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Wild hog eradication

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3 minutes ago, LuckOrJudgement said:

 I read somewhere there might be 3 million hogs on the loose in Texas alone.

That's simply mind blowing, isn't it?

What I'd like to know is HOW? How did it come to this? Europe's had wild boars since there's been a Europe. Not much happening there.

I'd imagine pigs were brought on the Mayflower? So, why now? How come the situation seems to have exploded so recently?

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On 21/11/2020 at 08:39, LuckOrJudgement said:

Great videos. I read somewhere there might be 3 million hogs on the loose in Texas alone. Are they any good to eat?

They definelty can be fine table fare If you know what your doing. Sows and younger ones under the 100 lbs (think thats like 45kg )mark are the main eaters mainly because they don't have the musk,testrone,general toughness of the meat and not to mention that God forsaken shield the big boars have. The shield by the way is a tuck layer of cartilage and muscle around the shoulders, that along with the layers of mud and pine sap it become basically like a armor plate that will deflect smaller bullets or slow them down to the point they don't really effect them. I've skinned out bigboars and have found .22lr up to .223 slugs burried in this not to mention I've seen. 17hmr rounds just kinda spatter on one )

Most common thing to do is just grind everything up into sausage but somone who knows what their doing can have some amazing pork chops ribs and hams .

The big boars that are 150 plus is a different story. If you can actually shoot and drop them dead in their tracks (Found a shot in the upper neck going for the spine is the best) so they don't get all roided up they can be had about the same way though there a few glands that need to be removed.  

That being said if they get really roided like when they have been fighting dogs somine cant shoot them properly or similar it takes some special methods to make the meat good to eat for everyone. Alot of the dog hunters will live catch them with the dogs castrate then release them. Which I gotta say watching 3 rednecks with about 5 beers in each of them try to hold down a 300lbs hog and castrate it is......intresting to say the very least lol.These are called barred boars and really all they do is eat and sleep since they have no sex drive and they are supposed to be the best to eat.

I know in a few states where they do the helicopter hunts or the larger trapping operations they allow the meat to be professionally processed and given to the needy.

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On 21/11/2020 at 08:47, Ken's Deputy said:

That's simply mind blowing, isn't it?

What I'd like to know is HOW? How did it come to this? Europe's had wild boars since there's been a Europe. Not much happening there.

I'd imagine pigs were brought on the Mayflower? So, why now? How come the situation seems to have exploded so recently?

Well hogs really originally came from the Spaniards from Florida.  Apparently the winters up north where too rough for them really establish. So we have alwayly really had them the problem started when sport hunters started to purposely spread them. I know in a few states wealthy hunters had pure Russian hogs imported for high fenced hunting  they ended up escaping and thriving.

And with the popularity of being able to hunt them alot of people are illegally stocking them on their property  so they have their own pools to hunt but of course they move .It's so bad it's actually a felony in my state to be caught transporting wild or feral hogs for the purpose of relocation. 

Another factor is even thought their a problem they don't really live where they cause the damage. So basically big hunter Billy Bob will have a couple of sounders if hogs living on his property and won't let any one hunt them because they his "personal stock " per say.  But they will leave his property and go destroy a few hundred acres of crops on the farmers property next door at night and come back to his to bed up in the day and breed . The farmer is basically feeding them for free and for every one or two he kills on his property their 5-10 making babies(an average litter being around 5-8 )on the other guys.  And the hogs are smart. They know she shooting starts where they .ca run and not be shot.  But that's just a little synopsis of the problem. 

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8 hours ago, keepdiggin said:

Heard wild boar are breeding with domestic pigs over here and were getting feral hogs???

Happens here all the time don't see why it woulnt over there. Talk to about anyone who's had some tame sows where wild hogs where and they will twll you those boars will do some stuff to get to them.

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@Wolfdog91 Good thread mate, very interesting and informative. Done some goggle bashing on the back of this thread and the hog problem in Texas is mind blowing, amazing the sheer numbers and damage they do. What is fascinating is just how hard to hunt they are, always thought pigs where smart but they seem super intelligent. 

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