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he needs a right hard slap

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The problem with these far left, vegan, green, tofu eating , sandal and sock wearing , tree hugging, pasty faced shithouses is that they aren't happy doing it themselves.....they want to convert norma

I was wondering where Dave ( I’ve never had a girlfriend or a proper job ) Taylor found the inspiration for his unusual hairstyle, 1980s new romantic “flock of seagulls “ , what a dick .? Still ,

Snit weasel, absolute, cowardly little shit weasel ! Big Jack would probably have bitch slapped a bit of respect into the little shit, even at 85........ Cheers.

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  On 13/07/2020 at 06:26, shovel leaner said:

What are the people of York thinking voting for this object . The picture of him shows his T shirt with the anarchy symbol on it , there is a clue there !! 


And there you have it in a nutshell, who is voting for these people ?

There are obviously more people who either:

A: Think like him

B: Don’t think at all 

We moan about what’s happening in the world but millions and million of voters obviously don’t give a shit......rather knocks the wind out of my sails I don’t mind admitting.

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  On 13/07/2020 at 08:56, WILF said:

And there you have it in a nutshell, who is voting for these people ?

There are obviously more people who either:

A: Think like him

B: Don’t think at all 

We moan about what’s happening in the world but millions and million of voters obviously don’t give a shit......rather knocks the wind out of my sails I don’t mind admitting.


You're right, Wilf,  but things ARE changing.

Just look at my part of the country; people who would vote for a donkey wearing a red rosette finally saw through Corbyn and Labour, and vast parts of the "red wall" turned blue ! 

Not so long ago the people of Blyth Valley would have rather committed Hari Kari by rushing en masse into the north sea, than vote Conservative, but now they've got a Tory MP !

Social media, 24 hour rolling news, etc isn't just for the young, even oldies like me are becoming more politically savvy !

Theres a long way to go before people move away from "tribalism" and "my dad and grandad voted Labour, so I will aswell", but even if it's moving at glacial speed, at least it's happening.

This shit weasel who posted on FB about Big Jack will be hoisted by his own petard........I love a bit of schardenfreude !


Edited by chartpolski
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  On 13/07/2020 at 08:56, WILF said:

And there you have it in a nutshell, who is voting for these people ?

There are obviously more people who either:

A: Think like him

B: Don’t think at all 

We moan about what’s happening in the world but millions and million of voters obviously don’t give a shit......rather knocks the wind out of my sails I don’t mind admitting.


Sad but true. Back in the eighties walking down the main road with a fox slung over your shoulder no one batted an eye. Its the country side its what we do. Now a days you wouldn't make it 50 yards. But the country side is not full of country folks any more. Farms and small holdings bought out by townies. We have a small holding group for our local area on fb and its full of anti's who wouldn't hurt a fly literally.  One of them said if you find any fox cubs abandoned can you bring them to me. Bit of too and throwing went on over that one and apparently i am a hare courser with a small penis :( 

Edited by terryd
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  On 13/07/2020 at 12:35, terryd said:

Sad but true. Back in the eighties walking down the main road with a fox slung over your shoulder no one batted an eye. Its the country side its what we do. Now a days you wouldn't make it 50 yards. But the country side is not full of country folks any more. Farms and small holdings bought out by townies. We have a small holding group for our local area on fb and its full of anti's who wouldn't hurt a fly literally.  One of them said if you find any fox cubs abandoned can you bring them to me. Bit of too and throwing went on over that one and apparently i am a hare courser with a small penis :( 


Some of those groups are decent mate but some are howling.

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  On 13/07/2020 at 12:35, terryd said:

Sad but true. Back in the eighties walking down the main road with a fox slung over your shoulder no one batted an eye. Its the country side its what we do. Now a days you wouldn't make it 50 yards. But the country side is not full of country folks any more. Farms and small holdings bought out by townies. We have a small holding group for our local area on fb and its full of anti's who wouldn't hurt a fly literally.  One of them said if you find any fox cubs abandoned can you bring them to me. Bit of too and throwing went on over that one and apparently i am a hare courser with a small penis :( 


I once loaded up a picture of me and my pals dogs onto Facebook after a nights lamping and went to bed on what I thought was a closed group

it went into my timeline and I was the recipient of dozens of lovely posts from folk (some of which was liked By Lincolnshire rural crime unit) which was strange as I was in Cumbria at the time ? including photoshopped pics of me being chased by hounds and insinuations I was behind every rural crime from badger baiting , sheep mauled , lead thefts , batteries knocked from tractors and gates stolen. 

I deleted it as some of it was a bit close to the bone but I’d never experienced vitriol like it from absolute strangers 

my favourite was the very artistic Line based drawing of a fox holding a uzi spraying me with bullets with the caption “ wit will happen to u and you’re dogs “ 

fun times 

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  On 13/07/2020 at 17:02, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

I once loaded up a picture of me and my pals dogs onto Facebook after a nights lamping and went to bed on what I thought was a closed group

it went into my timeline and I was the recipient of dozens of lovely posts from folk (some of which was liked By Lincolnshire rural crime unit) which was strange as I was in Cumbria at the time ? including photoshopped pics of me being chased by hounds and insinuations I was behind every rural crime from badger baiting , sheep mauled , lead thefts , batteries knocked from tractors and gates stolen. 

I deleted it as some of it was a bit close to the bone but I’d never experienced vitriol like it from absolute strangers 

my favourite was the very artistic Line based drawing of a fox holding a uzi spraying me with bullets with the caption “ wit will happen to u and you’re dogs “ 

fun times 


Did you make it your profile pic?

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  On 13/07/2020 at 17:02, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

I once loaded up a picture of me and my pals dogs onto Facebook after a nights lamping and went to bed on what I thought was a closed group

it went into my timeline and I was the recipient of dozens of lovely posts from folk (some of which was liked By Lincolnshire rural crime unit) which was strange as I was in Cumbria at the time ? including photoshopped pics of me being chased by hounds and insinuations I was behind every rural crime from badger baiting , sheep mauled , lead thefts , batteries knocked from tractors and gates stolen. 

I deleted it as some of it was a bit close to the bone but I’d never experienced vitriol like it from absolute strangers 

my favourite was the very artistic Line based drawing of a fox holding a uzi spraying me with bullets with the caption “ wit will happen to u and you’re dogs “ 

fun times 


Mad how crazy those keyboard warriors go, a lad I no is a  barbie Q chef and a few years back he put his mobile hog roast on eBay for sale, he was scared to leave his house for a while, the veggies went right in on him, ??

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  On 12/07/2020 at 14:43, jigsaw said:



8 hrs ago

Ex-Lord Mayor apologises for causing offence over Jack Charlton comments

By Mike LaycockChief reporter
11577829?type=responsive-gallery-fullscreen (2)

YORK councillor and former Lord Mayor Dave Taylor has apologised for causing offence after welcoming the death of World Cup winner Jack Charlton because of his involvement in 'bloodsports.'

The Green Party councillor for Fishergate posted the controversial comments on Facebook yesterday after the Leeds United and England star died, aged 85.

Charlton had a passion for shooting and fishing, and Cllr Taylor began by saying: "Jack 'Bloodsports' Charlton is dead. Good."

When someone responded by saying they felt it was a 'sad remark' to make, and they abhored cruelty to animals but also didn't want to be cruel to another human being, he posted: "I didn't advocate being cruel to him, I just don't think he should be lauded as some sort of hero. F*** him."

He went on to say 'sick of the adulation of this animal abuser. Being good at kicking a leather football does not absolve him."

His comments appalled some people - although some spoke out in support- with one person emailing the council at 1am today to say they wished to submit a formal complaint about Cllr Taylor's conduct.


They said: "This is an appalling and offensive lack of respect for the dead by a former Lord Mayor and serving council member who should resign immediately."

Cllr Taylor has apologised, posting: "I've clearly upset a lot of people with my comment about Jack Charlton's involvement in bloodsports. I apologise for causing offence."

But the apology was not enough for some.

"That it? Have some respect," said one person, while another said: "Too little too late."

Another posted: "Like the guy or not, agree with his actions or not, to show such unnecessary public contempt and disrespect for a family man whom an awful lot of people loved, who leaves a mourning family is simply disgusting Dave you should be ashamed, especially given your profile as a CYC councillor."

Another asked the councillor why he was deleting comments, adding: "Do you think it’s acceptable what you said? Do you think the apology is acceptable? You have upset an awful lot of fans this evening."

Cllr Taylor apologised again, saying:"It must've been upsetting. I apologise. I always hated his involvement in bloodsports, but it was insensitive to mention it now."

The councillor told The Press today that he  had not wished to denigrate Charlton’s achievements as a footballer or football manager.

*Fans leave tributes to Charlton at Elland Road.


A perfect example of how unrighteous the self-righteous often are.

Edited by eastcoast
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I was wondering where Dave ( I’ve never had a girlfriend or a proper job ) Taylor found the inspiration for his unusual hairstyle, 1980s new romantic “flock of seagulls “ , what a dick .?

Still , he put his anti field sports views to one side when he met HRH princess Anne , fox hunting and Pheasant and Partridge and grouse shooting participant. Maybe the spineless Cnut was waiting till he got behind his keyboard before he bravely launched an attack. 
         I can respect people having different views to me , but I cannot stand hypocrisy !!!



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