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Permission in writing, is it needed for shooting rabbits with air rifle

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Just got another permission for shooting rabbits with air rifle, as its adjacent to public land and right of way the farmer said if I get any bother from police tell them to contact him, been in touch with local police and they said carry my permission letter with me at all times, this  i dont have can anyone give me some advice regarding the situation I am in. Have I got to have my shooting permission in writing

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  On 28/06/2020 at 17:23, maxwell said:

Just got another permission for shooting rabbits with air rifle, as its adjacent to public land and right of way the farmer said if I get any bother from police tell them to contact him, been in touch with local police and they said carry my permission letter with me at all times, this  i dont have can anyone give me some advice regarding the situation I am in. Have I got to have my shooting permission in writing


I’ve got a lot of permissions and don’t have paper work for one and have never been asked!

the way I see it is you could print any old shite off but there still going to contact the land owner regardless if that’s how they feel!

if there’s issues with folk calling the police just phone in the land on 101 to cover your back?

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No, no you don't need to do this.

It's stupid!

Today we a guilty until we can prove ourselves innocent it seems!

What is stopping a poacher scribbling on a piece of paper saying he has authority to be there?

Idiots. They are just passing a non existent problem onto you.

There are no police to start with.

Just be discreet with regards the public.

Wave if you have contact and try not to look like a wannabe SAS recruit!

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I've got loads from official looking letters to scraps of paper with a name and phone number on them , i photocopied them keep them in the glove box and if i get tugged show them , its handy if you get a pull saying i've just been there heading to there . Most plod don't bother but you get the odd barstool who wants to phone a farmer in the wee hours 

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On my first perm, I prepared a letter so that in case of being stopped, I had something in writing ready.  The farmer didn't want to go that way and  9000 acres later, I have not bothered again trying to get it all in writing. The method Si has mentioned to call 101 and ask for the control desk is what my pal and myself did during the lockdown and there is no reason why that cannot continue but as the restrictions have been lifted, we just go and shoot. I would have no problems in going that route again as it was very easy and the police were always very friendly and grateful for being in the loop.

I know some will not go this way which is fine BUT if you have concerns, it is one way to do things.  All but two of our perms, we send a text to say we are on the land and this will give you a reason to keep in touch with the land owner who sees you taking a responsible approach to shooting on his land and should a phone call be made to him by anyone, he can advise them that you are ok and have his permission.  I have one farmer who is not that friendly but over time by keeping in touch via text and phone call along with bumping into him on the farm, his attitude has changed no end.

I did produce a listing all typed out with every farm, land owner, address, telepone number  and rough acreage so to show if needed.  One police officer saw it and was impressed that we had so much land saying that we must know what we are doing otherwise we would not have got all that and local bobby may well know some of the names on the list which can help no end.


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Lots of different angles here. Do I agree.?  Yes and no.   It isn't required BUT anyone can say anything.  Without it you could end up in a situation where you could be accused of shooting across others boundaries, shooting their cat, illegal shooting  or any random reason that a tree hugger might come out with.  If the owner of the land who said it was ok to be out there, gets embroiled in neighbour disputes they potentiality could say anything leaving you high and dry.

  If they won't write you out permission up front, then are they going to stand by you if poop is being thrown around.

Another aspect is that if plod does get called out and you don't have a copy of a cert which you wouldn't for an air rifle they might confiscate it until you can proven that you had authority to be where you are. Generally  you wont encounter plod but there are some officious  arseholes out there.

I don't agree with a other hoop to jump through but protect you self.

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My question in all honesty is why did you contact the police in the first place?You have permission that's the end of it, I have 3farms very close to me that are all word of mouth permissions, I use air rifles, shotguns, .22lr and .243 on all of them, depending on the quarry and particular area of the land I am Shooting, you do not need to inform the police, simple as that, the only time I can see it being of benefit, is if you were on ground in a sensitive area, then yes inform them before going on?

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I contacted the police because the field is in a place where it is only a matter of time before some do gooder phones up and reports me and I dont need the hassle. so now when I go I phone 101 and let them know im there

Edited by maxwell
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  On 10/07/2020 at 17:35, maxwell said:

I contacted the police because the field is in a place where it is only a matter of time before some do gooder phones up and reports me and I dont need the hassle. so now when I go I phone 101 and let them know im there


Even they know you are there , it won’t stop them coming out  or  even helicopter going over with search lights on , just the times we live in with to many so called do gooders coming in from city’s to the country life .

we even had a few city people come in and tried to put a stop to church clock chimes through the night , wankers 

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  On 11/07/2020 at 07:40, villaman said:

Even they know you are there , it won’t stop them coming out  or  even helicopter going over with search lights on , just the times we live in with to many so called do gooders coming in from city’s to the country life .

we even had a few city people come in and tried to put a stop to church clock chimes through the night , wankers 


The place where I always get shit is in the middle of a private estate with one of the biggest pheasant shoots in Yorkshire!

i don’t understand how these clowns minds work?

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  On 10/07/2020 at 17:35, maxwell said:

I contacted the police because the field is in a place where it is only a matter of time before some do gooder phones up and reports me and I dont need the hassle. so now when I go I phone 101 and let them know im there


Fair enough mate, I can see the sense in that, although as said, it won't stop them coming out if some tool reports seeing a man with a gun?

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