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Bedlington Northumberland

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Bit lighter note I was at Bedlington High school as a lad, had and worked a Bedlington named ranger and half Greyhound/Bedlington in my lamping days. 

Any way the town has few these up now i personally thing its good especially the seats.



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Bit lighter note I was at Bedlington High school as a lad, had and worked a Bedlington named ranger and half Greyhound/Bedlington in my lamping days.  Any way the town has few these up now i pers

If I remember correctly, North Seaton used to run one bend. I had a dog back then, Blue Prince used to love running the bends. 21", 35 pound. Cheers.  

Brook is a Bedlington she strong bitch  PUD

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  On 01/11/2020 at 17:09, WHWT said:

Bit lighter note I was at Bedlington High school as a lad, had and worked a Bedlington named ranger and half Greyhound/Bedlington in my lamping days. 

Any way the town has few these up now i personally thing its good especially the seats.




Nice but shame they dont look like the original real macoy Bedlington/rothbury terrier 

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I remember all the whippet racing tracks up around here.

Ashington, North Seaton, Bedlington, Cramlington, Seaton Burn, Killingworth, Coxlodge, Wallsend Rising Sun, Bigges Main, Westerhope.

Sadly only Rising Sun and Westerhope only still going, just.

Whippet racing is on the decline, but i'm seeing quite a few Bedlington terriers about.


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  On 03/11/2020 at 09:04, chartpolski said:

I remember all the whippet racing tracks up around here.

Ashington, North Seaton, Bedlington, Cramlington, Seaton Burn, Killingworth, Coxlodge, Wallsend Rising Sun, Bigges Main, Westerhope.

Sadly only Rising Sun and Westerhope only still going, just.

Whippet racing is on the decline, but i'm seeing quite a few Bedlington terriers about.



All working class pastimes are declining pigeon flying on our patch used to thrive it’s down to 2 clubs now , coursing clubs have gone and as you say whippet race meets are getting fewer and if packham gets his way everything will go the way of the dodo , sad times

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We were on the part refurbishment and extension of Ashington high a few years ago, a kick up the arse from Bedlington. I was surprised at the amount of Bedlingtons about. Modern KC stuff but still more of a terrier type than toy poodle with a bit of substance and colour, not like the light bone and dirty white or pink coats found in some show dogs. I find it strange that a pit village in northern England gave the name to a breed now found throughout the world. The locals still seem proud of their dog.

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  On 03/11/2020 at 19:27, eastcoast said:

We were on the part refurbishment and extension of Ashington high a few years ago, a kick up the arse from Bedlington. I was surprised at the amount of Bedlingtons about. Modern KC stuff but still more of a terrier type than toy poodle with a bit of substance and colour, not like the light bone and dirty white or pink coats found in some show dogs. I find it strange that a pit village in northern England gave the name to a breed now found throughout the world. The locals still seem proud of their dog.


So they should they were once the best terrier of all , shame they av been ruined by the kennel club , profit , egos and glover,just handful of honest ones left that will soon become more fell than beddy 

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  On 03/11/2020 at 09:04, chartpolski said:

I remember all the whippet racing tracks up around here.

Ashington, North Seaton, Bedlington, Cramlington, Seaton Burn, Killingworth, Coxlodge, Wallsend Rising Sun, Bigges Main, Westerhope.

Sadly only Rising Sun and Westerhope only still going, just.

Whippet racing is on the decline, but i'm seeing quite a few Bedlington terriers about.



Used to race my little bitch there at north seaton held on a sunday ,, her racing name was macs queen she was the runt of the litter

remember me dad walking in with her as a pup he got her from the welfare club off one of his mates

as  they did in them days .

Anyy way she was one of the best little whippets there won the welfare shield came out of the traps like a rocket and left them all standing but they would not give me the shield as i was not a member of the welfare club i was only 14 lol

so they gave it to second place,, flyers pet but i still got the cash .

Me dad went ape shit over it and billy gibson the owner of flyers pet few others too

all sayd give the bairn it

That brought back some memories

she was not the runt after that lads


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