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Well thats definately below the belt :icon_eek::laugh:


But Hey dont knock it til youve tried it!


Unless of course you allready have :tongue2: , I guess its more original than cruising gay bars, and you southerners are a weird lot nothing would surprise me :laugh:

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thats true,see a lot of people on these sites are only into there dogs for a few yrs and wouldnt know how to bring a pup on to its full pertential so they pay the money for these dogs,i breed mine and

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Whats the deal with tresspass in search and pursuit (or whatever the quivalent law is called) down south? was chatting about this earlier as I got charged with this a few years back, but now up here we have the new "right to roam" act which I think basically means its much harder for them to get convictions unless you have hares about your person, or they have evidence or eye witnesses of you coursing? Can you lads down south be done just for being on the land with the dogs, or do they have to catch you with the goods to be able to make it stick? Just wondering as it used to be up here that you could get charged just for being about on the land, I got charged and I didnt even have a fecking dog with me :laugh: but it was because they didnt know who the 2 lads were that were with me, and I refused to name them. Is it the same for you guys or do they only have powers to charge you if they can prove you have killed game?


i got court coursing pre ban, the old bill drove strait across the field to us they hadnt seen us run. but we all got done for tresspass in pursuit of game! £65 fine :laugh::clapper::clapper:

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i went over the a1, im not sure where james went i wasnt with him yesterday, how was the ground, soft or not?

where abouts were you? it was lovely and soft where we were :thumbs:

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The wind has taken the moisture off the top, but it is soft enough underneath :thumbs:
it hadnt taken the moisture of the ground i was on it was holding water in some off the fields .... :D .....and them that wernt holding water you feet sank about 3 ".s real heavy going most of it ... :thumbs:
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Dont doubt it Snoopy mate, it has taken a hell of a lot of rain.........it just wasnt as "sticky" in the few places that I visited last week :thumbs:
whooooooo i like it sticky :whistling: .....it gets them hares balled up so i have a chance off catching em :D:D:D ....
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quote]it hadnt taken the moisture of the ground i was on it was holding water in some off the fields .... :D .....and them that wernt holding water you feet sank about 3 ".s real heavy going most of it ... :thumbs:


so it was up to your knees then snoopy , good job you never had fred dog with you , the poor kunt would have drowned LOL

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