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possible breeding

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hi all im considering putting a good working whippet dog across my 3/8 5/8 bull bitch she is very quick and agile on the bigger stuff but when it comes to rabbits she seems to miss that snap, dont get me wrong she nails the bunnies but just want to ask that little bit more


[bANNED TEXT] do u think bout this cross any info helpfull


cheers glyn



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it all depends on what else you want them to run that will improve them on rabbits but will decrease there abilty on bigger game(if you run them), if you want a better rabit dog get a straight whippet or some other cross with out bull in it and breed your bitch when you need another big game dog, i think there would be better rabbit dogs than bull crosses out there for me i need an allrounder but if i needed one dog for one species it would be the most succsesfull x i go for and even then theres no garantee theyll be want you want

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I have a dog here out of a bitch with a lot of bull in her put to a whippet dog... The dog made bigger than both parents and will kill anything hes slipped on :clapper: Hes a very good rabbit dog in my eyes he hasnt been bet by any dog we have lamped him against.. His only problem is his stamina.. hes just so fast that after he gets to around 20/25 bunnies in a night hes farely fecked ;)


Edited by FOXDOG
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  FOXDOG said:
I have a dog here out of a bitch with a lot of bull in her put to a whippet dog... The dog made bigger than both parents and will kill anything hes slipped on :clapper: Hes a very good rabbit dog in my eyes he hasnt been bet by any dog we have lamped him against.. His only problem is his stamina.. hes just so fast that after he gets to around 20/25 bunnies in a night hes farely fecked ;)


nice looking dog mate im breeding strictly to fill a gap in my pack, and improve. worried about shifting pups as dont have much room about, do u think they would sell obviously, depending [bANNED TEXT] i use i can guarentee the bitch!

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  Paul in North Lincs said:
no harm in trying..................................may I congratulate on the condition of that bitch......ske really is something else :toast::drink:


cheers paul lot of work though the 1st pic is recent and the 2nd is when she was 12ths she is now 4coming up.

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i think you will be taking to much of a risk specially as you dont have the room to keep 3 or 4 pups back for awile to choose the best pup for the job, like any cross breed litter you will have pups turn out all different, one could be 27inch 80lb and another 22inch 55lb impossible to pic at 8 weeks i would say 6 month before you get a good idea at what your looking at, save the time, money,hassle,and get a pup you know is from top rabbiting parents and from lines you no will breed true to type then at least your half way there from the start,

this is what i would do if in your possition.

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Guest coney catcher99

a mate of mine had the same problem foxes where making a twat of her in small feilds so he thought put a bit of whippet greyhound in there for the speed butt he has weakend the bull i got a pup out of the bitch that he put the whippet greyhound over he does the job butt id liek him a touch heavier :thumbs:

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Guest coney catcher99

a mate of mine had the same problem foxes where making a twat of her in small feilds so he thought put a bit of whippet greyhound in there for the speed butt he has weakend the bull i got a pup out of the bitch that he put the whippet greyhound over he does the job butt id liek him a touch heavier :thumbs:lamping005rl9.jpg

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  coney catcher99 said:
a mate of mine had the same problem foxes where making a twat of her in small feilds so he thought put a bit of whippet greyhound in there for the speed butt he has weakend the bull i got a pup out of the bitch that he put the whippet greyhound over he does the job butt id liek him a touch heavier :thumbs:lamping005rl9.jpg



Foxes aren't a problem, it's the initial strike on the rabbit where she goes in with 100% drive first time, when she misses it takes that extra initial burst to get back on track in the smaller fields.


Saying this, I haven't long obtained a beddy/whippet, so he might be able to fill the gap, enabling me to keep her breed as it is. Time will tell.

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I have a Collie Greyhound/ Bull Greyhound that stands at 23" to the shoulder. She does very well on the big stuff and also very good at rabbits but there's always room fo improvement. I bred her to a Whippet dog of around 20" and she produced pups of 22" upwards which a couple of my friends run and are first class dogs. One in particular lives in top class rabbiting ground and the guy has lamped him 10 nights on the trot, killing around 80 rabbits and a few other bits and pieces. I think what you're proposing is a good idea. If you need the use of a Whippet dog PM me. I'm in South Wales too. Hope this helps. :D

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again complements on the bitch id be tempted to find a stud dog that was 1/2 whippet 1/4 greyhound 1/4 bull to put over here you dont want to dilute that bull to much or you could end up with a pup just for rabbits which there is nothing wrong with just that im guessing you want to run bigger game also hence the bullcross youve got now just remember dont rush into breeding her if you cant find the stud you want waight till her next season and look in advance so every thing is in place never breed for convienience breed for workers goodluck in your search it may be a long jerny

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  glyn157 said:
hi all im considering putting a good working whippet dog across my 3/8 5/8 bull bitch she is very quick and agile on the bigger stuff but when it comes to rabbits she seems to miss that snap, dont get me wrong she nails the bunnies but just want to ask that little bit more


[bANNED TEXT] do u think bout this cross any info helpfull


cheers glyn



awesome lookin bitch mate.. I like!!

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