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Might be looking for a young lad 18_22 year old , to be trained up to level 2 standard in pest control . Ideally in a 10 mile radius of Glasgow.  Driving licence is a must . Starting off cleaning pige

There's always work out there if you want it.... I work on sites, and I can never remember a team of 2/3 brickies needing 5/6 labourers?most are bone idle and attached to their phones.... Same go

When I started work you expected to get all the shitty jobs,it was a fact of employment the the new kid got all the shit and tricks.You stuck at it and worked your way through the system and when a ne

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37 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

Exactly you giving them more than minimum wage ' stops the liberal so called progressive lot having a whinge and at least they would be doing something for their money .

Yes but your not understanding me.. who is going to want to go out and do a decent days graft when :-

if I work 40 hours on minimum wage , I'll get no benefits .. and get £348.80 before tax .. and have to pay rent ..council tax ..pay for prescriptions and dental care .

If I don't work and do community work and get £12 an hour for 40 hrs in benefits that's £480 and I'll get free health care .. yes I might have to pay my own rent and council tax though but it'dstill pay to be unemployed and go and pick litter or what ever you said , which isn't hard work .. 


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6 minutes ago, Chid said:

Yes but your not understanding me.. who is going to want to go out and do a decent days graft when :-

if I work 40 hours on minimum wage , I'll get no benefits .. and get £348.80 before tax .. and have to pay rent ..council tax ..pay for prescriptions and dental care .

If I don't work and do community work and get £12 an hour for 40 hrs in benefits that's £480 and I'll get free health care .. yes I might have to pay my own rent and council tax though but it'dstill pay to be unemployed and go and pick litter or what ever you said , which isn't hard work .. 



Everybody should have something called pride.

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3 hours ago, Chid said:

Yes but your not understanding me.. who is going to want to go out and do a decent days graft when :-

if I work 40 hours on minimum wage , I'll get no benefits .. and get £348.80 before tax .. and have to pay rent ..council tax ..pay for prescriptions and dental care .

If I don't work and do community work and get £12 an hour for 40 hrs in benefits that's £480 and I'll get free health care .. yes I might have to pay my own rent and council tax though but it'dstill pay to be unemployed and go and pick litter or what ever you said , which isn't hard work .. 


Or you could apply yourself and learn a skill that will earn good money .

Or just be the lazy scrounging c**t you're describing, paid for by those that chose the former. 

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10 minutes ago, stormyboy said:

Or you could apply yourself and learn a skill that will earn good money .

Or just be the lazy scrounging c**t you're describing, paid for by those that chose the former. 

I know people who are working as plant mechanics who are on less than £12 an HR .. 

I was offered a job back in England for £13 an hour as an hgv mechanic .

Both skilled jobs but in Max's thinking not having a skill and picking litter will be a better option than both .


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10 hours ago, Shadow100 said:

The government robs you blind from the day you’re born. You think politicians are struggling to make ends meet and put food on the table? They’re rolling in cash, living the high life on expenses paid for by YOUR taxes. They’ve got you grafting like f**k, giving them your money and to top it all off they’ve got you thinking it’s immigrants or the unemployed that’s to blame for all your problems.

Of course theres people that knowingly cheat the benefits system, british and foreign but they’re just a drop in the ocean compared to what the government takes. People need to open their eyes and stop listening to the news. How do you even know what the unemployment figures really are? You just repeat what you read on the Gov website or hear on BBC news it’s like listening to a bunch of brainwashed zombies sometimes.

If we listened to everything they say we’d be like f***ing robots. If they had there way we’d all be microchipped so they could follow our every move. I do what suits me and no one else. Totally agree with what your saying. The government are the biggest thieves Atb Igz

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4 minutes ago, Igz said:

If we listened to everything they say we’d be like f***ing robots. If they had there way we’d all be microchipped so they could follow our every move. I do what suits me and no one else. Totally agree with what your saying. The government are the biggest thieves Atb Igz

Tell um nothing gi um nothing 

So I'm told

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2 minutes ago, Igz said:

If we listened to everything they say we’d be like f***ing robots. If they had there way we’d all be microchipped so they could follow our every move. I do what suits me and no one else. Totally agree with what your saying. The government are the biggest thieves Atb Igz

That’s all they want us to be. Law abiding, tax paying robots. Anyone that does their own thing is made out to be a problem, and that’s become the norm in society these days if you don’t fall in line with what’s expected of you.

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2 minutes ago, Shadow100 said:

That’s all they want us to be. Law abiding, tax paying robots. Anyone that does their own thing is made out to be a problem, and that’s become the norm in society these days if you don’t fall in line with what’s expected of you.

Fair play gengis 

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42 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

That’s disgusting mate, no offence like but I’m a fcuking dope with no school education am still a lot closer to 20 than 13 quid an hour, you wanna get among the cow shite ???

I've tried , asked a few places but none seem to want a 30 odd year old trainee about the place ?

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