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White neighbours kneel down and beg there black neighbours for forgiveness.

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im sick to bloody death with all this shite  .i dont remember any riots and looting when that black fella  near on cut lee rigbys head off   ,they are tofkn quick to pull the race card  every time a b

Mate I can honestly say I dont preach anything to my kids, I have my views on the world and they certainly arent left but not too far right either...but... I took Fin out kayaking the other night and

What the coloured gentlemen don’t seem to realise is that without slavery the c**ts would still be in Africa chasing grasshoppers for  their next meal and living in huts made of whatever shit they can

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  On 23/06/2020 at 15:00, green lurchers said:

Jesus help this cnt  “ a tool of oppression for white supremacy “ go get a job you heathen wkr 



And the thing is gl these people are been listened to. And be sure there's is someone somewhere in an office actually looking into this, to see is it offence, and what can be done about it

Atb j 

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  On 23/06/2020 at 15:18, jetro said:

I really hope the British isles gets its act together and stops this madness, before its to late.

Atb j 



  On 23/06/2020 at 15:08, jetro said:

And the thing is gl these people are been listened to. And be sure there's is someone somewhere in an office actually looking into this, to see is it offence, and what can be done about it

Atb j 


Fk em I grew up in London with all the tribes never once did any raise a question of slavery  the Indians never brought up the shit we caused with them , I said early on this post I travelled a fair bit thers no animosity on the islands that were once slave islands so why is this dopey cnt stoking the fire ? I do know it’s an education system of leftie bullshit , strange eh these leftie educated cntboxes are stoking a fire of racial tension il use Shauns advice from his pastor. “ none of this was of my or anyone I know of doing and is not mine or anyone of this time of life to fix it “ the prick should stop creating tension and get out and help and not divide . Shauns  comment    “I refuse to speak in detail about the nature of my mother's past, or her sexual partners, and I am gravely embarrassed to even be saying this now, but I have been told for most of my life that the white man on my birth certificate is not my biological father and that my actual biological father is a light-skinned black man. My mother and I have discussed her affair. She was a young woman in a bad relationship and I have no judgment. This has been my lived reality for nearly 30 of my 35 years on earth. I am not ashamed of it, or of who I am — never that — but I was advised by my pastor nearly 20 years ago that this was not a mess of my doing and it was not my responsibility to fix it.

Edited by green lurchers
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Viking’s enslaved , Muslims enslaved , Africans enslaved , it was the norm   Before Irish English Scot got involved  how deep do they want to go ? China is basically enslaving African country’s  at the present and Libya and fk knows how many country’s still buy n sell humans  , get marching and protesting  they got some sorting out to do infact plenty country’s the democrats  ( Clinton’s )interfered with still have slave trade today 

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The irish and British were enslaving each other long before the Romans, Saxons or vikings landed on our shore.

It's recorded that there was a healthy slave trade between Ireland and Wales .

Its happening today and no amount of blm protests is going to stop it.

As far as I can see, they would sooner destroy what we have now, instead of working to make it better for everyone. 

Atb j 


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  On 23/06/2020 at 18:40, jetro said:

The irish and British were enslaving each other long before the Romans, Saxons or vikings landed on our shore.

It's recorded that there was a healthy slave trade between Ireland and Wales .

Its happening today and no amount of blm protests is going to stop it.

As far as I can see, they would sooner destroy what we have now, instead of working to make it better for everyone. 

Atb j 



69 % of Democrats would rather a meteor strike take out the planet earth than see trump get another term in office. The Dems are the party of fk heds 

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  On 23/06/2020 at 18:43, green lurchers said:

69 % of Democrats would rather a meteor strike take out the planet earth than see trump get another term in office. The Dems are the party of fk heds 


What I can't understand, why is just the blacks that are kicking off.  What about the Mexicans, the native Americans so  and so on. They have just as much, if not more to complain about than the blacks .

But what really sickens me is the white people apologising for something someone else did two or three lifetimes ago. 

And especially a country that had nothing to do with slavery (ireland)

Atb j 

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I must admit, I don't take a deep lot of notice of what USA's up to. Don't really look at Wales or Inner Mongolia either.

But, from what tiny bits that do register? I must say, I'm yet to hear of Anything Donald Trump has said or done that's made me swear through gritted teeth!

Just about Everything I hear about the democrats has me pulling my hair out in despair. But, seriously; Would anybody care to offer me some reasons I should despise Trump?

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  On 23/06/2020 at 18:52, Ken's Deputy said:

I must admit, I don't take a deep lot of notice of what USA's up to. Don't really look at Wales or Inner Mongolia either.

But, from what tiny bits that do register? I must say, I'm yet to hear of Anything Donald Trump has said or done that's made me swear through gritted teeth!

Just about Everything I hear about the democrats has me pulling my hair out in despair. But, seriously; Would anybody care to offer me some reasons I should despise Trump?


Acc to the Dems he a Russian agent who colluded  with foreign country’s  Shagged some ex porn star he’s a racist   A spokesman for white supremacy  hates  blacks Hispanics  carries corona virus  , loves hard working Americans that pay taxes ( fkn wrong un )  loves his country and flag and has nearly lifted the lid off the democratic swamp party , a liar who hates women how can anybody esp the Soros backed media like him  , except deplorables  who work and fought for ther country lol other than that he’s not a that bad a lad who loves loves golf , it’s the golf thing I hate it’s a shit sport ? how can anybody vote for a man that loves golf  

Edited by green lurchers
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