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3 hours ago, micky said:

My Daughter has worked with patients from the very start and Death is a daily occurrence ,, she says it can be a very bad Death for some  and we must try to ,  avoid it at all costs  , she has been a Nurse for more than thirty years and knows what a bad death is so she has advised Me nd Ma to wear a mask when we are out , simple advice that may save you from an unpleasant demise.

Ask your daughter which is a nice death and we,ll all opt for that one, death by its very nature is not pleasant, doesn’t throw any light on anything, be more interested if your daughter said the rate of death has risen or as most medical people I no who are working on the front line have said there work load has almost halved since the corona outbreak ?

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I don't see wtf you are all moaning about! We've had to wear masks here on public transport, in shops etc, since the start. Try wearing a fecking mask on a metro platform, when its pushing 34°C.

My Daughter has worked with patients from the very start and Death is a daily occurrence ,, she says it can be a very bad Death for some  and we must try to ,  avoid it at all costs  , she has been a

I seriously hope you or yours don't get it because you think you know better than most of the worlds scientists. Evidence from the drop in infection rate from countries who have imposed the rule to we

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11 minutes ago, Greyman said:

Ask your daughter which is a nice death and we,ll all opt for that one, death by its very nature is not pleasant, doesn’t throw any light on anything, be more interested if your daughter said the rate of death has risen or as most medical people I no who are working on the front line have said there work load has almost halved since the corona outbreak ?

Greyman listen to them top scientists..lol whos paying these TOP scientists wages the World Health organization thats who... so they say what there paid to say... I could show you at least 10 TOP SCIENTISTS who are independent...which means they have nothing to lie for say its a pile of bile... but mushrooms lives in Catalonia so HE must be right... any luck way that job mush were you thinking you were all great slabouring to people on a hunting life site about how much your supposed to get a day or hour... lol still unemployed then son I take it .

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27 minutes ago, mushroom said:

I seriously hope you or yours don't get it because you think you know better than most of the worlds scientists. Evidence from the drop in infection rate from countries who have imposed the rule to wear one and the most obvious of all the common sense of an extra barrier ;)

So what about Sweden then sherman

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2 minutes ago, stop.end said:

So what about Sweden then sherman

So you pick 1 country out of nearly 200 and see that as the beacon of light? ?

What about Vietnam? The country globally hailed as the best at dealing with this! They imposed masks, contact tracking and isolation almost immediately and they are right next to the source. They've had the least cases and least deaths.

If I'm not mistaken Sweden admitted they got it wrong and agreed diring a press conference they would have had less fatalities, if they had imposed lockdown and other restrictions. 

You crack on like you know what you're on about and I'll do what common sense tells me, which is listen to what has worked/is working.

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9 minutes ago, stop.end said:

Greyman listen to them top scientists..lol whos paying these TOP scientists wages the World Health organization thats who... so they say what there paid to say... I could show you at least 10 TOP SCIENTISTS who are independent...which means they have nothing to lie for say its a pile of bile... but mushrooms lives in Catalonia so HE must be right... any luck way that job mush were you thinking you were all great slabouring to people on a hunting life site about how much your supposed to get a day or hour... lol still unemployed then son I take it .

Working from home love and getting my day rate ;)

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11 minutes ago, mushroom said:

So you pick 1 country out of nearly 200 and see that as the beacon of light? ?

What about Vietnam? The country globally hailed as the best at dealing with this! They imposed masks, contact tracking and isolation almost immediately and they are right next to the source. They've had the least cases and least deaths.

If I'm not mistaken Sweden admitted they got it wrong and agreed diring a press conference they would have had less fatalities, if they had imposed lockdown and other restrictions. 

You crack on like you know what you're on about and I'll do what common sense tells me, which is listen to what has worked/is working.

Lmao listen to you track and trace... wtf are u a parcel... as I said you crack on midget way your muzzle for a Yorkshire terrier.. and ill just keep keeping on... lol.. track and trace... 

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21 minutes ago, Greyman said:

Ask your daughter which is a nice death and we,ll all opt for that one, death by its very nature is not pleasant, doesn’t throw any light on anything, be more interested if your daughter said the rate of death has risen or as most medical people I no who are working on the front line have said there work load has almost halved since the corona outbreak ?

A nice Death is when you  die in your sleep  whether it is drug induced or natural  with Covid  some people cannot be Ventilated and they cannot or may not be sedated , you say  know people on the front line then they will have been very busy  but other Nurses in departments that do not relate to Corvid  EG Cancer screening ETC may have less to do because at present   Covid  is a priority . Just to add that i have no medical  knowledge what so ever and do not pretend to either

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Stop-End if you're going to be a troll, at the very least learn spelling and grammar ;)

Slavering is the word you're looking for that and probably help from the NHS when you or your family catch Covid.

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5 minutes ago, mushroom said:

Stop-End if you're going to be a troll, at the very least learn spelling and grammar ;)

Slavering is the word you're looking for that and probably help from the NHS when you or your family catch Covid.

Slabouring is a term used over here .. ?

I don't want involved in your argument though ????

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3 minutes ago, Chid said:

Slabouring is a term used over here .. ?

I don't want involved in your argument though ????

Well fuucking spell it right then ?

No argument here Chid mate, I ain't replying to the chap no more. Arguing with an idiot and two idiots being in the room an all that ?

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48 minutes ago, mushroom said:

Stop-End if you're going to be a troll, at the very least learn spelling and grammar ;)

Slavering is the word you're looking for that and probably help from the NHS when you or your family catch Covid.

No here in Ireland its called slabouring... thats when you open your mouth and nothing but slabours vacate your mouth ask any Irish man. Trolling lol what because I dont agree with you im a troll.... lol... 

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Don't get me wrong I believe in the virus as a good mate and a work colleague of two of my uncles died as well as a few more in the village I grew up in. 

But the last straw that broke the camel's back for me is when we got sent back to work. 

Like most places they talk a good game, they have even appointed so called a Safety Distance Warden for each site, what a bag of bollocks. 

I have not seen one gang adhere to the rules given, impossible to do when there's graft to do. 

I have now gone back to only washing my hands after getting shit on my fingers when wiping my arse. ?

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1 minute ago, Greb147 said:


Don't get me wrong I believe in the virus as a good mate and a work colleague of two of my uncles died as well as a few more in the village I grew up in. 

But the last straw that broke the camel's back for me is when we got sent back to work. 

Like most places they talk a good game, they have even appointed so called a Safety Distance Warden for each site, what a bag of bollocks. 

I have not seen one gang adhere to the rules given, impossible to do when there's graft to do. 

I have now gone back to only washing my hands after getting shit on my fingers when wiping my arse. ?

Two deaths in my family from it mate. One 83 (was fit as a fiddle) and the other 55 and zero existing health issues. This virus kills indiscriminately. 

Spoke with a dr not long ago (3-4 weeks) he was Portuguese and had been moved from his normal position to help on a Corona ward. I've never seen a dr cry before, this chap was visibly shaken from his 3 months on that ward talked about seeing death, suffering etc everyday. Tbh I felt he just wanted to unload a bit, so I let him and was sympathetic. Afterwards I just said, no matter how many times you see death mate, it never gets easier. He agreed and thanked me for listening. Gave me my script and off I went. The impact of this will be felt for generations across the generations!

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