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I've ordered a spring air rifle for shooting rats that come in the garden, is there anything I could/should be doing when I get it out of the box or just a case of putting a few pellets through it?

Any advice appreciated, cheers

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What rifle are you getting and are you a springer user, if not, you will need to practice until you are able to be on target every time you shoot.  I have been shooting for years but I do not regard myself as a good shot with a springer so I practice.................a lot and bit by bit, I am getting there.

 If it is new, it will need the barrel cleaning, then if you are using a scope, check or set zero at the distance you will be shooting at.


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Remington Sabre TH .22 with scope. Haha no mate, I've not had an air rifle before so I'll be practicing a lot with it.

I've got a cleaning kit so I'll give the barrel a pull through.

I was just going to follow this principle for zeroing and do it off a rest. Or is there a better way?


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When setting zero with a springer, you must allow the rifle to slide back in your hands not to hold it totally rigid. Had you bought a pcp rifle, it is easier to zero because you can in effect lock it down and shoot.  The springer is a different animal altogether and those who can be very accurate with them have my respect so be warned, you will be frustrated at times but as you get better you will have a certain satisfaction, trust me on this. 

If you can, go along to a range to seek hands on assistance in terms of gun handling and technique. One other thing is that you need to find what pellets suit your gun, believe it or not we all test loads of different pellets to establish what works well for you to consistantly produce good groups. Again guys at the range will be able to help you here.

Check out shooting clubs on here :-  https://www.shootingclubdirectory.com/


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Cheers mate, I'm not a stranger to shooting - just air rifles! I watched a review of the rifle and ordered the pellets that were best in the review and had the smallest grouping but I suppose I can order some different types.

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