, the fitter and better the dog gets, and then the more you want to do and so it goes, until life gets in the way or dog injury. 

Got to admit though I get more pleasure these days from a few hours of good mooching with some fun hunts and no catches, then going out and whacking some bits over on the lamp. But needs must and again work gets in the way, I’d love to be out six hours a day just mooching about but like today I started early doors and came back in the dark. The mrs rattled some bits around with the little dogs but the big dog has sat in the pen, and unless I go forth into the night will continue to do so.

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