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George 9 months and switching on

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My 9 month old saluki x grey, starting to switch on now and using his nose around sets. Raises his back leg when there home, only reason I've noticed this is because ive seen them bolt back down the holes. Hopefully we can have a go towards the end of the season, just so he can have a bit of fun and realise his job. He won't IMG_20200724_131451.jpg.1c4f3b67c611f61323e0a56e7714dd41.jpgIMG_20200724_131510.jpg.db3a6204b3afd22da04241d950e0f4e4.jpgIMG_20200724_131708.jpg.5e72c4bd99f3739d9c22c99ec80ac7b1.jpgIMG_20200620_134622.jpg.6ce6f3a04d3712af938e739faee8c436.jpgIMG_20200620_134654.jpg.c82f2c8356785f1046db945a3d898678.jpgbe ready fully until next season, but no harm showing him a bit of what's expected.IMG_20200724_131519.jpg.981c6bbaf82a8d8a0045d82c44acab27.jpg

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Just think hell too young mentally, he's still so much a pup and too playful. Just seeing how he matures before showing him too much, don't want him to lose interest and ruin him. I don't have much experience so don't want to do more harm than good.

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Ah that’s fair, when you were talking about marking I thought ferreting, and thought you were over worrying a bit!

But yer it he’s puppyish let him grow on a bit, but in 3 or so months time I bet he’s a bit of a different dog, and will be keen to run a few rabbits on the lamp.


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  On 29/07/2020 at 17:46, SheepChaser said:

Ah that’s fair, when you were talking about marking I thought ferreting, and thought you were over worrying a bit!

But yer it he’s puppyish let him grow on a bit, but in 3 or so months time I bet he’s a bit of a different dog, and will be keen to run a few rabbits on the lamp.



That's what I was thinking, just good for someone experienced to back up my theory lol.

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You’re doing the right thing, if you don’t think he’s ready then don’t run him. He’s your dog, you’re with him every day so you know what’s best. I’m talking from experience owning male saluki crosses & they can look like running machines but still be nowhere near mentally ready.

You'll get told he should be doing all sorts by a certain age, cause someones mate had a dog that could do it so why can’t yours, etc etc. Just hold off. Patience never ruined a dog but rushing has ruined plenty.

He’ll be 16 months in March if I’ve worked that out right, that’s when I’d give him a few of what he’s bred for, definitely not at 13/14 months round Xmas, he might be exceptional and handle it but if he’s a slow maturer you could easily break his heart.

Edited by Shadow100
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Dogs marking rabbits Id just go land not to big stubble time I’d just let it knock about get a few up for it self see how it goes but young dogs need   correct runs Like been said winter I’d go real steady back end pick a few good runs happy days For next season but at 9 month stubble time do it the world of good getting used to quarry 

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