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Saying white lives matter....

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10 minutes ago, foxdropper said:

Or the melts that ran away to new lands .Make me sick with your patronising bullshit .

Can you blame the man for wanting to bring his family up amongst like mined folk.


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5 minutes ago, king said:

Can you blame the man for wanting to bring his family up amongst like mined folk.


Not at all mate but why pretend to give a shit after leaving .Draw a line and move on I say .Whats left behind is not his problem any more but he sure as hell likes to write about it .Starting to piss me off tbh .

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1 minute ago, foxdropper said:

Where you pretend to give a shit about what’s happening here .

Of course I give a shit, but I wasn’t wanted and that was made plain years ago.

You are still there and seem quiet angry about it but as I remember you was waiting for someone else to go first in case you lost your FAC?

Well, I went first and I didn’t see many others rushing to back up me and my pals......there you go, why should lads like me be bothered to do it for you when you can’t be bothered to do it for yourself 

You are a lost cause, so I’ll enjoy my retirement amongst other white people and you can do whatever you want ?

But, by all means be angry at me.....that’s much easier and less risky for the old FAC ;) 

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Yes mate ,that’s right twist it back on me but I’m still here and have no plans to run away afraid .Whatever happens here I’ll be part of it ,not watching from afar smugly thanking my lucky stars I got out .You know nothing about me but the fact you arnt here speaks volumes for you .Yes I’m angry ,angry with every c**t that lets this happen with no one to rely on here to fix it .

We are f****d that’s very plain to see but I’ll die knowing it was never done in my name .

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4 minutes ago, foxdropper said:

Yes mate ,that’s right twist it back on me but I’m still here and have no plans to run away afraid .Whatever happens here I’ll be part of it ,not watching from afar smugly thanking my lucky stars I got out .You know nothing about me but the fact you arnt here speaks volumes for you .Yes I’m angry ,angry with every c**t that lets this happen with no one to rely on here to fix it .

We are f****d that’s very plain to see but I’ll die knowing it was never done in my name .

so you admit the ship is sinking..and what are you going to do sink with it ?

you aint the captain.you are just a passenger..


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1 minute ago, foxdropper said:

Yes mate ,that’s right twist it back on me but I’m still here and have no plans to run away afraid .Whatever happens here I’ll be part of it ,not watching from afar smugly thanking my lucky stars I got out .You know nothing about me but the fact you arnt here speaks volumes for you .Yes I’m angry ,angry with every c**t that lets this happen with no one to rely on here to fix it .

We are f****d that’s very plain to see but I’ll die knowing it was never done in my name .

I’m not twisting it back in anyone mate, just stating facts.

If you read back, you were rude to me but I have not been rude to you.

You are totally right, I don’t know anything about you but I know what you have written and what you have written is that you are too worried to act on your convictions in case they take your FAC away.

You also wrote that you was waiting for the white backlash to BLM and was disappointed it never came......what, were you busy and missed the bus?

Nobody was stopping you were they ? 

There lads on here who were out on the front lines years ago and frankly, there was nobody else to be seen.

If you think sitting in your house and snapping at the knife that butchers you is some kind of badge of honour then that’s no skin off my nose.

As I say, it is what it is. 

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Ffs King ,of course it’s sinking .We get on here every night and go through the motions ,run every f****r down then forget it ,then back on here to do the same .Im fed up with words ,we are cowards who deserve to be defeated ,be trodden over and conquered .This is what angers me knowing we have f****d it big time by just doing exactly this ,talking ,joking and forgetting .

We are a nation of pushovers but most of all cowards .

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5 minutes ago, WILF said:

I’m not twisting it back in anyone mate, just stating facts.

If you read back, you were rude to me but I have not been rude to you.

You are totally right, I don’t know anything about you but I know what you have written and what you have written is that you are too worried to act on your convictions in case they take your FAC away.

You also wrote that you was waiting for the white backlash to BLM and was disappointed it never came......what, were you busy and missed the bus?

Nobody was stopping you were they ? 

There lads on here who were out on the front lines years ago and frankly, there was nobody else to be seen.

If you think sitting in your house and snapping at the knife that butchers you is some kind of badge of honour then that’s no skin off my nose.

As I say, it is what it is. 

Maybe I was there too ,like I said you know nothing .

Yes I’m scared to lose my freedom but so is every other White Englishman .This is what angers me and saddens me more .

No badge of honour here nor will any white Englishman ever gain one where it’s needed .

Very easy to state what you have done or what needs doing ,from afar just as it is for me from my chair by the tele .Im angry at history ,at every yellow bellied politician that ever agreed to invite them in and at every c**t that ran away for a better life .

Write whatever you like about me but the fact remains you did one in the face of adversity .

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17 minutes ago, foxdropper said:

Maybe I was there too ,like I said you know nothing .

Yes I’m scared to lose my freedom but so is every other White Englishman .This is what angers me and saddens me more .

No badge of honour here nor will any white Englishman ever gain one where it’s needed .

Very easy to state what you have done or what needs doing ,from afar just as it is for me from my chair by the tele .Im angry at history ,at every yellow bellied politician that ever agreed to invite them in and at every c**t that ran away for a better life .

Write whatever you like about me but the fact remains you did one in the face of adversity .

As I said mate, nobody is stopping you.

You don’t have to do anything illegal, go and become a school governor and stop them teaching all that black shit in schools, they don’t put you in prison for speaking out about it at meetings, you literally get a hand in shaping the early years of our young people......believe me, I know.


Go to local meetings and say what you think, again say it out loud, they don’t nick you for that either.....again, I know.

Get involved with your community and say this stuff out loud, they don’t nick you for that either.....I promise you ;) 

When you see blacks acting the c**t on the street, stop your car and get out and say something.....they don’t nick you for that, again, you can take my word for it.

If you don’t like the attitude of the paki in the garage, tell him, they don’t nick you for that either.


Let us know how you get on ?

Edited by WILF
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1 minute ago, foxdropper said:

Ffs King ,of course it’s sinking .We get on here every night and go through the motions ,run every f****r down then forget it ,then back on here to do the same .Im fed up with words ,we are cowards who deserve to be defeated ,be trodden over and conquered .This is what angers me knowing we have f****d it big time by just doing exactly this ,talking ,joking and forgetting .

We are a nation of pushovers but most of all cowards .

and what can the single man do about it.nothing is the answer.there's nothing we can do.

the valley im from has had a very similar fate to the major city's of the uk.as in the industry's. community's have been destroyed.and now in piece's

if the valleys were still thriving on coal then it would be an excellent place to live and bring kids up in.the only reason the valley villages are there is because of coal. whole community's thrived and numerous clubs to join activity's to do.

now the coal industry has gone forever.thus the valley's suffer unemployment through the roof.the place is very bleak.

i love wales i love the valley's but im not going to hang about there bringing my 3 sons up so they can hang around outside boarded up building's.

i haven't been myself but from what lads on here say about london it's changed so much it just aint the same and will never be again..

so what option's are left.stay and not be happy or move and be happy..


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Just the reply expected ,smug in the knowledge your sorry arse won’t be part of it .Im as much part of the problem as any other White Englishmen and I’m embarrassed by it .What I can live with though is knowing I never ran away .

You on the other hand ........

edited to say at Wilf not King 

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9 minutes ago, foxdropper said:

Just the reply expected ,smug in the knowledge your sorry arse won’t be part of it .Im as much part of the problem as any other White Englishmen and I’m embarrassed by it .What I can live with though is knowing I never ran away .

You on the other hand ........

edited to say at Wilf not King 

Mate, go and get involved in shaping your countries future, it’s something you can do quiet legally and with no threat to your FAC.

its easy, you just have to put yourself out to do it.......blokes like us are never going to be prime minister but there is plenty we can do if we put ourselves out and have the bollocks to say what we think out loud.

Positive white role models, coaching sport, involved with schools, involved in communities.

Let me tell you, it’s a lonely vocation ;) ......you watch your proud fellow Englishmen run for the hills when you stand up at a meeting and say “It’s disgusting we are funding black history month when we have so much history of our own and we could buy the kids books”

Do you have the stomach to be that bloke in your community ?......if you do, crack on and fair play to you ?


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