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Saying white lives matter....

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Who tuned into football this week ?....... I bet thousands.....hundreds of thousands, millions even......and every single one knew that the premier league were going to do all that crawl on your

Girls getting painted as a chav slag type .    couple of years back , I saw a girl i went to school with painted by the media as an absolute she devil for her actions in a reality show . She wa

Going to write same on my truck back see what happens .Cant be right that BLM is ok but WLM is illegal .Going to test that myself .We are a nation of f***ing cowards ,getting trod into oblivion .

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12 hours ago, socks said:

Kosovo is the worst place I’ve been for witnessing horrendous acts of atrocity towards other human beings .....

A lad I no spent 11 years in Northern Ireland and said the same mate when he went over there, he was one of the first in and told me the story’s of all the headless body’s  they encountered going in and all the heads they found piled up in the goalmouth of the football stadium, said it was unbelievable what people who had been neighbours for decades could do to each other ?  

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That's twice in 2 days that I agree wholeheartedly with you max?

I think our government should concentrate on sorting out its own first and foremost... before we go giving foreign aid/asylum to others, let's get the UK up and running get folks off their arses and back into work... Let's be GREAT again ?it's time to stop Worrying about other countries opinions of us, f**k them all, they have their own agendas..... They don't give a rats arse about us.... Why the f**k should they call the shots? America are the real enemy imo..... 

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1 hour ago, maxhardcore said:

Most that have came over from Calais this last 30 years have had no checks whatsoever .

Health wise ' mentally or physically ' HIV - TB whatever .

They speak no English ect

Mainly young males .

And due to the problems in the Mid East ect lots have been extremists .

And we wonder why we are having problems.

Immigration of the right people's with the right mindset ain't the problem.

The Wrong type with no checks and the wrong mindset do cause problems and should not be tolerated  or treat with kid gloves once they start making demands ect .

Fit in or f**k Off is Fair in my eyes.

And our own White trash need to get a grip and fend for themselfs and they also need to be got tough with when blaming anyone and everyone for their problems in life ect.

Weak Government and people with no pride in themselfs or their country had GB the shithole it's became on different scales in different areas.

That’s only if you believe nurture trumps nature Maxy, imho, it Dont ?

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39 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

Nature and Nurture plays a equal part imo 

And not all immigrants are bad natured or had bad nurturing some have some have not .

The same as our own low life's ?

All the evidence says that if you put a load of white Europeans together they will build nations, towns, roads, develop farms, invent machines and industry.

Put a group of Africans together and they won’t and in all probability it will become a wasteland.

Dont take my word for it, look at Europe and then look at Africa.

Anyway, we both know that we fundamentally differ on this point so we won’t agree.

I’ll just add to your point of “the right” type of oddmark (and I accept it’s a small example) but they have two black lawyers in federal custody in the states for throwing petrol bombs at the police in the BLM “protests” .........as I said, put enough in one spot and revert to type they will.


Edited by WILF
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1 minute ago, .357shooter said:

i thought our immigration boss had sorted this and the boats were to be towed back to france

They are coming in hundreds a week mate.have a look at this..


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13 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

Our streets are awash with litter ' make it a £250 fine for as much as a tab end and 40 hours litter picking as standard first time caught and rising every time caught there after and watch the streets ' roads ' motorways ect start looking much cleaner.

Work out what the long term unemployed are getting in benefits 

ie Rent - council tax - Money per week ect

Divide it by £10 which puts them on above minimum wage and have 

so if they recieve £400 per week off the state they work for 40 hours.

Litter picking the streets ' beaches ' hedgerows ect 

Using spades - brushes and buckets to clean the grass and weeds from kerbsides ' paving ect ect .

Planting trees and shrubs ect 

Get some pride back in them so to speak .

If they don't turn in they loose £10 per hour for every hour they miss.

Up to them.

Its mostly these sorts littering and up all hours causing probs re anti social beheviour.

If they know they have to pick the litter up they won't be so keen to drop it.

If they know they working from 

8am - 4.30pm they won't be up all night causing trouble ect.

Get ex Army lads put thru supervisory courses - Man management courses ect and have them picking up and looking after gangs or 12-16 whatever .

Put it under the umberella of Community Direct or something similar ?

They getting paid anyways so make them contribute for it.

While I appreciate the sentiment let’s just think about that for a minute.

Are we saying that the net result of the last 70 years is that we have to effectively put our own people on chain gangs in order for them to stay alive?.......it’s effectively “the workhouse” isn’t it? 

In order for people to have pride they have to value something and have something to have pride in......we have spent 53 years rubbishing that concept, we are told constantly that “we shouldn’t care, it don’t matter”

Well, we are seeing that it does matter, it matters a lot.

There are tens of millions of people in Britain alone who don’t belong there and spend their whole life f***ing the gaff up, it’s law that you can’t really say a word about it.......in fact people are now getting on their knees to these folks !

Tell me please, what exactly are these people (who have seen their jobs destroyed , their young thrown on the scrap only to be replaced by millions of people who share nothing in common with them) meant to have pride in ?

We have just had a whole month of being told how worthless, privileged, racist and generally shite we are in our own land and we are meant to be proud about it? 

Im sorry Max, but you are all over the place with this.

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Some years back, the dole decided to move away from people standing in line once week to sign on, to an online service..

Claimants, (or clients, as the dole called them), had to have an email address and lodge a c.v. on line or face sanctions.

The dole wanted volunteers to help claimants set up an email address and construct a c.v. and learn basic interview technique, so, being at a loose end, I volunteered !

It was interesting, but a bit soul destroying to see men in their 30's, 40's, 50's who were illiterate, innumerate, had left school at 14 or 15 with no qualification and had been on the dole their entire lives.

This wasn't just a lost generation, I saw three generations of the same family, all who had never know anything other than a life on benefits ! 

After 3 months, the dole offered me a full time, paid job doing this, but my social conscience had been salved , and I decided a few months in Australia, hunting, was a better option than coming out of retirement.

These people are a social underclass, and the majority seemed happy with it as long as they got their benefits, it would be impossible to get them to contribute to their upkeep, they just wouldn't do it, and the left would howl with outrage at any attempt to force them into it.

The dole used to be a safety net to protect people between jobs, but now, sadly, for some it's a way of life, and I can't see it changing.


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5 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

It’s simple really, just make the gap between dole claimants an eve minimum wage enough to make folk want to earn that bit extra, instead it’s a sorry state of affairs that a lot of folk who claim benefits are as well if not better off than a lot of working family’s, until that’s sorted then who can blame folk for not working, Cos fact is an I have thought about this long an hard, if I didn’t have kids to set an example to, I’d be on lifetime sick with depression or some other illness impossible to prove, an be out hunting, fishing an shaggjng me life away ??? if you can’t beat em join em, jist a shame I got 4 kids I’d rather set a decent example to

It's not a shame though katch. Your priorities are in the right order, you want to set a decent example to your kids. And that's how it should be.


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3 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

It’s simple really, just make the gap between dole claimants an eve minimum wage enough to make folk want to earn that bit extra, instead it’s a sorry state of affairs that a lot of folk who claim benefits are as well if not better off than a lot of working family’s, until that’s sorted then who can blame folk for not working, Cos fact is an I have thought about this long an hard, if I didn’t have kids to set an example to, I’d be on lifetime sick with depression or some other illness impossible to prove, an be out hunting, fishing an shaggjng me life away ??? if you can’t beat em join em, jist a shame I got 4 kids I’d rather set a decent example to

You're right, Don.

A lad who goes boat fishing with my brother has five kids, two who are "special needs".

His benefits include over £500 a week cash, a new 7 seater people carrier, taxed, insured, serviced, etc, free, every three years, rent and council tax paid, free glasses, dentistry, and prescriptions. The council sends the whole family on holiday twice a year.

Now, this guy isn't an idiot, he's quite clued up. I talked to him about his situation once, and he said "can you imagine the job I'd have to have to get all this ? " 

Yeah ! He'd have to be a proffessional, at the top of his game ! So who can blame him ?


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