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This issue is a matter of choice!! and therefore its up to the individual,!! but what I would envisage is!! that some bonafide members will go elsewhere? and that would be a major problem? some other site getting the benefits of members experience's, when those experiences should stay here!! some of us are members of other forums and allready contribute to them with posts and topics. The Hunting Life is undoubtably the best forum of its kind on the web and to take a massive step like charging would be disasterous, it smacks of eletism and another!! them and us scenario "private club"


What about the young and inexperieced, are!! we going to start charging for our life's experience's I don't know what the solution is? but this is one Old fecker, who believes in the enlightenment of others and the freedom of choice at no expence!!!! Is'nt that what wev'e been fighting for since the hunting ban was put in place, both sides of the border??


Edited by Foxgun Tom
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  earth&hounds said:
I think if people had to pay to join this site would cut down on the number of (none hunters , kid that do not hunt , and the ass holes that just look round )




:hmm: I would be prepared to pay to join and i think a lot of other people would to WHOT DO YOU THINK :hmm:



pay to JOIN might keep the aintis out to ;) IM ALL PAID UP NOW :angel::angel:


its five pounds for a great site pay the MONEY

well said i would pay no probs maybe 10 pounds

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  richie said:
like i posted on another thread:



theres one negative side to all this recent talk of donating.. it could start making members that dont donate feel awkward.


hopefully not.


but making the for sale section for sellers to be donators only is fair enough as theres alot of sales been done.



i already feel awkward. i want to donate but i just chapped my husbands ass for buying cigarettes and a bottle of coke when the phone bill is late(and been cut off as a result) and the internet will be lost soon, probably by the end of the week for the same reason.


once pay day comes around then i'll donate. but in my situation, whats the point if i wont be here to enjoy it, you know? lately its been feast to famine around here, but since i'm a stay at home mom living in the middle of nowhere the internet is the ONLY social interaction i get! its also the only luxury item we have. as selfish as it may sound..... i would go :crazy: :spiteful: :teaser: :hunter: if i didnt have some way to interact with intelligent people. and there isnt much conversation with a two year old!! :no:

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  foxdropper said:
Personally ,i would donate IF it was not advertised under your user name/avatar as this to me causes a divide .Us and them .Why do we all have to know whos donated and who hasnt .I am all for donating but will not as long as this is in place.


Got to agree with you there mate :thumbs:

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I dont think it causes a divide, but certainly wouldnt mind if the "donator" bit was not seen. I also agree with none access to certain sections, like buying and selling, because there are a lot of folk who join purely to sell animals! :censored:


£5 a year folks, thats 9.6p per week, just 1.3p per day!

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A really think this thred should be deleted it was never a problem before and now seems to be causing a bit of shite :thumbdown:



And it was all started by someone who joined only a month ago,....not having a go but no ones ever brought it up before

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  BlueCoyote said:
  richie said:
like i posted on another thread:



theres one negative side to all this recent talk of donating.. it could start making members that dont donate feel awkward.


hopefully not.


but making the for sale section for sellers to be donators only is fair enough as theres alot of sales been done.



i already feel awkward. i want to donate but i just chapped my husbands ass for buying cigarettes and a bottle of coke when the phone bill is late(and been cut off as a result) and the internet will be lost soon, probably by the end of the week for the same reason.


once pay day comes around then i'll donate. but in my situation, whats the point if i wont be here to enjoy it, you know? lately its been feast to famine around here, but since i'm a stay at home mom living in the middle of nowhere the internet is the ONLY social interaction i get! its also the only luxury item we have. as selfish as it may sound..... i would go :crazy: :spiteful: :teaser: :hunter: if i didnt have some way to interact with intelligent people. and there isnt much conversation with a two year old!! :no:



Just been reading this thread and had to laugh because blue cayote thinks we are intelligent people, well I am glad that someone does. (they probably dont mean me)

Donating in my opinion is down to an individuals choice and cicumstances.

I enjoy looking and reading the squabbles people have as it makes me laugh after a day full of sh*t. I have had good advice off the site I have had invites for shooting off the site these are the reasons I donated.

Remember though this is a hunting site after all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  valentino said:
just to add....if it is as cheap as has been stated...i.e 10p per week,....do people really think this will stop the c#cks and w#nkers posting?...



Well if they KNOW it goes towards supporting hunting and working dogs, they would actively be helping to fund it, cant say they'd like that idea!

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