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Just now, mushroom said:

Two deaths in my family from it mate. One 83 (was fit as a fiddle) and the other 55 and zero existing health issues. This virus kills indiscriminately. 

Spoke with a dr not long ago (3-4 weeks) he was Portuguese and had been moved from his normal position to help on a Corona ward. I've never seen a dr cry before, this chap was visibly shaken from his 3 months on that ward talked about seeing death, suffering etc everyday. Tbh I felt he just wanted to unload a bit, so I let him and was sympathetic. Afterwards I just said, no matter how many times you see death mate, it never gets easier. He agreed and thanked me for listening. Gave me my script and off I went. The impact of this will be felt for generations across the generations!

The poor mate was in his late 50's early 60's, he liked his ale and had a gut like most do but he wasn't in a poor state or anything that we know of. 

At one point they thought he was going to beat it but then one of his lungs collapsed and he passed away a few days later. I've read once you've been put on a ventilator you've got a 50/50 chance of pulling through. 

Tbh I'm keeping my wits about me but the thing is not in my mind at all now after all this time, stressing for all this time would be just as bad for your health as anything IMO. 

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I don't see wtf you are all moaning about! We've had to wear masks here on public transport, in shops etc, since the start. Try wearing a fecking mask on a metro platform, when its pushing 34°C.

My Daughter has worked with patients from the very start and Death is a daily occurrence ,, she says it can be a very bad Death for some  and we must try to ,  avoid it at all costs  , she has been a

I seriously hope you or yours don't get it because you think you know better than most of the worlds scientists. Evidence from the drop in infection rate from countries who have imposed the rule to we

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5 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

So wait a minute, After being told it’s okay, crack in an go to work we all need you, it’s safe to do so just wash your hands an keep your distance, it’s so safe we won’t give you a pay rise or tax cut or nowt, but we do need your help so please don’t stop working???



and now we are being told we NEED masks☹️


well cheers for that, I only been working the last few months without one?‍♂️

That did it for me, once they ordered me to go back to work I f****d it all off and did as I pleased. 

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9 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

Iv only literally had a few days off since before this all kicked off mate, still been paid for it, but I feel like I was just told anything to keep me going when most the country was sat at home being paid for it ☹️  

Country needed it's milk mate! As far as I'm concerned, you're a keyworker and I applaud you ??

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26 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

So wait a minute, After being told it’s okay, crack in an go to work we all need you, it’s safe to do so just wash your hands an keep your distance, it’s so safe we won’t give you a pay rise or tax cut or nowt, but we do need your help so please don’t stop working???



and now we are being told we NEED masks☹️


well cheers for that, I only been working the last few months without one?‍♂️

Your work mates will only give you bovine related diseases, your ok ! ??

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We have worked right threw and only ever wore masks and gloves if we had a student locked out there room , we where told NOT TO ENTER THE STUDENT ACCOMMODATION  . And didnt unless we had to for four months > But talking amongst ourselves if we get a new lot of students in September come Freshers week we all will be wearing masks 

When they cram them into the halls of residence they get everything from thrush , tonsillitis ,vd , nits etc so this virus will have a hay day 

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4 hours ago, Greb147 said:


Don't get me wrong I believe in the virus as a good mate and a work colleague of two of my uncles died as well as a few more in the village I grew up in. 

But the last straw that broke the camel's back for me is when we got sent back to work. 

Like most places they talk a good game, they have even appointed so called a Safety Distance Warden for each site, what a bag of bollocks. 

I have not seen one gang adhere to the rules given, impossible to do when there's graft to do. 

I have now gone back to only washing my hands after getting shit on my fingers when wiping my arse. ?

? I'm the same... Covid officer is a right f***ing nazis on the site I'm on.. DSC_0910.JPG.0c137886b1ac54c2c535574ee2a8c963.JPG

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1 minute ago, gnasher16 said:

I thought well bollocks then if your going to make me wear one i,ll get my point across as well ?



You can’t wear your missus’s bra ???

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20 minutes ago, gnasher16 said:

Bunch of thick fuckers heres a clue.....the holes go round your ears !

I can see you,s aint good concerned law abiding citizens like i am ?

Ffs ,how big are your ears !! and what shape is your face !!.....don't think you shoulda took that last fight mate .

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