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Tories showing their true colours.

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So our true blue comedian Boris Johnstone has, along with 321 of his fat _arsed colleagues   decided not to offer school meals during the school holidays to the nation's poorest children. They say they don't want to encourage a "dependency" culture. "Handouts" are not the forward  they reckon in their infinite  f***ing  wisdom.

One third of children lived in official poverty before Covid and two thirds of those children had a least one parent working. Since many parents are now furloughed or have lost their jobs because of Covid, there must be many families really living on the bones of their arses.

 Merry Xmas  ya tory scumbags! How many have them have had handouts from the state in business grants,  tax dodging and access to the privileged bank of mam and dad? How many of them are dependent on their public school  nudge nudge wink wink backgrounds?

This pandemic is like a war against an external enemy. We should all be united. Instead the scum go back to what they know best.... division and class warfare.

f**k the tories and their toxic policies!


Edited by jukel123
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Don't want to get into any rows about it ,but I agree with the Tories on this .

It’s very easy to get all het up at the thought of snotty nosed kids with Tin ribs opening coal at Xmas .    how many of the mams and dads were fuming at not being out at bank holiday ?  h

Right lads, I have been reading various posts on my old town page about this today and plenty of comments like above. I’ll say here what I said to someone today.....every single person in the UK

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It’s very easy to get all het up at the thought of snotty nosed kids with Tin ribs opening coal at Xmas . 

how many of the mams and dads were fuming at not being out at bank holiday ? 

how many are cutting around in 120 notes trainers ? 

I agree with the concept of free school dinners , but I go nowhere , I don’t go to the boozer, I wear  nice stuff but I make it last . 

id love to be head to toe in tattoos and be able to stick her full of Botox and wardrobes like a Russian hooker but the reality is we make do and the kids come first . 



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  On 23/10/2020 at 20:31, jukel123 said:

If you' re not on the wind up, you must be the only scouser who agrees with the bustards. You don't buy The Sun do you?


As I say ,I don't want to get into any rows about it ,so I will ignore the assumption that Scousers are somehow generic ,and have to be rabid anti Tory ,and I won't bite at the buying the sun jibe .

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I'm sorry gents, if head teachers, parents and social workers report kids in genuine need of a hot meal then ffs let's feed our kids in a national emergency. Why do we need a vote in the commons and endless debate to feed the nation's kids? Its not about political affiliations or scoring party points, its about common sense and humanitarianism.



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With all the help that's been offered by private business and some councils it might turn out to be the best outcome and the tories inadvertently might start making ordinary working class folk start looking after each other instead of us going further into the selfish society we have become. 

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I agree with them not doing it.i work to feed my kids.i know people who don't work who feel entitled to owt for nowt always have holidays everything paid for them out every weekend or in the bookies.its our kids and us in the future who will be paying for it all.its the workers here that have been hit the most who arnt entitled to the free school meals anyway!!!!

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It must be a terrible situation to be in where there aren't any jobs of any sort out there and people's hopes and dreams are being strangled  by covid.  But there have always been areas of the country where some people have no comprehension of getting  up for work.  They've  never worked or their father or their father afore that.  It isn't anything new and thirty years ago the local butcher told my sister that she was one of a very few who bought extra meat when the kids were on summer holiday. There is a lot of hardship and a lot of self indulgent spending.  It's like all those refugees on Lesbos whose tent camp burnt down and they've got nothing.  But they don't look dirty, they aren't dressed in rags. They don't look thin. They've all got the latest phones.  So how do they charge these phones up.?  How and where do they get a provider.  The pandemic isn't  the government's fault and when you see all the festive boozing out in the streets you wonder the mentality of people.  The next thing could be a case of "giz a job.  Go on, I could do that. Giz a job mate. Still I  suppose no one considers the trillions of debt that the goverment is giving out. We will have to pay this back and this debt could still be owing in the time of our children.  It's all above me and all I  can do is to lòok after mine.  Some you cant help. Some get help but it's  always the needy that dont get. That Andy Burnham looked a bit like Derek Hatton years ago with the hard faced union bully boys behind him. The government  just bypassed him and gave the money out to the local councils. 

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  On 23/10/2020 at 22:00, Meece said:

It must be a terrible situation to be in where there aren't any jobs of any sort out there and people's hopes and dreams are being strangled  by covid.  But there have always been areas of the country where some people have no comprehension of getting  up for work.  They've  never worked or their father or their father afore that.  It isn't anything new and thirty years ago the local butcher told my sister that she was one of a very few who bought extra meat when the kids were on summer holiday. There is a lot of hardship and a lot of self indulgent spending.  It's like all those refugees on Lesbos whose tent camp burnt down and they've got nothing.  But they don't look dirty, they aren't dressed in rags. They don't look thin. They've all got the latest phones.  So how do they charge these phones up.?  How and where do they get a provider.  The pandemic isn't  the government's fault and when you see all the festive boozing out in the streets you wonder the mentality of people.  The next thing could be a case of "giz a job.  Go on, I could do that. Giz a job mate. Still I  suppose no one considers the trillions of debt that the goverment is giving out. We will have to pay this back and this debt could still be owing in the time of our children.  It's all above me and all I  can do is to lòok after mine.  Some you cant help. Some get help but it's  always the needy that dont get. That Andy Burnham looked a bit like Derek Hatton years ago with the hard faced union bully boys behind him. The government  just bypassed him and gave the money out to the local councils. 


That doesn't mean innocent kids should have to suffer those consequences though, it's not their fault is it? 

It's not really a debate about benefits and such, it's about them refusing to give kids a meal in half term. 

Edited by Greb147
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  On 23/10/2020 at 20:55, stumfelter said:

Like my mate always says "if you can't afford to have kids don't have kids."


Right lads, I have been reading various posts on my old town page about this today and plenty of comments like above.

I’ll say here what I said to someone today.....every single person in the UK can afford to have kids, period ! 
What they can’t afford is the bottomless f***ing pit of demands from local and national Government and their NGO, Financial institution pals, their poxy right on causes, their profligate wasting of money on total f***ing nonsense !.......that’s what people can’t afford ! 
They have just had “Black History Month”.......I bet that cost 20 million quid if it cost a penny !

MPs getting £80 large a year and putting f***ing stamps and Kit Kat’s on the expenses.......total f***ing arseholes 

And they are all at it, Labour and Tory.

It totally fucks up the argument to call it “a Tory thing”.......Labour are masters at picking every poor c**ts pocket as well for all their social engineering shite so don’t anyone be coming that one either.

If we as a country can’t spare some of the gargantuan amount of tax they take off people to give some poor little c**t a plate of hot grub then I don’t know.......fact is, nobody would even notice ! 
It not like you will ever see a penny back for any “saving” because you won’t 

We should hang our heads in shame.

When they stop taking everyone’s money then they can make a case for telling people to look after themselves, especially those most in need ! 

Edited by WILF
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