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things that go bump in the night

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alright all just wondering if you ladies and gents have ever got a bit on the scared side when out lamping , the reason iam asking is cause i was out last week on my own was walking towards the fence which runs along the bottom of a very steep bank , the bank goes strait up for about 900 yards at the bottom there are small trees anyway all of a sudden there was a strainge crashing noise commin from the top and it sounded like it was commin strait down to me , then it stoped :o

i put the lamp on to have a look but did not see anything apart from sheep which where running left and right from where this noise had come from . i looked at the dog the dog looked up at me and growled and toke a step back :icon_eek: well that was enough for me and off i went back to the moter (sharpish) . never in all the times ive been out lamping have i ever been scared :icon_redface: so come on lets here your stories.



oh i went back the next day to have a look in daylight ...........it was an old tree stump :icon_redface: :icon_redface: must be because of all the rain that we have had :whistling:

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Two things ................first was out with the lamp,and,a crashing came from a hedge that ran down a banking towards me,and,was coming very fast and very loud....all of a sudden a huge boar badger came crashing out of the end of the hedge,I shit my self till I realised what it was................second,I was out with the dog just for a walk,it was about 2230hrs and pitch black.I usually have my lamp with me when I take the dogs out,but,I had forgotten to bring it. :doh: I was in the middle of nowhere(but,I knew the area)and,the terrier was with me right at my side....all of a sudden she just stood bolt still and just barked and barked and barked.I couldn't see a thing in the darkness,but,if it had been a rabbit/fox/badger/deer she would of just been after it,and,if it had been a person she would of been all over them as she was a very personable bitch.It was just not part of her normal behaviour,and,I can honestly say that I have never been so scared in my whole life :o .I wonder if it was a big cat :blink: ,as I have seen one albeit a few years before that,it was in the same field.I did head straight for the van that night. :yes:

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come on 47 veiws and only a couple of replys , what has no one been sort of scared or are you :icon_redface: to say :D


god yes i have been scared shitless by horses in a field to the point where i ran through a barbed wire fense to get away from them & then had a panic attack :laugh:

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i was doing the same the other night. just taking the dogs out. suddenly the spaniel and terrier went mad. i turned the lamp on to see a lynks running away.

we have had quite a few big cat sitings in the last few years. puma lynks.

and no didn't mistake it for a fat cat. this thing was f*cking huge.

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The worst ive had is when ive been night fishing at my sydicate first time, so you get told all the ghost stories and i got to my swim set up had a couple of beers settled down for the night scared already becuase of them stories so night falls i get into my sleaping bag, it was a dark night and the place were i fish it gets that dark i cant see my hand in front of my face but anyway about 11pm i start hearing rustling and breaking of twigs right behind my bivvy and a strange noise starts bellowing out behind me....it was a deer bleating or grunting i dont know lol...but that was the 1st event, the 2nd came a bit later about 2am and i couldnt sleep so i looked out my bivvy door and was watching a rat eating then all of a sudden a big bloody owl jumps on top of it and takes it away screaming. :o i was in hear attack mode at this poing but the 3rd and final event was the worst was about 7am and it was the worst i was asleap and got woken up by 2 members 1 in a scream mask the other 1 was in freddie crugers shouting in my face to wake me up............to come do the work party :o:o feck me!!!! i only fish this place now in the day and only night it with a mate now, beatifull place in the day but s eary and spooky at night lol because its milles from anywere

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was out one night at the stables with a mate and air rifles. we was lamping the hedge rows, when we caught some eyes, too big to be a rabbits and there was no horses left out, so we went in for a closer look thinking it was just a fox or maybe a deer, out of no where it just ran at us, well ive never jumped over a fence as fast straight back to the house, didnt get a decent look at it, but was rather large, don't think it was a fox. we have been back plenty of times after that but not seen a thing :hmm: maybe it was a large stray dog or fat fox, we will never know.....

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was out one night at the stables with a mate and air rifles. we was lamping the hedge rows, when we caught some eyes, too big to be a rabbits and there was no horses left out, so we went in for a closer look thinking it was just a fox or maybe a deer, out of no where it just ran at us, well ive never jumped over a fence as fast straight back to the house, didnt get a decent look at it, but was rather large, don't think it was a fox. we have been back plenty of times after that but not seen a thing :hmm: maybe it was a large stray dog or fat fox, we will never know.....



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was out one night at the stables with a mate and air rifles. we was lamping the hedge rows, when we caught some eyes, too big to be a rabbits and there was no horses left out, so we went in for a closer look thinking it was just a fox or maybe a deer, out of no where it just ran at us, well ive never jumped over a fence as fast straight back to the house, didnt get a decent look at it, but was rather large, don't think it was a fox. we have been back plenty of times after that but not seen a thing :hmm: maybe it was a large stray dog or fat fox, we will never know.....






may well have been, didn't realy get a good look :(

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so i heared.

the local keeper always keeps his camera in the car now.

but you now what its like, things near happen when you want them to but always when you don't.

give it time i'm sure we'll get a pic soon.

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Gyp used to frighten the piss out of me in the house, never mind when we were out! my old place had a big glass sliding door which opened onto the garden. sometimes when i was on the comp after midnight Gyp would stand at the door, hackles up, growling, then barking, then he'd run to the window next to the comp, bark there, then back to the door. i lived on my own, next to a railway line, and the outside light was f*cked so i couldn't turn it on to see what was outside! it was probably just a munty in the garden, but i didn't fancy going to look, and bugger letting the dog out & being in there on my own!

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About two months ago I had a close call with a big black cat (aye, laugh all you want, I know what I saw) Saw a pair of eyes in among some undergrowth I thought it was a fox from a distance, so I started the squeaker (electric thingy) and it started coming in, but it wasn't moving the way it should have, so I took the red filter off and there, about 30yds away was a big black cat! The big dog was for having a go (she actually stodd in front of me - almost as if she was protecting me), but obviously that wasn't going to happen unless the fecker went for me (we were about 50yds from a house, so it'd bought me enough time to leg it). It just stood sniffing the air and ground for about 45 sec - 1 minute. I started to back of slowly but it never followed. When I made it to the path, I ran my feckin lungs out to get home. Don't think I've been as scared in my life! I actually couldn't stop crying uncontrollably as I ran (felt like a bloody kid, but just couldn't stop)

When I phoned the cops they weren't interested. The girl at the SSPCA was more concerned that I was breaking the law by lamping!? :wallbash: I said, I had permission to lamp rabbits but really sweetheart your missing the point - THERE'S A FECKIN BIG CAT 1 1/2 MILES FROM MY HOUSE!!! She put me onto a big cat watch group and their Ayrshire rep called me to check it out. After satisfying his questions, it urns out mine was the FOURTH sighting in the area in a seven day period and there had been loads in recent months! Now, for those who think I' talking p1sh, this was no "...it was a fleeting glimpse, I saw it's tail as it jumped a hedge etc. etc." type sighting. This was a minimum of 1 minute contact time at a distance of 30 - 35 yds (checked in daylight) from someone who spent a lot of time in Africa when he was younger, so I've seen a few cats in my time. When I told the farmer a cope of days later, he said he'd found a sheep ripped to bits the morning after my sighting but assumed it had been a dead one eaten be a fox or a local dog had worried it.

I can understand some folk thinking I'm talking b0ll0cks, but those on here who know me will know I say it as I see it.

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