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  On 08/11/2020 at 00:21, bird said:

Maybe it is, but Chid got stuck in, and got the best out of every situation put in front of him. The prob today alot of people will take the easy way out, in life and in doing so don't succeed. 


  I'm not knocking him at all ray..

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Watching it always leaves me with a bittersweet taste, on one hand you have this emotional ceremony to remember all those that have fallen and on the other hand you shake your head when you see warmon

My wife couldn't cope with our 2 autistic sons and had a mental breakdown 6 nearly 7 yrs ago so I had to give up work to be at home. I've said this on here before but lads like ginger beared and

I’ll be going later to a little church where a few years ago I carried a lad into with 5 other of his friends and sit on the bench outside and have a coffee as I remember how great of a lad he was .

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  On 07/11/2020 at 21:32, Balaur said:

They didn't have much choice in that and was a completely different society back then , not a time I've have liked to have existed in especially ww1 , in my view just a cull to prevent a revolution as seen in France UK and Germany had better ideas .....


I don’t agree with that at all mate, I think that totally devalues those men and Britain.

The “pals” brigades didn’t go because they had too, they went because they had an affinity and a kinship to the people round them and to the soil beneath their feet.

Thats what I like to believe anyway mate ?

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The majority of the "yoof" of today spend all day with their phones in their hands and despite all the texts, emails etc they send, very few can spell or punctuate to a primary school standard.

The CVs/Cover letters I received when I was hiring were generally poor.


Cheers, D.

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  On 07/11/2020 at 21:49, Nik_B said:

Yep Anglesey was awash with cocaine and one of the big arrests was right behind my house...unsurprisingly I slept through the raid because nothing wakes me up but the wife and neighbors were loving it lol.

Personally I think they should make weed legal and separate those people from the hardcore class A drug people, the former is not a big deal but the latter is.


Not until they start lining class A drug dealers up against the wall and shooting them will things get better class A drugs is one of biggest reasons for the decay of British society not a few Poles that's come over hear to graft. The one's around me are sound hard worker's and would sooner have them as neighbours than the home grown workshy scum around me.

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  On 07/11/2020 at 21:33, king said:

If you haven't got a real interest in something you won't be any good at it.you can go through the motions by all means but you are kidding yourself.

If you do have a genuine interest you will be good at it..



i had apprentices that soon became apparent werent interested in the job

I fairly soon found a way to get rid of them

ive only ever worked at jobs I wanted to do and for the most part it never felt like work

i understand that’s not possible for everyone but it baffles me to see people doing something they don’t care about

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  On 07/11/2020 at 21:33, king said:

If you haven't got a real interest in something you won't be any good at it.you can go through the motions by all means but you are kidding yourself.

If you do have a genuine interest you will be good at it..



i had apprentices that soon became apparent werent interested in the job

I fairly soon found a way to get rid of them

ive only ever worked at jobs I wanted to do and for the most part it never felt like work

i understand that’s not possible for everyone but it baffles me to see people doing something they don’t care about

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  On 08/11/2020 at 06:45, keepdiggin said:

 how many of you when meeting up with mates in a boozer on a lads day out would have a sniff? 


few year ago on a site in edinburgh a few roofers got caught having a joint....next day the agent comes in the canteen puts a sign up at peice time...random drug testing beeing carried out....machine driver pipes up mate youl need to replace three quarters of your site if you start that lark....a year i was there never new a man tested....drugs are rife in the building game

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  On 08/11/2020 at 09:24, jackthelad said:

few year ago on a site in edinburgh a few roofers got caught having a joint....next day the agent comes in the canteen puts a sign up at peice time...random drug testing beeing carried out....machine driver pipes up mate youl need to replace three quarters of your site if you start that lark....a year i was there never new a man tested....drugs are rife in the building game


It is mate been on site once and 90% walked off site for something similar 

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  On 08/11/2020 at 08:49, tilimangro said:


i had apprentices that soon became apparent werent interested in the job

I fairly soon found a way to get rid of them

ive only ever worked at jobs I wanted to do and for the most part it never felt like work

i understand that’s not possible for everyone but it baffles me to see people doing something they don’t care about


That's excately it.not interested.maybe in the future they will look back with regret.

I was on the yts at 15 or 16 I think it was the foreman "don" told me on a Thursday morning there's a test exam type thing in swansea tonight for brick laying or plastering get down there he said.

So I managed to get a lift down about 18 miles and got dropped off.done the test and walked about 11 miles home before I had a lift.

A few weeks later the result came through I could be a bricklayer or plasterer I just needed a sponsor to take me on.

I walked to every builder in the area and showed my letter asking could they take me on.every single 1 said no.

So that's it I couldn't do it "gutted" 

And today's lads having apprenticeships but not interested.crazy...

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  On 08/11/2020 at 09:24, jackthelad said:

few year ago on a site in edinburgh a few roofers got caught having a joint....next day the agent comes in the canteen puts a sign up at peice time...random drug testing beeing carried out....machine driver pipes up mate youl need to replace three quarters of your site if you start that lark....a year i was there never new a man tested....drugs are rife in the building game


I have heard the same from mates who have run jobs and work on big sites cocaine being the main drug of choice.

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  On 08/11/2020 at 09:52, maxhardcore said:

As has been mentioned till Gov grow some and craic right down on 

Coke - Smack - Crack dealers and users the whole country will sink on every level .

Bring back hanging for the dealers of Class A's 

Bring back the birch for users.

A bit of Shaira re users thieving ( ie Fingers / then hands ) and within 10 years we'd be back on a even keel re crime as it's mostly all linked to class A's 


It's sad state of affairs max.the lot of them need culling..

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