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The whole country took a massive downturn when we were no longer allowed to administer punishment as a parent .I blame the left movement at every turn for the shite we see and abhore  in this country .

Decent values undermined by those whose only agenda is look at me ,I’m different .Well you ain’t ,your just a cull .

Punishment is where society sets boundaries ,keeps standards and procreates values .Take it away and some just don’t know how to behave on the one hand and go far left on the other ,actively inciting poor values and non conformism .

We will never return to anything that resembles a decent society unless elders are allowed to school kids on rights and wrongs from very early age .

Hate  to say it but my kids ain’t on drugs ,wouldn’t dare , nor would they disrespect  anybody .

They work hard at their chosen occupations because I have and I wouldn’t of accepted anything less from them .We reape what we sow 

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Watching it always leaves me with a bittersweet taste, on one hand you have this emotional ceremony to remember all those that have fallen and on the other hand you shake your head when you see warmon

My wife couldn't cope with our 2 autistic sons and had a mental breakdown 6 nearly 7 yrs ago so I had to give up work to be at home. I've said this on here before but lads like ginger beared and

I’ll be going later to a little church where a few years ago I carried a lad into with 5 other of his friends and sit on the bench outside and have a coffee as I remember how great of a lad he was .

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1 hour ago, chartpolski said:

I wonder how many of us have just observed the two minute silence.........


We normally have a parade and wreath laying ceremony in our village but this year no parade just laying the wreaths and there was still a good turn out ..

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Got a young lad with me now,18yrs old straight  out of 18yrs of bedroom x box games  asks the most stupid questions, was asleep standing up one morning last week,zero go in him walks like a 90yr man.terrible body,totally unfit.talks about zoombies from the computer most days,no girlfriend.

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1 minute ago, Qbgrey said:

Got a young lad with me now,18yrs old straight  out of 18yrs of bedroom x box games  asks the most stupid questions, was asleep standing up one morning last week,zero go in him walks like a 90yr man.terrible body,totally unfit.talks about zoombies from the computer most days,no girlfriend.

A typical teenager then. 

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No it’s not Greb .A typical teenager is full of life not f****d from the night before watching the square box and playing with a consul .
Typical perception is in fact the minority in my experience .Expectations are what are lacking .Some no longer expect our children to achieve anything therefore don’t push them allowing them to slip into oblivion .Everyone i associate with has morals which rubs off on their kids .

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1 hour ago, foxdropper said:

The whole country took a massive downturn when we were no longer allowed to administer punishment as a parent .I blame the left movement at every turn for the shite we see and abhore  in this country .

Decent values undermined by those whose only agenda is look at me ,I’m different .Well you ain’t ,your just a cull .

Punishment is where society sets boundaries ,keeps standards and procreates values .Take it away and some just don’t know how to behave on the one hand and go far left on the other ,actively inciting poor values and non conformism .

We will never return to anything that resembles a decent society unless elders are allowed to school kids on rights and wrongs from very early age .

Hate  to say it but my kids ain’t on drugs ,wouldn’t dare , nor would they disrespect  anybody .

They work hard at their chosen occupations because I have and I wouldn’t of accepted anything less from them .We reape what we sow 

I don’t think as a Nation we’re not allowed to school our kids into knowing what is right and wrong.
The sad thing is. There’s a lot of people out there who don’t know how to punish there kids properly and end up beating there kids to satisfy themselves. (This is what is no longer allowed)

I was in A shop last week when some bloke starts threatening his very young child with a hiding, he said I don’t care who’s about. The kid must have been about five.

I said to the wife (loudly) if he lays a hand on that kid in front of me, we’ll see who gets the hiding. He switched to creepy nice, picking sweets for the kid. Made me sick. Teach your kids right from wrong, but many don’t know how I’m afraid. It starts with respect. 

I was beaten for as far back as I can remember, most of my childhood was spent walking on eggshells. Did it teach me anything? It taught me how to take a beating, nothing more

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25 minutes ago, Qbgrey said:

Got a young lad with me now,18yrs old straight  out of 18yrs of bedroom x box games  asks the most stupid questions, was asleep standing up one morning last week,zero go in him walks like a 90yr man.terrible body,totally unfit.talks about zoombies from the computer most days,no girlfriend.

When I was 18 I was building 60ft x 20ft sectional classrooms on my own on price work and chasing Fanny and partying all weekend. 

That was normal back in my day. But things have changed drastically. 

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9 minutes ago, foxdropper said:

No it’s not Greb .A typical teenager is full of life not f****d from the night before watching the square box and playing with a consul .
Typical perception is in fact the minority in my experience .Expectations are what are lacking .Some no longer expect our children to achieve anything therefore don’t push them allowing them to slip into oblivion .Everyone i associate with has morals which rubs off on their kids .

Personally i think we expect teenagers to grow up too fast.....we are still influenced by the " fighting for my country at 15 " or " down the chimneys when i was 7 " generation and to my way of thinking a first world country just shouldnt be like that or else what was the sacrifice all for.....how we can possibly give teenagers the vote in this country is beyond me,how we can allow them to drive and have the responsibility over human life i think is ridiculous......today we expect them to go from children to adults with literally nothing in between i dont see anything wrong in young adults f****n around like idiots i was pushed into activities beyond my years at an early age and lost out on teenage living that probably had bearing on the rest of my life.....is it just coincidence that theres more people in YOI's than ever before or are we expecting too much of youngsters.....who gains morals when they are obsessed with getting a bunk up or trying out different things....if we allow children to be children and teenagers to be teenagers,then we can expect rather than hope that they become decent adults in my opinion.

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23 minutes ago, foxdropper said:

No it’s not Greb .A typical teenager is full of life not f****d from the night before watching the square box and playing with a consul .
Typical perception is in fact the minority in my experience .Expectations are what are lacking .Some no longer expect our children to achieve anything therefore don’t push them allowing them to slip into oblivion .Everyone i associate with has morals which rubs off on their kids .

You haven't seen many modern teenagers then. ?

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When did "coming of age" drop from 21 to 18 ?

21 used to be when you became an adult; finished your apprenticeship or your higher education.

I know you could vote, get married, join the army, etc when under 21, but it was generally considered the age you had "grown up" .



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The bottom line is, only very few people Care enough about their roots, the state of their country and the state it’s in.

They couldn’t give a shit and in many ways they are the sensible ones, They are happy, they are comfortable and there’s not much they can do anyway given the external and internal forces arrayed against them.

There are periods now when I just think “f**k it, let the gaff die because it deserves to die” ........it has no interest in living ! 

I feel despondent about the whole thing.

75 million people just voted for more of the same self hating shite, they vote for it in the UK and Europe constantly.......what the hell can you do about that ?

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Getting a thrashing off 'the old girl' as soon as we got in from school was normality. Seemed strangely odd if we didn't get one. Made us a bit suspicious for an hour or two.

The good old days eh ?

Edited by shaaark
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48 minutes ago, WILF said:

There are periods now when I just think “f**k it, let the gaff die because it deserves to die” ........it has no interest in living ! 

I feel despondent about the whole thing.

  Pass us those razor blades, Wilf ...

Just posted a very similar sentiment, on Sid's slot :(



As a wild aside? I've just checked and, yes; That actually Is Paul Weller on your avatar!!! Fukking Hell! Where have the years flown?!

Checked the video too. That girl was sweet :)

Seeing Paul, solo, was the last time I ever stood in a crowd. Or will again.


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4 hours ago, Chid said:

We normally have a parade and wreath laying ceremony in our village but this year no parade just laying the wreaths and there was still a good turn out ..

The 2 local schools had the children colour in poppy's and locals made poppies and attached them about the memorial garden . 

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