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Been wondering for the last few weeks that i haven't had the mag for a good while now, got in this morning and could see it on the bottom of the stairs.

Opened it up and thought this is a much thicker issue than normal then discovered it's the last ever issue.

Dave Harcombe has called it a day.


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Times have changed, for very much the worse, I'm afraid.

Hunters were once highly regarded; suppliers of food, destroyers of vermin.

I'm old enough to remember walking home with a dog and a few rabbits or a hare, and people would ask to buy one from you; now they are more likely to 'phone the police !

Magazines like EDRD have to tread a very fine line, even if terrier work is still legal, most of the public, if asked, will say its banned.

Publications such as EDRD have, sadly, become an anachronism, a thing of the past to all but a few.

How do you fill a magazine and stay within the law and public opinion ? It's impossible, without turning into something like CMW.

End of an era, I'm afraid.....good luck to Dave for the future.



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1 hour ago, SINDASOX said:

Been wondering for the last few weeks that i haven't had the mag for a good while now, got in this morning and could see it on the bottom of the stairs.

Opened it up and thought this is a much thicker issue than normal then discovered it's the last ever issue.

Dave Harcombe has called it a day.


Shame that but Charts is right, time moves on.

Sadly i stopped my subscription about 10 years ago. I got sick to death of the BMP and halal slaughter, it wasn't what i wanted to read in a dog mag.

I don't know if it stayed the same, as it may have suited many, or Dave moved on from that but i've always had a touch of guilt about not supporting the mag.

I wish Dave all the very best... ?

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I still have an original copy of badger digging by Dave and yes things have changed a lot, he was a bit of a breath of fresh air after years of plumbers writing when he came along all those years ago ?

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I did something similar bosun but for me it was that the quality of the lurcher articles were disappointing. 

shame that this news has had such a little response where ten years ago this would have been a ten pager 

maybe a sign of the magazines quality lately 


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