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made a straddle from laburnum wood fits my hand a treat

I lost a bit of form recently so decided to use the gzk .66 that short straw sent me. I had a load of 7mm bearings that you get as freebies from balls of steel not doing anything so used them...WOW...

Tubes last longer, not as accurate some say......I don’t use tubes. Yes flat stuff equals bands. If you do buy a catapult try a scout copy off eBay.....they’re  vary in price...... but generally £8 -£

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  On 28/06/2020 at 09:18, Shortstraw said:

How you compare to theraband?


It’s softer than gold, but I can draw it back 1.5 meters so it seems to fly as well, goes through tin cans and plastic bottles ok so should have enough whack to kill with, I get thereband from the physio at the hospital so think it’s all originated from the exercise market, it’s just finding which ones are suitable for Catty,s . The add I put up was an example not the exact stuff I,m using, I was given that, even some supermarkets are selling exercise bands now, ?

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Why would you start ott? Genuine question as I've just had a new Scout LT through the post and was intending to use it sideways (which is how I learnt to shoot using my old Scout) but was considering ott to see if it has any difference in accuracy. Thanks in advance.

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  On 20/07/2020 at 11:06, Neal said:

Why would you start ott? Genuine question as I've just had a new Scout LT through the post and was intending to use it sideways (which is how I learnt to shoot using my old Scout) but was considering ott to see if it has any difference in accuracy. Thanks in advance.


I think people can only speak from personal experience .......I started over the top, but through the forks appealed to me so I tried it , however I was still making mistakes. It’s these mistakes that can be more of a problem when shoot ttf. When shooting ott the elastic and ball travels over the forks, yet when shooting ttf the bands and ball travel through the forks as expected. I found through experience when learning if shooting ott and I made a mistake it wasn’t a big deal, but when shooting ttf making a mistake can be much closer to your hand or forks. So I was getting the occasional fork hit which didn’t bother me with ttf, however it can very easily turn into a hand hit.....these can be horrendous, will cut bruise and may leave a little scar.

So basically through my experience ott allows for more errors in a more sympathetic way. Whereas making a mistake ttf can be scary painful if your unlucky enough.

i believe both techniques can be as accurate, but for example, if I was to teach a child I would opt for ott to start with, then when their  technique is consistent then try  ttf if they want.

I now shoot ott, if I do make a mistake I know I’m less likely to pay for it, but I reckon my technique is a bit more polished now so there would be less chance, however I don’t want another hand hit as long as I live.

if your shooting ok with ttf no reason to change. 

Regarding accuracy....I reckon people do find either ott or ttf suits them better.....probably through their hit rate, but if you get two good shooters at equal competitive level, one who prefers ott and one who prefers ttf, the method probably has very little to do with  accuracy, more to do with the persons consistency of technique than preferred style.



Edited by Shortstraw
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  On 20/07/2020 at 11:06, Neal said:

Why would you start ott? Genuine question as I've just had a new Scout LT through the post and was intending to use it sideways (which is how I learnt to shoot using my old Scout) but was considering ott to see if it has any difference in accuracy. Thanks in advance.


Maybe try both and see how you go, I think until you try both and not just for five minutes, over say a few weeks and see which you get a feel for. I started ott and tried ttf, I thought ttf would be more accurate and after a while i was with it. I then went back to ott after a few too many hand hits and straight away I noticed I was hitting more. Just stuck to it ever since, but less fiddly to do the pouch end of bands too......although neither is hard to do so to speak.

Just remember, I’m sure your aware, the bands on the scout will be purpose made to be shot ott or ttf.....depending what comes with it.

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  On 21/07/2020 at 20:05, Mr Wilkes said:

Short straw, do you use a anchor point and frame reference Ott ?.


Yeah, took a while to find it as I was shooting every which way at first but gradually improving. Still definitely prefering ttf at the moment though, could be because the whole ratio of anchor point, frame reference etc is more comfortable with the ttf than ott. 

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  On 21/07/2020 at 11:04, Neal said:

Thanks Shortstraw; I'm going to use the old Scout and the new and do each one differently, and see which I prefer. Thanks for the advice.


Also take into consideration if you ever want to try a optic fibre it’s probably easier to attach to frame on ott above bands, might be more difficult on ttf with the band been in the way.

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  On 22/07/2020 at 09:09, Neal said:

Yeah, took a while to find it as I was shooting every which way at first but gradually improving. Still definitely prefering ttf at the moment though, could be because the whole ratio of anchor point, frame reference etc is more comfortable with the ttf than ott. 


Just wondering why? What difference you found?

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  On 22/07/2020 at 09:11, Shortstraw said:

Just wondering why? What difference you found?


With ttf my anchor point is the corner of my mouth and looking straight down the bands via the dent on the forks, whereas with ott I can only get close if I draw to the middle of my mouth or chin and work up or down visually from there. Makes it feel like I'm doing yoga in comparison.

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