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My lads 18 and desperate for a job,  he's not expecting to start as the MD,  he's applied for all the fast food places,  local shops,  apprenticeships and been round all the local garages handing out CVs,  still nowt.  It's a real shame,  he's no coke head or anything like that and he got decent grades but still struggling just to get an interview. 

Edited by gurnster75
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Might be looking for a young lad 18_22 year old , to be trained up to level 2 standard in pest control . Ideally in a 10 mile radius of Glasgow.  Driving licence is a must . Starting off cleaning pige

There's always work out there if you want it.... I work on sites, and I can never remember a team of 2/3 brickies needing 5/6 labourers?most are bone idle and attached to their phones.... Same go

When I started work you expected to get all the shitty jobs,it was a fact of employment the the new kid got all the shit and tricks.You stuck at it and worked your way through the system and when a ne

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I think work ethic is drummed in by parents a child that sees parents as lazy c**ts an not working is likely to be a lazy c**t there self a child that sees parents getting up every day to go to work to make sure bills are payed an food on the table is likely to be a worker parents don’t always like there job but a child that sees parents as hard workers will get up an graft when the come of age 


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3 hours ago, Shadow100 said:

I’m not meaning there’s no lazy young people, there’s plenty, but there’s a lot of lazy older people as well, how many do you see in their 40s going down the job centre with a walking stick they don’t need so they can dodge work for another decade. Laziness comes in all age ranges

With boris the barsteward in charge you see the dole que get bigger and bigger he is a thatcher in drag , same old torys 

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1 hour ago, two crows said:

I used to dream up ways of killing my boss lol but there no jackers in my bloodline so I took it,,, and learned all I could and had a good living ever since, and done what I like, most young dogs that fail do so because of bad masters as well.

I work for myself, plenty free time in winter & don’t have to report to anyone. Ideal scenario for me. Failures a big grey area because one mans failure will be another mans talked up superstar. So many variables

Edited by Shadow100
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3 hours ago, Shadow100 said:

I’m not meaning there’s no lazy young people, there’s plenty, but there’s a lot of lazy older people as well, how many do you see in their 40s going down the job centre with a walking stick they don’t need so they can dodge work for another decade. Laziness comes in all age ranges

Dunna use walking sticks around here pal, upwalkers is whats used here, as for jobs, I was offered a part time job from my local garage that does my mots, offered a job that entails, bit of cleaning, and delivering customers cars that have been serviced, repaired or motd

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31 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

Is that a fact? Have you unemployment figures, before the lockdown tho?? Cos from where I’m sat it seems there’s never been more jobs out there, but in same breath there never been so many lazy cnuts, an tbh I blame labour an there, fcuk it just claim approach, letting everybody an anybody claim dss an spending money that wasn’t there’s ☹️

He has fooled a lot of folk but he in love with his self privaliged eton pompus upper class twit , thatcher mk 2

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1 minute ago, W. Katchum said:

No but your claiming it’s worse than ever an it’s all baw jaws  fault? Where you get that from then? 

Scroll back and you will see i said the dole que will ( get) bigger with boris in  charge it always does with torys in charge ,iv not forgot thatcher and i never will ?

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There's always work out there if you want it....

I work on sites, and I can never remember a team of 2/3 brickies needing 5/6 labourers?most are bone idle and attached to their phones.... Same goes for most trades these days... They don't like Mondays, or cleaning up after themselves, not able to use their heads and think ahead.... My company take on a few apprentices every year.... Groundworkers, engineers, carpenter/steel fixers, good rates, hell of alot more than I was getting at that age, there's probably a 90% jacking rate, they don't want to graft, they want to be an Internet superstar? the next Al capone or f***ing scarface?mam and dad buy them everything, and they got no respect for anyone or f**k all... I won't have it with my own, they want something then they graft for it, same way I did, got to make your own way in life, pay your way and don't live beyond your means. ?

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4 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

Thatcher done what she needed to, an I’m sure the unemployed went up Over a million by time the last labour govt took over an then left, so what that tell you? 

what govt is more likely to pay out benefits? Cos as far back as I can remember the torys have tried cutting benefits to get folk back in work?

Can you remember the (tory) starting incapacity benefit so all the miners etc that thatcher knew would never work again would not show up on the unemployment figures ? The whoops all of a sudden they realise its was costing to much ? Lol same corrupt old blue torys takin care of the rich ? And dunna start on about the labour party means nowt to me blair was a tory in labour clothes anyway ? They all corrupt and in it for themselves 

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