KIPO 2 Posted January 10, 2008 Report Share Posted January 10, 2008 I think if people had to pay to join this site would cut down on the number of (none hunters , kid that do not hunt , and the ass holes that just look round ) I would be prepared to pay to join and i think a lot of other people would to WHOT DO YOU THINK pay to JOIN might keep the aintis out to IM ALL PAID UP NOW its five pounds for a great site pay the MONEY I GET FIVE POUNDS OF PLEASURE EACH DAY OUT OF THIS SITE SO I AM GLAD THAT I WAS MADE AWAIRE THAT I COULD GIVE A DONATION AND HOPE MORE KNOW THAT THEY CAN ALSO CONTRIBUTE. KIPO Link to post Share on other sites
skycat 6,174 Posted January 10, 2008 Report Share Posted January 10, 2008 I think that it should be more like a tenner to join the site: its still hardly extortionate at that price. My opinion has nothing to do with keeping antis or idiots out: I just feel that it is unfair for one person to have to pay a lot of money to keep the site going when there are 100s of people paying nothing and enjoying the site. I too had no idea that it cost such a lot of money to run a site: and I agree with not showing who are donators either. There should just be a flat rate to join in my opinion: even at a tenner a go it's still a lot less than a monthly subscription to EDRD, for example. Link to post Share on other sites
c2c 0 Posted January 10, 2008 Report Share Posted January 10, 2008 A really think this thred should be deleted it was never a problem before and now seems to be causing a bit of shite And it was all started by someone who joined only a month ago,....not having a go but no ones ever brought it up before i have to agree with you there just an idea why when people join in the first email explain to them how much it costs to keep the site going and let them know if they find they enjoy the site then they may if they want donate a small fee of 5 pounds per year to help mantain the site. as i said i had no clue about the donater sign on the name it should be advertised more when you join . and there would be no need for a thread like this Link to post Share on other sites
speedlamper 0 Posted January 10, 2008 Report Share Posted January 10, 2008 this site is the best hunting site undoubtably on the net not just because of the content and the members but because its FREE! yes some people would still pay but the site would definatly drop in the rankings and as for only donators being able to start threads in the for sale/wanted section thats a really bad idea, maybe a better sugestion would be let any member post in the for sale section but charge them £1 per thread, afterall some are selling 3/4 dogs at over £200 each, if 5 people post a day thats nearly £2000 a year and no site costs anywhere near as other people have said all that is going to happen is a divide will be driven between members and non members and drive away any new members which im sure nobody wants, im not prepared to pay yet another £5 (i already donate on 2 music and a torrent site that i spend most of my time on) because i only read 2/3 sections if that on this forum Link to post Share on other sites
Foxgun Tom 75 Posted January 10, 2008 Report Share Posted January 10, 2008 This is one of the worst moments for me that I can think of!! its nearly 3 years to the day since I joined and I've loved every minute of it and I'm gonna miss a lot of you mad feckers, You are some of the most genorous (of heart) genuine, honest decent and fearless folk I've ever had the pleasure of dealing with and I'll miss you Love and God bless Tom Please delete me!! From: Tom Chalmers ( Sent: 10 January 2008 22:59:58 To: Hi Ian I'm probably shooting myself in the foot here? but could you please delete me from the forum, I've enjoyed myself over the years and have been really proud to be a member. But recently things are turning a bit sour! with this talk of chargeing for membership and donater members blowing their own trumpet about what they've done for the site (this has caused a fair amount of division}. Many organisations and members have donated just as much? maybe not financially but in promotion/publicising of the site and endorsing it? The last straw for me was a so-called moderator (Ditch Shitter) criticsising The Scottish Association for Countrysports for not contributing financially to the site and stating this publicly in the chatroom SACs as an organisation is not a member of the Hunting Life!! but a great many of its members, including me are!! including the new members of the HL club This is a personal decision for me and I have'nt taken it lightly, in fact it feckin hurts!! Could you also remove the Lananarkshire and Renfrewshire Hunt link from the HL my website is being updated and due to the circumstances maybe having resiprocal links is'nt a good idea Kindest Regards and Yours in Sport Tom Chalmers aka (Foxgun Tom) This issue is a matter of choice!! and therefore its up to the individual,!! but what I would envisage is!! that some bonafide members will go elsewhere? and that would be a major problem? some other site getting the benefits of members experience's, when those experiences should stay here!! some of us are members of other forums and allready contribute to them with posts and topics. The Hunting Life is undoubtably the best forum of its kind on the web and to take a massive step like charging would be disasterous, it smacks of eletism and another!! them and us scenario "private club" What about the young and inexperieced, are!! we going to start charging for our life's experience's I don't know what the solution is? but this is one Old fecker, who believes in the enlightenment of others and the freedom of choice at no expence!!!! Is'nt that what wev'e been fighting for since the hunting ban was put in place, both sides of the border?? Tom Link to post Share on other sites
RatSnatcher 0 Posted January 10, 2008 Report Share Posted January 10, 2008 Ah cmon Tom........ Remember this wasn't started buy the administrators Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MOLLY Posted January 11, 2008 Report Share Posted January 11, 2008 Not pay. It should be an individuals choice. I know i would not have payed when i first found these forums, as i would not have known if the people who ran them were honest. And/or if i enjoyed the forum and planned to stay. I have joined many forums over the years and most except a couple have fallen by the wayside. Moll. Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ditch_Shitter Posted January 11, 2008 Report Share Posted January 11, 2008 The last straw for me was a so-called moderator (Ditch Shitter) criticsising The Scottish Association for Countrysports for not contributing financially to the site and stating this publicly in the chatroom And, for the reading publics information: The Entirety of the " Public " conversation between FGT and myself is now a permanent matter of the Chat Rooms History. Thus Anyone, having applied for membership of this Forum (This includes Validating, Current and Banned Members of this Forum) is free to enter the Chat Room at any time and simply click on HISTORY (Top, Left of Centre). Click again, once inside, for the entire History of that room. Then scroll back to about 20:00 on Jan - 10th - 2008 which was when I entered the room. I can't edit or remove it. Nor can anyone else except, perhaps, the Site Owner. Personally, I wouldn't wish it removed. Thus Every Word, start to finish, of the exchange in question is available for anyone with an interest to review. Naturally, along with That fleeting moment, my own Entire History of " So called " Moderation of That particular room is there for scrutinisation too. Having Moderated Chat Rooms and Fora almost constantly for the past decade now ~ Always at the personal behest of the Site Owners concerned ~ I've personally encountered just about every Threader, Spammer, Troll, Mole and, yes; Drama Queen there is on the WWW. I'm polite and courteous in my approach to all of them. I do not slope off to insult them behind their backs when I know their backs are occupied with their own work. I'm a man of principle. Please do feel free to be my guests and go read the aforementioned exchange from start to finish. Note who becomes 'Emotional' and who remains Professional. Who casts the innuendo's and 'Angry' smilies. Who they drop off of without effect. Then, feel equelly free to start Threads, Polls, Pettitions, PM landslides to the Site Owner, Ian B. ~ Should ye feel so moved. Or move on. I shall remain, as ever ; Thankyou for your time. And I'm sorry I had to disturb the thrust of this Thread to respond to a direct and personal insult. I just like straight records. Link to post Share on other sites
FJager 0 Posted January 11, 2008 Report Share Posted January 11, 2008 I think a few need to back up a bit, Spiderpig made a valid post and I am sure that very few people were aware of the Donator position and he fairly bought it to light, but its all the Glory Hounds that have jumped in afterwards, if you want to donate fine, don't go shouting how special you are from the rooftops though. After the initial post someone put up their own post congratulating themselves basically and banged on about people doing the wrong thing, then they bumped their friggin post! This is exactly what the Mod's have asked people pacifically not to do. I don't see Admin asking anywhere for a payment, so people don't hold it against them, they have not demanded anything from us, unlike some others. Remember a Donation is just that, not a forced f#cking payment, maybe there could be a VIP section put up so some could feel better about themselves. No need for anyone to leave, the shoving in the back is not from Admin. Link to post Share on other sites
RatSnatcher 0 Posted January 11, 2008 Report Share Posted January 11, 2008 Its entirely up to the member if they feel they want to make a donation or not ,,,,,, I think most that have are just showing via a donation just how informative, helpfull and any other positive reason for the matter how much they value this site ....... When this subject first come round last year, I didn't feel any pressure from any of the members and certainly not from any of the admin to cough up my fiver at that moment in time, but having found myself still on here and still getting a lot out of it, I felt I would like to make a donation to preserving it.........and to be totally straight I dont give two fecks who is a donator and who isn't my only gripe is that I havn't got 5 stars on my badge Link to post Share on other sites
Guest craftycarper Posted January 11, 2008 Report Share Posted January 11, 2008 well it's only a fiver so here goes, it's a good cause..... could really stir the shit now, if i'd put a tenner could i have had three more stars than everyone else.... Link to post Share on other sites
RatSnatcher 0 Posted January 11, 2008 Report Share Posted January 11, 2008 well it's only a fiver so here goes, it's a good cause..... could really stir the shit now, if i'd put a tenner could i have had three more stars than everyone else.... The flash b4rsterd Link to post Share on other sites
mad al 146 Posted January 11, 2008 Report Share Posted January 11, 2008 (edited) I can't see how this drivvle is still running good for the antis to see you lot wrecking the site mind , so I thought I may as well add a bit more to help you "DONATORS" along a bit Anyone like to donate a bucket for me to throw up in? :sick: Edited January 11, 2008 by mad al Link to post Share on other sites
Foxgun Tom 75 Posted January 11, 2008 Report Share Posted January 11, 2008 (edited) Ditch refers to himself as "I'm a man of principle" I for one would question that He's referred to members in the past as "freeloading" why should ordinary members of this forum be insulted just because they for whatever decide not to be donators, "a man of principle" would allow members to make decisions and accept that!! A man of principle's and a Mod would not allow the term " Tight Arsed Jewish Pricks" in or remain in the forum? If I called any member of the Forum an English b*****d, Irish C@nt or a Welsh Pr;ck I'd deserve to be censured and rightly so!! Why has it not been removed? answer because its in support of the Principled Man and his view?? As for the SACs issue? Sacs, have supported this forum for as long as I can remember, even by putting a half page advert in its members magazine publicising the site. The reason SAC's wont support and cant support this site financially is, because it is not a member! and all our members are not into Lurchers/terriers or ferreting Is Ditch suggesting that SACs use members money who are not members of this forum to help finance it??As for getting emotive your fecking right I do! My principle's involves the freedom of choice without getting a barracking from other members about the choices I make in life. I said before "this is the best site of its kind on the web" but its slowly being eroded by stupidity and a lack of tolerance and respect for fellow members Tom Edited January 11, 2008 by Foxgun Tom Link to post Share on other sites
Guest the gers Posted January 11, 2008 Report Share Posted January 11, 2008 (edited) just cause you have a donator under your name doesn't make the site better it helps ianb to run the site but in a previous post that he doesn't expect people to pay and you will still get idiots on the site even if they pay there fiver people are getting pressured into donating and made to feel bad about it and for the donator under the name should be removed so it stops posts like this or even open a other section for the donators Edited January 11, 2008 by the gers Link to post Share on other sites
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