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I think it's time we all moved off this now, it is becoming out of all proportion. I am not trying to close down anyone's freedom of speech or negate anyone's opinion but I am going to delete the other threads on this.


Donation is voluntary - there should be no pressure exerted or felt by any member. As moderators we will have to watch out for this more in the future.


It is true that the ability to donate has not been very well promoted - an that is down to Ian and the moderators for not making more of it. As a result we have had a few 'recruitment drives' which I am sure were welcome, but should not have become press gangs. So lets give it a rest for a bit.


Making this a 'paid membership' will solve nothing - the people we hope to keep out will find the money and many of those we would seek to encourage or learn from would not.


There has long been discussion on how to control the 'classifieds' more effectively. We have the new rules and we've been looking at some sort of 'right to sell' criteria. Ian has chosen 'donator' for now but it could change. Don't see these two events as connected.


We are in danger of losing good members over this, so lets all take a deep breath, and just let the whole thing go.


Keep Hunting :thumbs:




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I'm not so sure I feel this is a very worthy site and the information and advice I have obtained since I was a member was very helpful indeed. £5 is a very small amount to pay. Hunt Fees £500, Horse and Tack £10,000, Shot Guns from £300 to £10,000. Feret Finders £180, Lurchers and Terriers up £500, etc etc.


Its not much to ask for IanB. I did'nt even know you could donate until it was posted. I still think members should be made more aware that they can donate. If you think your getting too much money, give it to the Hospice for elderly care. (My wife is a care nurse and they need the money).







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