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Bedlington Northumberland

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I called here on my way home from Scotland last year cos I've always been interested in the Beddie. Had some snap in the boozer in the middle of the town, think its a weatherspoons. Some nice pics of old style beddies on the wall in the boozer and a bit of info. Didn't see a single Beddie though.



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Bit lighter note I was at Bedlington High school as a lad, had and worked a Bedlington named ranger and half Greyhound/Bedlington in my lamping days.  Any way the town has few these up now i pers

If I remember correctly, North Seaton used to run one bend. I had a dog back then, Blue Prince used to love running the bends. 21", 35 pound. Cheers.  

Brook is a Bedlington she strong bitch  PUD

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  On 11/11/2020 at 13:24, WHWT said:

Been out with two different Bed x Borders 




Thought they did ok and were not bad on the eye.



Is that just on rats ?if hybreeding a beddy it should at least look more beddy than what else is in it , a lot of border crosses have short muzzles etc old gn who experimented with different out crosses said hiself the border x was a mistake ,the whole idea of the out x was the gene pool had got so small and to make a better earthdog 

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Aye I personal only seen them on rats, the lad had both them one was Border (sire) x Bedlington (Dam) other Was  Bedlington (Sire) x  Border (Dam) He said the old of the two was earth dog but i never dug to it.


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Seen loads dogs on all types of terriers Lurcher`s Sight hounds  Collies Gun dogs etc and seen some good and not so good in all them but over all as pure ratting dog got be Plummers. Seen them rat pig, chicken, cattle, grain, and general  farms, rubbish tips refuse places, Pheasant pens. Along river banks in woods all over the place really, do other breeds do the job of course they do and do it well as you know I always like to try something different as a challenge really, hence Ranger the Bedlington, Alf the Westie, and now Barney the Dandie.  Any way back to the point I would pick Plummer if you want it purely for ratting, most them still ratter regularly so you got good start. Now this is only my opinion based on the number times we are out and amount we put away.  

Regards PUD

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  On 03/11/2020 at 09:04, chartpolski said:

I remember all the whippet racing tracks up around here.

Ashington, North Seaton, Bedlington, Cramlington, Seaton Burn, Killingworth, Coxlodge, Wallsend Rising Sun, Bigges Main, Westerhope.

Sadly only Rising Sun and Westerhope only still going, just.

Whippet racing is on the decline, but i'm seeing quite a few Bedlington terriers about.



Started my dogs days at Cramlngton/ Seaton Burn/ Coxlodge good memories.

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