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Haven't been on here in ages, just thought I'd share a few recent pictures of my pup Simba as he approaching his 1st birthday, he's all stripped out for the summer and showing my plenty of promise of

Dam and two of her pups today

Same way bred as my bitch this is her brother above from the same litter  there predominately bedlington/greyhound  bred now from lurcher to lurcher breeding of similar type on both sides of the

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There just the ticket I’m really happy with mine can’t wait till the season starts to see what she’s really all about I like what I’m seeing from mine so far ?? Definitely the forward young uns With bags of prey drive for there age

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1 minute ago, poxon said:

There just the ticket I’m really happy with mine can’t wait till the season starts to see what she’s really all about I like what I’m seeing from mine so far ?? Definitely the forward young uns With bags of prey drive for there age

Fair play d 

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13 hours ago, Vicky Steadman said:

Haha, I'd love to have another litter, unfortunately I'm living back home with my mum and step dad so another litter is out of the question till I move out. We'd be over dogged here with one retired and one non worker, 5 dogs about the place would be too many. 

The other thing is the sire got sold and I don't know his whereabouts. I really like what they produced together.

Ahh, that's a real shame - hope Simba does the business for you. I'll watch his progress with interest ?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 09/06/2020 at 20:46, Vicky Steadman said:

White bitch and black dog both went up country together. Both standing 25 1/2" and doing r r h d f already





12 hours ago, shealy said:

Black dog a beauty?

WLM ? ?

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4 hours ago, Black neck said:

Women like men 

Alot of them dont these day's furg 

Yeah see it all the time these days blacky. Some of the youngsters, well, just brazen.

Anyway, must dash, toodle pip ?

Edited by shaaark
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On 09/06/2020 at 12:19, poxon said:

The whole litter seems a cracking litter if I bred them I’d be well impressed with them tbh they’re all pretty uniform in type bitches all seem even in size an build it’s the same with the dogs in the litter there the same they’ve all been self enterers bar one I think that went to a sporting home they seem really keen to get on an work ray. Mines not keen on retrieving ray I’ve said to vicky that my bitch is by far the hardest bitch I’ve ever had to train to retrieve But it’ll be what it’ll be on the night if it happens it happens I’ll continue to train it if they retrieve they retrieve it’s not like there’s any numbers on the rabbit front any how so it’s not a must or that any of us a dedicated ferreters wanting ferreting types that need a retrieve or just for rabbit lampers For numbers I think everyone who’s got one of these pups are not dedicated rabbiting folk but wanted a bedlington x bred to do what there traditionally bred for obviously in the guide lines of the law an all that 

My bitch is a little over 12 month now. Switched on when out and lives for chasing rabbits. She is 1/8beddy, 3/8whip, 1/2grey. She won't retrieve, doesn't even show an interest in toys or dummies to allow training. Also she was doing really well on recall but more and more she just comes if she feels like it. As if she hears me call her and thinks, go on then let's entertain him this time. Seems to be going through a knobhead stage. Hoping she will settle down and do as she should. Feels like hardest dog for training I've had. She is very timid aswell which I think is a trait from the beddy and whippet in her.

Tough mutt!

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On 09/06/2020 at 15:39, Vicky Steadman said:

He's very unenthusiastic avout toys, dummies, balls etc. At most he will chase them and pick them up, might do a little circle with them then drops them to change the game. He's had 3 rabbits on lamp, first two he brought to me but only when I left the field and he followed, the third he caught close to me so didn't need retrieving. Hoping that he'll get the idea the more he lamps that the sooner he brings it back the sooner we find another run.

The dam is a really decent retriever, not always live to hand but always comes back if she can carry it. Brings rabbits back over fences and gates and picks up partridge, pigeon and pheasant on shoots. Not sure why her pups are so different but oh well! These are bred to be alrounders and not everything needs retrieving so it's not the end of the world but it does make it easier when they bring things back.

That is same as my pup 

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9 hours ago, ryaldinhio said:

My bitch is a little over 12 month now. Switched on when out and lives for chasing rabbits. She is 1/8beddy, 3/8whip, 1/2grey. She won't retrieve, doesn't even show an interest in toys or dummies to allow training. Also she was doing really well on recall but more and more she just comes if she feels like it. As if she hears me call her and thinks, go on then let's entertain him this time. Seems to be going through a knobhead stage. Hoping she will settle down and do as she should. Feels like hardest dog for training I've had. She is very timid aswell which I think is a trait from the beddy and whippet in her.

Tough mutt!

Mines about 13months now I’m really pleased with mine I’ve stayed away from letting mine hunt for stuff over the fields for the last few months I feel there’s plenty of time for that once the season gets underway I’ve concentrated on getting recall bang on an retrieveing spot on this bitch of mine seems to really want to please me now we have made a really good bond Between us she made a complete u turn  I’m still saying she’s the hardest dog I’ve ever had to train but what I’m seeing so far with how loyal she has become an wanting to now please me it’s definitely been worth every minute going the extra mile to keep plodding on with training rather than just letting her get on an do her own thing as bad as this sounds the lock down done us a favour the recall was the thing I wanted to drum in the most  being a lamper I want that bang on But I’ve always said no recall no retrieve as a retrieve is a extension of recall 

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Had this photo taken Saturday by her breeder that popped in for a visit on her way through my bitch was gifted a brand new strong stuff lead an collar from her breeder for her. She’s in season at the minute I can’t wait to get her fit ready to get running fit can’t wait to see what she looks like all proper running fit


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