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The Olympian that got stopped ,I just dont get it,in my area ,coursing a problem ,old bill dont pull over a mini cooper with some blonde hairdresser driving it ,they tug a white transit ,if it so happ

Suit the prick better to sink a few Wells and give his distant relatives some fukcing fresh water, for me that's would be the meaning of BLM and save them asking in every ad break for £3 a month

f1 is wank nowadays... I grew up on the moors watching the Lombard rally, rally drivers have the real skill and there not a bunch of virtue signal pricks! if that wanna be prick feels so strongly

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8 minutes ago, Greb147 said:

Hahahahaha what the hell are you rambling on about you silly clown? 

Gnasher has offered to arm wrestle, have you heard yourself FFS. ??

He's never offered anything, I have no messages off him. 

Why in the hell would I want to drive to London for an arm wrestling session anyway silly boy? It's not as though it's a hobby of mine., ??

Well I know easy money when I see it so you got any coin and we can see how much a coward I am? ??

Fukc sake you failed to turn up for katchum You haven’t got a good track record in this ???

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Just now, Greb147 said:

That's a speed ball you jobless numpty. 

Are you at Socks' house, bout right hight for him? ?

Thats you practising the punch you used to dispatch the large game your bull x caught in Leicester.??

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Just now, socks said:

Fukc sake you failed to turn up for katchum You haven’t got a good track record in this ???

Don't change the subject, name the price Minion. ???

Here's your chance to show everybody how cowardly I am.  ??

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Just now, king said:

Yes that's thanks to watching YouTube vids aswell.


You really do talk wet Dean, this place is messing with your head. 

How's about you go and find a job, it's good especially for the mind. 

You have too much time on your hands to invent stories that you actually start to believe yourself. 

Have you got any pals butt, cyber friends don't count? 

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1 minute ago, Greb147 said:


You really do talk wet Dean, this place is messing with your head. 

How's about you go and find a job, it's good especially for the mind. 

You have too much time on your hands to invent stories that you actually start to believe yourself. 

Have you got any pals butt, cyber friends don't count? 

Sadly only YouTube dogfox that's all.

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Lewis has more money than he knows what to do with, shags beautiful women, is at the top of the tree in his chosen profession but is complaining about racism!

I fail to see how he has been held back or has anything to complain about?

Edited by joe ox
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