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old jack in the summer

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is that jack (rolph),old keeper neil reckons he draws fasater than rolf harris.nice to see him so soon after boxing day.hows me old meg doimg in jockland?is she dead.brock as had her first and is a double of her mum (pepper the pig)nice to see you on here again you thin bas@@@,and youv not lost lard digging,cus your crap at that

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is that jack (rolph),old keeper neil reckons he draws fasater than rolf harris.nice to see him so soon after boxing day.hows me old meg doimg in jockland?is she dead.brock as had her first and is a double of her mum (pepper the pig)nice to see you on here again you thin bas@@@,and youv not lost lard digging,cus your crap at that




just cus your putting the lard on :tongue2: ,tell keeper neil the mad ones coming out next time so not to stand to close to the hole or he be up to his neck on the back fill :laugh::laugh: ,shes doing ok and lost her lard to, whats that tool your always holding called ? do you use it for digging,Y.T.S comes to mind :laugh::laugh: catch you later mate.

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