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First blood....

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Well guys been doin a bit over the last few days putting the panorama 3x9x40 on our lasses ultra  se .177an sighting that in down at the airgun club, and getting the airmax compact 4 x16 x 44 set up on my baby my hw110 laminate .177 ??

Set the 110 up outside in a slight breeze other day an its had its first real outing tonight just before dark an bagged a woody for its first kill.


Got up quite early this morning an had a quick mooch on the new permission baggged a squurrel first with the ultra from about 30 yards had to stalk under a tree an watch it burying some nuts while i found somewhere for a steady shot. Luckily there was an old milk crate upside down under this little tree that i managed to get to an then when i was comfy i got the squizzrrs attention with a light squeek an it sat side on perfectly whipe i lined up the shot ??

Then had a mooch around the tree line an saw some crows in a tree about 100 yards away. Got close enough an there was still a couple there. Forgot the rangefinder so had to get well close enough an looking down the scope it was crystal clear so i knew it was somewhere within my zero range that i had focused the scope to the day before in the airgun club. Took the first one out with an awesome headshot half crouched kneeling unsupported thru some over hanging branches then the rest of them did their usual noisy flying round s**t until another one landed an i got another clear shot. Rinse an repeat 2 more times an i had 4 before they all clicked on an buggered off out of range.


Loving the ultra an the hw110 bangin little guns. Off to fry up some woody an squirrel now ?? 




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