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Tories showing their true colours.

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Don't want to get into any rows about it ,but I agree with the Tories on this .

It’s very easy to get all het up at the thought of snotty nosed kids with Tin ribs opening coal at Xmas .    how many of the mams and dads were fuming at not being out at bank holiday ?  h

Right lads, I have been reading various posts on my old town page about this today and plenty of comments like above. I’ll say here what I said to someone today.....every single person in the UK

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  On 24/10/2020 at 06:29, maxhardcore said:

Give over ffs 

Proper Snowflake ' so only certain folk can have an opinion ?

Im sure Stan won't loose any sleep.

Fook me have you seen the price of Whippets ' they out of order ?


Blacky was referring to the ' buying the sun jibe ,' not the man's opinion ,

Your right max,I won't lose any sleep over it ,,but just to clarify things for you ,,around here that would be considered  a vile insult ,it may seem trivial and unimportant to the rest of the country ,but here it is taken seriously and with (I think ) good reason .atb 



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Correct ,Maxie ,that's why I didn't take umbrage ,,I am aware that not every one knows or cares about the sun situation ,that's why the clarification ..

Don't let your drama with Blacky effect your judgement on non  munch bunch related topics .atb 

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Astanley, I apologise for pissing you off. I just cannot get my head round why a working class liverpudlian would support the tories on anything. The tories have targeted Liverpool over decades by deliberately underfunding the area. They underfund the North as a whole but especially target Liverpool because it is such a staunch working class area with traditional ' your never walk alone values'. Boris Johnstone personally insulted scousers by saying you guys had a ' victim  mentality'. Liverpool has more than  its fair share of deprivation why would you agree with the tories that its poorest kids should  not receive school meal during the holidays when we are in a national emergency?




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  On 24/10/2020 at 12:25, jukel123 said:

Astanley, I apologise for pissing you off. I just cannot get my head round why a working class liverpudlian would support the tories on anything. The tories have targeted Liverpool over decades by deliberately underfunding the area. They underfund the North as a whole but especially target Liverpool because it is such a staunch working class area with traditional ' your never walk alone values'. Boris Johnstone personally insulted scousers by saying you guys had a ' victim  mentality'. Liverpool has more than  its fair share of deprivation why would you agree with the tories that its poorest kids should  not receive school meal during the holidays when we are in a national emergency?


No need to apologise mate ,your right  ,successive Tory government s have done their fair share of damage to this city ,( so have rabid left local party politics btw ) but I'm not a an ideologist ,a fair shout is a fair shout whatever direction it comes from ,I am not automatically against any party ,and believe any  decision and policy must be judged on its own merits ...I yet think feeding people's kids in school holidays is another step to ward a nanny state and welfare dependence .atb 

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  On 24/10/2020 at 12:41, Astanley said:

No need to apologise mate ,your right  ,successive Tory government s have done their fair share of damage to this city ,( so have rabid left local party politics btw ) but I'm not a an ideologist ,a fair shout is a fair shout whatever direction it comes from ,I am not automatically against any party ,and believe any  decision and policy must be judged on its own merits ...I yet think feeding people's kids in school holidays is another step to ward a nanny state and welfare dependence .atb 


I think you've hit the nail on the head. I do believe in the so called 'nanny' state. The more individual citizens are looked after by the state the more I like it.I prefer to call it responsible government. The Daily Mail and co can spew their venom about 'handouts' and 'elf and safety' but the truth is that it's the duty of the state to nurture and protect its citizens. I can remember my mam in the fifties taking me to the doctors for jabs and being absolutely over the moon that I wouldn't get polio etc. In those days we were given cod liver oil, orange juice and free school milk. The result was we were a lot healthier than previous generations. I am six inches taller than my brothers who were born before the introduction of the  so called nanny state. That's not a coincidence. (And yes we did all have the same father)?

Since Thatcher the tories have been viciously dismantling state support for people. We've become used to stepping over the homeless, zero hour contracts, food banks and ridiculously high rents because of the deliberate selling off public housing and public assets. Believe me ordinary people were better off in the fifties and sixties than they are now. The tories have created a jungle out there with inequality increasing year on year.

Feeding our poorest kids isn't 'nanny state mate', it's basic government.

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  On 24/10/2020 at 13:18, baker boy said:

And hows that lot working out around the World in the communist countries


I'm not a commie but I can't help but admire how the Chinese have virtually eliminated Covid.They are capable of testing eleven million people in two weeks. We can't even get our " world beating testing service" even remotely  functional.

A better example of  co7ntries where there is a high degree of state support and intervention would be the Nordic countries, especially Finland. Brilliant place. Consistently scores as the best place to live in the world.

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Any parent who cannot provide food for their children should have them taken off of them and prevented from having more , to many people are happy living on handouts that in all honesty are in excess of their  needs .

Edited by micky
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I think the reason the "north" isn't looking on the Torys with the venal hatred and distrust of the past is down to Labour. 

Now, I was a lifelong labour voter until I sussed out Blair. Yes, I voted for him first time, but never again.

Labour took its core voters, white working class northerners, for granted, they concentrated more and more on minority's like the black and Asian votes, the LGBT votes and any other looney fringe.

This culminated in Corbyn who completely ignored the labour voting Brexit supporters, who answered in the only way they can....with their vote.

I used to have a saying ; " if the only choice on the ballot paper was vote Tory or stick pins in your own eyes, I would have no hesitation in saying pass me the pins"

I held my nose and voted for Boris, simply because he promised to deliver Brexit. I couldn't vote for someone I considered a traitor and terrorist supporter.

We didn't desert Labour.........Labour deserted us !


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  On 24/10/2020 at 13:43, micky said:

Any parent who cannot provide food for their children should have them taken off of them and prevented from having more , to many people are happy living on handouts that in all honesty are in excess of their  needs .


Exactly,  the vote was correct. If you cant afford to have kids you shouldn't have them , why should taxpayers pay for the lazy scrotes on benefits . They still drink , smoke have an iPhone etc boils my piss. How come I have worked all my life and could only afford 1 child whereas these scrotes have 4 & 5 kids just to claim benefits. 

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