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Nigel Farage investigates: From the English Channel to Anfield Stadium.

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I voted Tory this time, for a few reasons, I couldn't bare to think of Corbyn being Prime Minister, I'm a fervent brexiteer, and I hoped Boris might just make a difference.

When Boris blocked Corbyns proposed peerages for Bercow and Watson, I thought "well. That's a good start" !

Then Boris puts out HIS list of peers, and lo and behold, he makes his brother a lord !

This is the brother who objected to Brexit so much that he resigned as an MP and government minister in a fit of pique !

Theyre all corrupt, all we can hope for is getting the least corrupt of them in power.......what a sad state of affairs !

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As I remember Nigel stood for election as an MP in the heartland of places affected by immigration from Europe and massively affected by gradual decline.......he couldn’t have stood for election in a

The main difference is the Torys aren't trying to stop them coming........Corbyns Labour would be actively encouraging them ! Cheers.

Wonder if he's making plans, and only wants what's best for us

  On 07/08/2020 at 08:11, chartpolski said:

I voted Tory this time, for a few reasons, I couldn't bare to think of Corbyn being Prime Minister, I'm a fervent brexiteer, and I hoped Boris might just make a difference.

When Boris blocked Corbyns proposed peerages for Bercow and Watson, I thought "well. That's a good start" !

Then Boris puts out HIS list of peers, and lo and behold, he makes his brother a lord !

This is the brother who objected to Brexit so much that he resigned as an MP and government minister in a fit of pique !

Theyre all corrupt, all we can hope for is getting the least corrupt of them in power.......what a sad state of affairs !


That’s the great skill of these parties though don’t you think mate, doing something completely meaningless to score points with the electorate and us lapping it up ?

What serious difference would it make if he had granted those peerages ?.....none, absolutely none......but it’s point scoring and millions of people buy it.

Dint forget this is the same Tory party that drummed Enoch Powell out of the Party for telling the truth as far back as 1968 and then bought in a load of black card carrying Marxists (depak Nandy et al) to write the race policy we have all lived by since !!! 

I would recommend to absolutely NOBODY to start digging because then you’d all be as depressed and cynical as me ! Lol ? 

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  On 07/08/2020 at 08:22, Greb147 said:

So basically one will f**k you and the other will rape you..... 


This is about the strength of it ! 

But here is the real head f**k, why would a Tory government bring in a load of openly Marxist academics to write racial policy at the height of the Cold War ?........governments are a lot of things but they ain’t stupid so it not an oversight, the Deepak Nandys of this world can’t operate without the government letting them operate so what’s the game? 

Personally I can only conclude that this is a planned genocide of the white European from as far back as the 60s.......

Edited by WILF
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  On 07/08/2020 at 08:18, WILF said:

That’s the great skill of these parties though don’t you think mate, doing something completely meaningless to score points with the electorate and us lapping it up ?

What serious difference would it make if he had granted those peerages ?.....none, absolutely none......but it’s point scoring and millions of people buy it.

Dint forget this is the same Tory party that drummed Enoch Powell out of the Party for telling the truth as far back as 1968 and then bought in a load of black card carrying Marxists (depak Nandy et al) to write the race policy we have all lived by since !!! 

I would recommend to absolutely NOBODY to start digging because then you’d all be as depressed and cynical as me ! Lol ? 


Hundreds of illegal immigrants crossing the channel yesterday is all over the news today, So the Home Secretary, Pritti Patel, is said to be "furious" and is going to talk to the French !

An "unnamed government source" has floated, ( forgive the pun), the idea of using the Royal Navy to turn back the immigrants boats !

As you say, all talk ! I bet my bank managers life that the French will f**k us off, and no way will the Navy get involved, other than picking the immigrants up and bringing them to the UK !


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  On 07/08/2020 at 08:08, WILF said:

Imho mate, the one thing that don’t matter in all of it is the money, it’s a piss in the ocean really in terms of government spending and if they wasn’t pissing it away on that then they would be pissing it away on something else ?


That's right enough mate.

And yet they won't give the over 75s a free tv licence.people using food banks etc.the list is endless..

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  On 07/08/2020 at 08:39, chartpolski said:

Hundreds of illegal immigrants crossing the channel yesterday is all over the news today, So the Home Secretary, Pritti Patel, is said to be "furious" and is going to talk to the French !

An "unnamed government source" has floated, ( forgive the pun), the idea of using the Royal Navy to turn back the immigrants boats !

As you say, all talk ! I bet my bank managers life that the French will f**k us off, and no way will the Navy get involved, other than picking the immigrants up and bringing them to the UK !



Sound bites for a couple of generations of people who’s attention has been diverted to just trying to pay the next bill.......it’s shit mate :( 

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  On 07/08/2020 at 08:41, king said:

That's right enough mate.

And yet they won't give the over 75s a free tv licence.people using food banks etc.the list is endless..


The whole ludicrous mess is disgusting mate but come election time, everyone will be arguing over which of these two parties is best again.......we must need our bumps felt ! 

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  On 07/08/2020 at 08:03, WILF said:

See, I find that fascinating......everyone thinks that Labour or Tory will be different from each other......I even thought it myself once !

Just shows how good the PR machines are, how slick the operation is and how well they know their audience.

But, stop for a minute and consider that since WW2 we have only ever had Labour or Tory governments and we are at where we are at, everything they have done and every voting choice the electorate made has led us to this point........of course these people are no different to each other, they are masters of the game and having a great living out of it.

What then is our excuse ? 


Fatigue, lassitude, and malaise, high blood pressure, and soap operas

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  On 07/08/2020 at 08:45, WILF said:

The whole ludicrous mess is disgusting mate but come election time, everyone will be arguing over which of these two parties is best again.......we must need our bumps felt ! 


Brainwashing is a very powerful tool and used properly it's lethal..

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  On 06/08/2020 at 22:50, baker boy said:

The fcking wankers running this country ar seriously taking the piss out of us, they must be sat in their ivory fckn towers thinking how far can we go, how much can we get away with before the fcking plebs in this country finally say enough is enough


and you have the conservatives in power,imagine what would be happening if labour was in?

  On 06/08/2020 at 20:54, king said:

It's total madness.. this post is spot on.The government is laughing at all of us pesants, we can't do nothing to stop them lining there pockets and letting in hundreds of illegal's daily, London has fallen and won't be long before the rest of the country, it's gonna be like an apocalyptic invasion in 20-30 years. Traitors every single one of them in government.




one of the reasons i fooked off from blighty 12 years ago

even though it aint much better here now

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Nobody seems to mention who is coming here though never mind numbers .If they are from war torn countries or are fleeing famine etc ,where the f**k are the women .

This is no coincidence and is part of a larger scheme yet to be unravelled .There is a group  of cabbage eared c**ts moved into a new build near where  I live .All very smartly dressed ,all men and none of the fuckers work so who’s paying that bill then ,we are .
Wilf is right about change but unless we start our own political party we just as well bend over ,grease up and take it .

Whos supplying all these dinghies ,fuel and life jackets ffs .


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