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39 minutes ago, dogmandont said:

So you don't think the toffs got a bit of leeway and the rest got thrown under the bus? Because that's how it looked. 

No not at all. Contrary to what you might be led to believe in the media, very few people who hunt with hounds are 'toffs'. And the mounted hunts were the labour parties actual target. The fact that they found a way to exist, under massive pressure, is just how it worked out. 

The only people who got any lee way were gamekeepers who got a terrier work exemption. This was a done deal between basc and the Labour Party, Labour had appointed a minister for shooting in an attempt to split shooting people and those who liked hound sports 

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Having a bit of a sort out the other day and found this little radio. 22 years ago myself and half a million others converged on London to let our voices be heard to try and stop the ban on fox huntin

still got my cards from the waterloo cups that i attended.... and the red collar my bitch wore when she won the windmill cup

Truth is, if the hunt accidentally puts up a fox and kills it, they have broken no law they laid a scent trail ( through every good copse) so it’s an accident and not illegal, the same thing if you ar

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28 minutes ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

Said for years we should have just went and trashed the place 

I’ll never ever support anything en masse again like that 

That's what our opponents would have been hoping for in order to turn the great British public even more anti hunting, and they don't really give a shit about animal rights anyway in my experience.  As long as they have cheap meat, eggs and expensive puppies how they are produced is not something that they care to think about. Even Blair allegedly said he wasn't bothered about fox hunting one way or the other.

Edited by eastcoast
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8 hours ago, shovel leaner said:

Having a bit of a sort out the other day and found this little radio. 22 years ago myself and half a million others converged on London to let our voices be heard to try and stop the ban on fox hunting. It didn’t work and the BBC and mainstream media hardly covered what was and is the largest demonstration in this country’s history. It was a peaceful event with no looting or bad behaviour. But what did the media show ?A handful of hippies shouting at us . Bloody typical.

        Anyway this little radio was given to loads of us and was supposed to broadcast a special March radio program but it got sabotaged and jammed , by the unwashed ? I’m going to keep it safe , as it’s a bit of a souvenir from a special day .



6 hours ago, baker boy said:

I was there never even seen them radios


44 minutes ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

Said for years we should have just went and trashed the place 

I’ll never ever support anything en masse again like that 

I went up on a special train.   It was packed.  Shoulder to shoulder. We mooched around all day in a massive human crocodile train.  At the entrance to one of the underground stations there were an amount of antis. We were forming up to have a crack at them but plod was 3 deep protecting them.  We couldn't find anywhere  to eat and eventually we got into this tapas bar in Belgravia.  We didn't know any better.! And there just didn't seem to be any other option.  The bill came to £450 !!! One of the group was a wealthy bloke and we chucked £20 each in the pot and he covered the rest on his company.  For all that we were let down by or orgs.  They didn't push home the advantage.  It's  like kwis now.  I do hope that the license fee is scraped and the BBC lovies, homos, and antis are hung out to dry.  Basic also. Waste of spacers.

Edited by Meece
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Must say I’ve always got the impression that the mounted tally ho nob jockeys think there better than everyone  else , bumped in to a couple and to be fair they all come across as arrogant pricks , I’ve tried to have a chat with couple them ( mainly about the horses to be fair ) even the women were stuck up bitches ? mate asks me every year go  the local hunts at Boxing Day ,mainly give the antis some shite or get the odd sneeky run , but I’d rather sit and talk to the mother in law for a couple of hours than for people to see me looking like a like the jockey brigade ?

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11 minutes ago, Elchapo said:

Must say I’ve always got the impression that the mounted tally ho nob jockeys think there better than everyone  else , bumped in to a couple and to be fair they all come across as arrogant pricks , I’ve tried to have a chat with couple them ( mainly about the horses to be fair ) even the women were stuck up bitches ? mate asks me every year go  the local hunts at Boxing Day ,mainly give the antis some shite or get the odd sneeky run , but I’d rather sit and talk to the mother in law for a couple of hours than for people to see me looking like a like the jockey brigade ?

To be fair I didn’t give a monkeys about the hunting. But it’s the thin end of the wedge . Once they got hunting banned they weren’t going to hang up their balaclavas, no  , it was shooting next . 
        The countryside got together, Lurcher lads , Ferrett fanciers , pheasant shoots , we all stood together to face the common enemy . Fat lot of good it did though. Having said that the hunts are still taking the heat off the shooting .??? Long may they continue ?

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7 minutes ago, shovel leaner said:

To be fair I didn’t give a monkeys about the hunting. But it’s the thin end of the wedge . Once they got hunting banned they weren’t going to hang up their balaclavas, no  , it was shooting next . 
        The countryside got together, Lurcher lads , Ferrett fanciers , pheasant shoots , we all stood together to face the common enemy . Fat lot of good it did though. Having said that the hunts are still taking the heat off the shooting .??? Long may they continue ?

What really should of happened it start a civil war like the yanks would done ?

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7 minutes ago, Elchapo said:

Must say I’ve always got the impression that the mounted tally ho nob jockeys think there better than everyone  else , bumped in to a couple and to be fair they all come across as arrogant pricks , I’ve tried to have a chat with couple them ( mainly about the horses to be fair ) even the women were stuck up bitches ? mate asks me every year go  the local hunts at Boxing Day ,mainly give the antis some shite or get the odd sneeky run , but I’d rather sit and talk to the mother in law for a couple of hours than for people to see me looking like a like the jockey brigade ?

The "us and them" attitude together with horses and "red" coats is a great gift to the antis. It personifies the landed gentry but is often an unfair prejudice. Having said that they don't help themselves at times. I spent a season following a "local" mounted pack in the hope of being accepted and possibly even achieving my ambition at the time of working a terrier on a hunt day. I was always quiet and respectful (possibly too much so bordering on shy) at the meets, donating to the cap and following in my car. One day the perfect opportunity presented itself. Hounds ran a fox into what looked like a kick out in a small rabbit warren. I was watching from the road through binoculars as a hunt member borrowed a spade from the farm and started banging on the earth to try and shift the fox (?).  I started walking across the heavy ploughed field (causing no damage) towards them with the intention of offering to try a terrier that I had left in the car. My God, the abuse that they gave me! It was the full get off the land stuff. The most foul mouthed was a woman .  That was the last time that I followed or supported that hunt.

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Truth is, if the hunt accidentally puts up a fox and kills it, they have broken no law they laid a scent trail ( through every good copse) so it’s an accident and not illegal, the same thing if you are walking your dog and it accidentally has a course catch or not you haven’t broken the law, it’s just hard when you crashed through the gate in a 4x4 launched the dog and had a phone full of similar videos to claim it was an accident ?

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The hunts have had to take a good look at themselves. They didn’t/don’t do themselves any favours in the eyes of a lot of the public. 
      Even some country people have little time for them . There is still a bit of an elitist element particularly with some of the famous hunts . But there are also some very working class packs doing a proper pest control job . 
       What the animal right brigade didn’t realise is that mounted fox hunting has very little to do with killing foxes and a lot to do with Exciting  horse riding . Foxes were positively encouraged to live in hunting areas . Where hunting is no longer happening. People like me go out at night and shoot them . I think if you asked the fox what he would prefer , a sporting chance or near certain death from a ballistic tip ? I know what his answer would be .

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24 minutes ago, eastcoast said:

The "us and them" attitude together with horses and "red" coats is a great gift to the antis. It personifies the landed gentry but is often an unfair prejudice. Having said that they don't help themselves at times. I spent a season following a "local" mounted pack in the hope of being accepted and possibly even achieving my ambition at the time of working a terrier on a hunt day. I was always quiet and respectful (possibly too much so bordering on shy) at the meets, donating to the cap and following in my car. One day the perfect opportunity presented itself. Hounds ran a fox into what looked like a kick out in a small rabbit warren. I was watching from the road through binoculars as a hunt member borrowed a spade from the farm and started banging on the earth to try and shift the fox (?).  I started walking across the heavy ploughed field (causing no damage) towards them with the intention of offering to try a terrier that I had left in the car. My God, the abuse that they gave me! It was the full get off the land stuff. The most foul mouthed was a woman .  That was the last time that I followed or supported that hunt.

I can 100% fully believe you , they think there a cut above the rest , So after spending a full season supporting them you go to offer your help and your treated like a leppa, I bet if you had one them special red toff coats on and trotted across on a pony with a dog under your arm and a pipe in your mouth shouting “ I’ll give thee little dog a go what what “ they would been fine and dandy ???

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1 hour ago, DIDO.1 said:

No not at all. Contrary to what you might be led to believe in the media, very few people who hunt with hounds are 'toffs'. And the mounted hunts were the labour parties actual target. The fact that they found a way to exist, under massive pressure, is just how it worked out. 

The only people who got any lee way were gamekeepers who got a terrier work exemption. This was a done deal between basc and the Labour Party, Labour had appointed a minister for shooting in an attempt to split shooting people and those who liked hound sports 

I've been following foot packs for years Dido and have had a few good days over the years following the local mounted pack so I know what kind of people make up a hunting field, it just seems that the mounted packs get to basically carry on as normal and the rest get the book thrown at them or maybe the packs just play the game better I don't know. It's just my limited opinion on things over your way. 

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Just now, dogmandont said:

I've been following foot packs for years Dido and have had a few good days over the years following the local mounted pack so I know what kind of people make up a hunting field, it just seems that the mounted packs get to basically carry on as normal and the rest get the book thrown at them or maybe the packs just play the game better I don't know. It's just my limited opinion on things over your way. 

They just play the game better ?. But then they have to. 

To be fair if you got caught running a hare with a lurcher and had permission to be on the land then it's hard to get in trouble, you can say you were after rabbits and a hare jumped up. The hunting ban hit poachers hard, but then many lurcher men have made a massive problem with their conduct....now the working man who wants a mooch is stuck between the scumbag gangs of dog men and the public, police and landowners. The working man having a mooch and a run were the unintended victim of everyone 

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12 minutes ago, shovel leaner said:

The hunts have had to take a good look at themselves. They didn’t/don’t do themselves any favours in the eyes of a lot of the public. 
      Even some country people have little time for them . There is still a bit of an elitist element particularly with some of the famous hunts . But there are also some very working class packs doing a proper pest control job . 
       What the animal right brigade didn’t realise is that mounted fox hunting has very little to do with killing foxes and a lot to do with Exciting  horse riding . Foxes were positively encouraged to live in hunting areas . Where hunting is no longer happening. People like me go out at night and shoot them . I think if you asked the fox what he would prefer , a sporting chance or near certain death from a ballistic tip ? I know what his answer would be .

The way that the "registered" mounted hunts used to operate, pre-ban, only hounds and no fast dogs, no guns and attempting to bolt a fox when it had been ran to ground? Not the most efficient method of fox control if fox control is your argument for the reason to hunt. 

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Been out (car/foot) with several hunts about the country over the past 40 years or so. The south west packs are the friendliest by far.

Lake packs are wary but ok once you get to know them.

Beaufort etc, forget it.

Cheers, D.

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1 hour ago, dytkos said:

Been out (car/foot) with several hunts about the country over the past 40 years or so. The south west packs are the friendliest by far.

Lake packs are wary but ok once you get to know them.

Beaufort etc, forget it.

Cheers, D.

I've been out with 40 packs so far. I've found the further south you go the more welcoming and friendly they get. 

And that's coming from a northerner. The problem with the big packs is they need more money/horsey people to survive, so there are more of them sort of people....this means your more likely to see or come into contact with that sort of person.....doesn't mean the real hunting people aren't there or even that they aren't the backbone of the whole thing. I guess first impressions always count though which is often a shame. 

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