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Gonna post my form back & tell him to keep rest of my subs  to buy a drink or two for him & Irene  as a small thankyou for al his hard work over the years ( think i still got 8-9 months left t

If you know Dave personally you will know he's 100% sound guy who will help you out if he can, anyone slagging the man off about anything needs to take a look in the mirror first. Not saying he's perf

I stopped having it when the peddlers and book sellers completely took over. Ive seen the last copy and not much has changed. I found DH to be a nice bloke to talk to and if I had ever dug with him I

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I recieved the last issue yesterday. On the 1st page DH made it a priority and went into great detail explaining  how any outstanding money from subs will be refunded. Only right and proper of course. But right and proper tends to be the exception rather  than the rule these days. 

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Someone once said on here years ago ,never meet your hero’s ,Dilly Dog I believe and no truer words  ever spoken .

As an impressionable young terrier mad lad I ventured up for a day with a Welsh lad ,hunt name forgotten,near llandeilo I believe if memory serves .Pissed down all day lol.Harcombe was well known by then and doing terriers alone that day and we found ourselves on a hillside standing ,waiting ,getting piss wet through while his terrier made all the right noises but quarry wouldn’t stay still .Was a fox run in just before we got there .Instead of waiting for it to settle ,he collared up another with the old deben  finder collar and let that in too .

Us lads were itching to get digging but no mark .To my amazement both dogs came out and he leashed them up and toddled off to the road where he was picked up in a van .The place didn’t look very special to us so my mate got a dog of his I’d bred from his land rover and we dug that fox just a few foot deep  well away from the main bury and let it run .I hollered as hounds were drawing the hill opposite .That day is still talked about I’m told and certainly left an impression on me for all the wrong reasons .
While this one one instance in no way shapes the man it certainly was an eye opener for me having read his ramblings in various form .

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  On 07/07/2020 at 21:27, foxdropper said:

Someone once said on here years ago ,never meet your hero’s ,Dilly Dog I believe and no truer words  ever spoken .

As an impressionable young terrier mad lad I ventured up for a day with a Welsh lad ,hunt name forgotten,near llandeilo I believe if memory serves .Pissed down all day lol.Harcombe was well known by then and doing terriers alone that day and we found ourselves on a hillside standing ,waiting ,getting piss wet through while his terrier made all the right noises but quarry wouldn’t stay still .Was a fox run in just before we got there .Instead of waiting for it to settle ,he collared up another with the old deben  finder collar and let that in too .

Us lads were itching to get digging but no mark .To my amazement both dogs came out and he leashed them up and toddled off to the road where he was picked up in a van .The place didn’t look very special to us so my mate got a dog of his I’d bred from his land rover and we dug that fox just a few foot deep  well away from the main bury and let it run .I hollered as hounds were drawing the hill opposite .That day is still talked about I’m told and certainly left an impression on me for all the wrong reasons .
While this one one instance in no way shapes the man it certainly was an eye opener for me having read his ramblings in various form .


Know what you. Mean having. Been there , not the same person but same expirence , you live and learn ?

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I've had a similar experience, but in reverse. I won't name the person concerned but I'd always had a slightly negative impression of one well known person in the lurcher world as my father had been out lamping with him a few times and slagged him off. The fact that my father is a complete waste of space should have warned me, but when I met the person myself I found him both highly informative and helpful.

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I stopped having it when the peddlers and book sellers completely took over. Ive seen the last copy and not much has changed. I found DH to be a nice bloke to talk to and if I had ever dug with him I would like to think I wouldnt talk out of school and slag him off in public in an attempt to make myself look like a real terrier man. 

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If that’s aimed at me Jeemes ,I speak as I find .No attempt to slag anyone just facts .Real terriermen don’t double up ,don’t need to .What dosnt sit well with me is being preached to about this and that and doing the fecking opposite .Im well aware of what used to go on in hunting ,Ive been around hounds most my life up until recently .

Doubling up is probably more common with hunt terriermen than it is with the amateur  for reasons of their own and he definitely wasn’t shy about doing it that day .Must of forgot to mention it in his book though ?

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