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Which Break Barrel?

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Hi all,

Been looking at buying a break barrel to compliment other guns, HW100 .22, FN19 .22 and the HW97K .22, looking at other reviews I was thinking either the HW80 or HW98 in .177, what are your thoughts? A wild card, HW90 with the Theoben gas ram, anyone used one?

If it’s a springer in fairness I will probably send it straight off to Tony Burton for a Vortek tune.



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Hw95k or hw80k , would be my choice 

Same as that depending on your physicality, eighty if your big and strong 95 if a bit more compact , but if your going for a vortex tune even an smk will be usable at sub 12 ?

well if anything is going to break it will be anything i own.no good luck ever.anyway the spring broke or was partially broke when i bought the gun from brand new.everything seemed good to start then

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if like me you only shoot freehand the 98 is nose heavy.and after 300 shots it chewed itself to pieces so i would not buy another.the hw90 is a nice gun but it does take some getting used to the way it shoots.does not behave/ react as a springer does.you need to fire one really to see if you will get on with it.i liked mine as i can shoot everything as when i buy something i master it.

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  On 21/10/2020 at 18:30, Gaoler said:

I'm looking at a HW95 Luxus in .177, then probably give it to Tony Burton for a Vortek PG-3 tune and polish.

I like the look of the lighter weight for hunting all day.


Go for it but do it yourself... Tony is a nice bloke and will guide you in the right direction if you need it?

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would not let sandwell field sports touch another air rifle of mine.they fecked up my 98 would go off like a rimfire every 35 shots or so.other problem was after it warmed up the zero would drop and keep dropping.when cold it start bang on again the the cycle would repeat.gun went back and i was told there was no problems.should have got small claims involved but at that point could not be bothered as i just wanted rid of the gun.

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