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runing ground

Guest markbrick1

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Guest markbrick1

after a comment from someone the other day about me runing my dogs in my comfort zone of cornwall and him thinking that its all plain sandy green fields down here i thought i would ask the question,were will you run your dog,Down here i run my dogs on most things being the granite capitol of coarse we have a lot of rocky fields,we also have a lot of sand and regular lamping of beachs goes on as well,but when we do sandy areas day are night theres a lot of holes in the fields cause its that easy for the rabbit to dig,we have a lot of pasture down here and the fields are surrounded by cornish hedges of which if a dog hits it to fast its definatly out and ive seen that a few times :wallbash: ,most farm range there fields from 5 to 25 acres mainly around the 8 acre mark,we also have many a golf coarse and the odd military base i work the dogs on a mixture of differant terrain, on them military bases usualy broccoli and wheat,but my main test is the daffodil fields furrows about 18 inch apart 12 inch high now i think it tests the dogs its a lot worse then plough in my oppinion in the time ive had lurchers the daffs have been the hardest,now what would you lot think of a dog that wont run a rabbit down a hill up sideways through bushes up trees in streams but NOT down a hill nightime only what do you think of that ?????would you keep it are not???,would you rate it are not???mark

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i suppose im to soft with my dogs....will only run them on pasture or fresh crop....i dont want to batter the dogs feet as mine has already had a toe repair on his back foot..i dont get any pleasure from seeing my dogs in the pen when i cant run them.years ago when i was really skint and used to eat the rabbits i would take alot more chances but all my kids now wont touch any game because thats all they were bought up on.mention rabbit stew and they flat refuse and say they'd rather starve.how things change...... :sick:

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I tend to run mine on either grassy sheep fields or crop. However we do run them on the local landfill which has bits of everthing in there. Some might say we're mad but up to now (touch wood) no injures. Its worth it because its crawling with pests.

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Guest markbrick1

i suppose the only thing i dont run my dogs on is hard frost as we dont get that down here :) but with hedges comes a another problem,the farmers tend to leave a strand of barbed wire approx 2 foot out 3 foot high to stop the animals from venturing through the hedge and the dog has to be aware that they could be there,i suppose it has to use its brains :laugh: dogs often jump on the hedge to catch there prey,mark

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My older bitch is very racey and lightly built but i can slip her on rough plough.......sounds a no no i know but never had a problem and upto yet she has never been stupid enuff to try and race across it she goes steady much slower than say on grass.......Sounds dodgy but its my dog i know how she runs and if i didn't feel safe in doing this i wouldn't.........i think alot of it is down to dogs running style.....and how well you know and trust the dog.......The older bitch is more laid back.......if she was more aggressive in her running style then i wouldn't trust it......


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i suppose the only thing i dont run my dogs on is hard frost as we dont get that down here :) but with hedges comes a another problem,the farmers tend to leave a strand of barbed wire approx 2 foot out 3 foot high to stop the animals from venturing through the hedge and the dog has to be aware that they could be there,i suppose it has to use its brains :laugh: dogs often jump on the hedge to catch there prey,mark
just up the road from you mate ruuning the same sort of ground mate lost his bitch last week into a hedge after a bunny impailed itself through the heart on a stick
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