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And That's Ireland Fukked.

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I'm called a racist on a weekly basis,  nothing to do with with race, it's because I say our country's people and its needs should be put first before anyone else's, ect ect.  Therefore in the ey

I have to come to the conclusion it’s an age thing mate, people of our age (and I’m guessing you are late 40’s to 50.....give or take ?) have seen our parents grow up with certain values and them and

This is what our masters in Europe want and any one objecting to mass immigration is called far right and racist.

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  On 31/07/2020 at 20:16, Wideboy said:

Come over here and start coming out with those comments, it wouldn’t be long before you would be picking your teeth off the floor. 
PS: your dribble on the tread about the fighting dogs is embarrassing to read. Have you no shame, telling people what they know. FFS man, maybe sit back and listen. 


FFS you're dental you. ?

I'll just convert to Islam and you'll give me a big hug instead. 

Edited by Greb147
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Here’s the thing, you ain’t aloud to play football or any non Gaelic sport on that pitch or indeed any GAA club pitch.

Clubs get in deep shit if they allow any non Gaelic activity on their pitch.....they don’t even like you kicking a ball about messing around at a Gealic ground.

Go figure huh 

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  On 31/07/2020 at 20:38, Greb147 said:

Always look at the positives lads. 

I heard the lead singer of the African  U2 tribute band is coming to reside there, Bonobo........ 


That reminds me, I've had thoughts on looking into ginkgo biloba, but keep forgetting all about it

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  On 01/08/2020 at 16:52, paul sr said:

Only if you are Israeli .


I'm called a racist on a weekly basis,  nothing to do with with race, it's because I say our country's people and its needs should be put first before anyone else's, ect ect. 

Therefore in the eyes of many I'm a racist. 

I'm proud to be a racist because I believe in my country and its people 

Atb j 


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The thing I don’t get is that the GAA is intrinsically linked with Irish Nationalism, they are almost one and the same beast.

The GAA is literally the symbol of Ireland’s fight for independence.

Over here, GAA is a religion ! 

So what this extremely rich and extremely well loved and well supported symbol of catholic ireland is doing letting a load of filthy pakis use it’s flagship stadium for to worship and promote a culture that has f**k all to do with Ireland is absolutely beyond me ! 
However, I won’t sicken of mentioning it to all the Gealic heads ! Lol 

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