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Lack of rabbits

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Just an observation, not a rabbit man myself, but a lot of the men that hunt rabbits seem to try & take the maximum number possible every time out, then complain about the lack of rabbits. Makes n

If I owned a dog that just did rabbits, I would spend all my time travelling and searching for them... I only ask that a dog tries, has a go... I got no problem jumping in and giving the old coup de g

Good point at the start of the post, there’s all kinds of game to be found in huge numbers in this country. You just need to be keen enough to jump in your car and go get it. No use complaining a

  On 09/08/2020 at 14:34, Neal said:

Does anybody know why? In my case it's probably lack of habitat but I gather in some places it's VHD. 

Please tell me I've got those initials right and not written something rude!


Vhd round here neal plus everything else against them

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  On 09/08/2020 at 14:29, The drover said:

Instead of ferreting and killing them . Catch them drop them in old sets that have none . Do your bit lads . Beats moaning about it 


Think a few quid from the game dealer is a motivation for a lot of them tbh, to cover their fuel, dog food etc so I don’t think many will be keen on releasing them.

Edited by Shadow100
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The introduction of NV & Thermal optics is playing a big part, this goes for rabbits, mountain hares and brown hares. They’re being hit harder than ever before. People need to show a bit of voluntary restraint but sadly can’t see that happening, financial gain & bragging rights are too important. 

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  On 09/08/2020 at 15:08, fred90 said:

exactly there is a reason they have disappeared in the first place. dropped off in old setts? it's not that simple. 


Yes it is . Wait at least 150 days since rhvd has wiped the place out . Then try and reintroduce.  It's worked on half a dozen areas for me . Places may not be over run . But they are back where they were missing for near on 20 year . It does work . That's first hand . However,  it works best near villages etc.  Then the gunners and summer hunters cant get to them so easy do it preferably in march after the harsh weather kills off diseased rabbits. And they are ready to breed

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Where thete is plenty kill as many as you can not so many take less nice to see what the dogs can do and why not beats the keepers filling thete drop boxes  one of the bits i do keepers had 8000 in 3 months in drop boxes other bit i do keeper has left them for me hes a good man lol 

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  On 09/08/2020 at 16:06, W. Katchum said:

Sure my boss an other farmers will be happy about me dropping live rabbits back on the land ? rabbits are a pest, not like the deer hare an fox, fox maybe present themselves as a pest odd time but let’s face facts, how many lurcher men actually get a call out for for hare fox or deer? So you can be picky an choosy, but if I get a call from farmer smith up road or pulled in office by boss an told there as decent number of rabbits in such an such hedge an they starting to eat crops, well if I don’t do em, somebody will? So why should I leave em or drop em??  They be getting  fed to ferrets or took to game dealers like always, an if they disappeared then the farmers will be happy I imagine, I don’t for a minute think rabbits Orr rats will ever become extinct, they natural Survivors


You’re right what you’re saying about farmers wanting them gone etc. It’s the same way a lot of grouse keepers want rabbits, whites and deer gone from their moors. So in that case you’re right to take them because if you don’t they’ll get the rifle boys in. It doesn’t make it right though, thats why people complain. If you lay it bare they’re trying to eradicate a species from an area for financial benefit. It’s no different to bulldozing nice green fields to build houses. They’re manipulating a landscape to fill their pockets.

If you’re a proper dog man and love the countryside that’ll never sit right with you. 

Edited by Shadow100
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  On 09/08/2020 at 16:36, W. Katchum said:

No mate some situations deffo don’t sit right with me, I’m lucky I work on farm surrounded by farms an moorland, all folk I clear pests for like seeing some around and only really want them gone when they become pests as such so I under no pressure to eradicate them, my days a hunting big bags are done but like iv said if boss says a hedge or field is getting hammered then I’ll do me what to shift the lot of them, if I ever get jobs where I’m being paid them same goes I’ll do me best to clear em?


It’s different for me I don’t have any permission so it’s purely sporting. We rotate as best we can and give places a bit of a rest so everything doesn’t end up getting pushed about and going all scatty. I’ve worked on farms & sporting estates when I was younger so I know what it’s like got no problems with denting numbers when they become a real hazard but youll know yourself some people just go on a free for all every time they get out the motor.

Heard a keeper say before they’d totally wiped out the rabbit population because “the raptors come for the rabbits and stay for the grouse”. Any excuse for a killing spree is what he meant to say I think ?

I love my deer so really gets to me when places drop them on sight, for some pathetic excuse like a roebuck scratched my favourite tree a few weeks ago so they’ve all got to go. Saw a similar article saying an estate were wiping out the muntjac because they were eating too many bluebells ffs, creative way of saying “we’ll make a fortune off the stalking” 

Edited by Shadow100
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  On 09/08/2020 at 15:08, fred90 said:

exactly there is a reason they have disappeared in the first place. dropped off in old setts? it's not that simple. 


I read some were that vhd once it’s wiped a colony out there Warrens can harbour vhd virus for 8months or more the infected area can keep getting topped up with the virus in the area by other species of animals passing through the land as carriers plus humans walking from spot to spot helping it spread. It’s like sending lambs to slaughter dropping them off

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