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White neighbours kneel down and beg there black neighbours for forgiveness.

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  On 08/06/2020 at 19:06, TOMO said:

There were small resident population of blacks living in Bristol Liverpool since the early 1800 wilf...

Obviously not on the scale of the USA and our colonies. .


I never knew that mate, I wonder how many......certainly nothing on the scale of today in the UK.



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im sick to bloody death with all this shite  .i dont remember any riots and looting when that black fella  near on cut lee rigbys head off   ,they are tofkn quick to pull the race card  every time a b

Mate I can honestly say I dont preach anything to my kids, I have my views on the world and they certainly arent left but not too far right either...but... I took Fin out kayaking the other night and

What the coloured gentlemen don’t seem to realise is that without slavery the c**ts would still be in Africa chasing grasshoppers for  their next meal and living in huts made of whatever shit they can

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  On 08/06/2020 at 19:17, WILF said:

I never knew that mate, I wonder how many......certainly nothing on the scale of today in the UK.




I've   just Googled. ...around 15000...in Bristol London and Bristol. .most as you say in service in the big houses....some were paid ...some still slaves...

We were one of the first countries to outlaw slavery 1820 ish.....

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SWEDEN: A family’s moving truck was plundered by Black Lives Matter activists in Gothenburg on Saturday. The family had been moving into their new apartment in the city’s central district when a violent mob of Black Lives Matter activists appeared, saw what they were doing, and then looted and destroyed the family’s belongings.

The mother of the family told Gothenburg Post that she had  witnessed the horrifying event take place from inside of her new apartment. She says that her son’s drawings were thrown out on the street, and that the mob smashed several windows of homes on the street.

In the video clip, a dozen or so African migrants can be seen ransacking the truck in search of valuables. It appears as though much of the family’s property was destroyed in the process.


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  On 08/06/2020 at 19:29, TOMO said:

I've   just Googled. ...around 15000...in Bristol London and Bristol. .most as you say in service in the big houses....some were paid ...some still slaves...

We were one of the first countries to outlaw slavery 1820 ish.....


I had a look mate, 15000 in them days compared to a total population of 27 million......if we stuck to the same proportions that would mean there should be about 45000 blacks today........today there are actually 3 Million black and mixed race and 4.5 million Asians !!! 

That can’t be healthy and is bound to cause problems in an indigenous white country 

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  On 08/06/2020 at 19:06, TOMO said:

There were small resident population of blacks living in Bristol Liverpool since the early 1800 wilf...

Obviously not on the scale of the USA and our colonies. .


In 1833 Britain used 40 per cent of its nation budget to buy freedom for all slaves in the empire the fee was that large it wasn't paid of till 2015 Britain did more to end slavery than anyone 

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  On 08/06/2020 at 20:21, Blackmag said:

In 1833 Britain used 40 per cent of its nation budget to buy freedom for all slaves in the empire the fee was that large it wasn't paid of till 2015 Britain did more to end slavery than anyone 


He wogs forget it was their own people who sold the slaves, 


Always the white man's fault

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  On 08/06/2020 at 20:23, keepdiggin said:

He wogs forget it was their own people who sold the slaves, 


Always the white man's fault


Don't let facts get in the way kd this shite as gone on for years antifa are doing more damage to the blm lot and they can't see it yet if you speak out your racist but folk are going from sympathy to feeling pissed of and embarrassed by all this bollocks hopefully sats just the start 

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  On 08/06/2020 at 20:21, Blackmag said:

In 1833 Britain used 40 per cent of its nation budget to buy freedom for all slaves in the empire the fee was that large it wasn't paid of till 2015 Britain did more to end slavery than anyone 


Keep in mind you me and every other tax paying Englishman on this forum had a lifetime of helping pay for the end of the slave trade up until 2015 !

We should of left them where we found them.

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  On 08/06/2020 at 21:06, gnasher16 said:

Keep in mind you me and every other tax paying Englishman on this forum had a lifetime of helping pay for the end of the slave trade up until 2015 !

We should of left them where we found them.


Of course but all this were sorry shite bowing down ect is really beginning to piss me of a lot of folk have been saying for years this is what would happen but we're shouted down as racist  you can't take out hundreds  of years of breeding in 70 years  it's like asking a pit bull not to fight it's bred instilled it's  the same 

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Having spoken to a number of like minded folk this weekend most are in agreement that blacks have done more to promote white nationalism over the last week than white nationalists could ever have done on our own.....millions of fence sitting whites are now realizing they are under attack and that pro white groups are the only ones willing to definitively advocate for them......make no mistake about it pro white activism has been given a massive boost at a time when trying to explain the most basic concepts of race realism to brainwashed,self loathing white people ashamed of their heritage is near exhausting.....low grade universities churning out thousands of heavily indoctrinated angry young virtually unemployable graduates being used as government pawns have absolutely no idea about the wave of white nationalism sweeping the country,not nazis and not racists just normal regular folk raised in normal families....will you see them in the media,no....will you hear about them in the media,no.....but put a ballot paper in front of them right now and you,ll see where their loyalties lie.

We have a far left Mayor of London and a far left Head of Met Police is it any wonder that these primitive sub human savages are being allowed to bring London to a standstill and make it a no go area.....but one thing people will be learning from watching this radical left fiasco is that local elections are just as important as the national ones,they determine policies relating to education,health,even the courts......for a pro white movement to work it must start at a local level and what better advertising for the support of pro white groups than to see black people and their useful white idiots destroy themselves in this way.

Culture doesnt just manifest out of thin air....culture is the product of race !

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  On 08/06/2020 at 21:42, gnasher16 said:

Having spoken to a number of like minded folk this weekend most are in agreement that blacks have done more to promote white nationalism over the last week than white nationalists could ever have done on our own.....millions of fence sitting whites are now realizing they are under attack and that pro white groups are the only ones willing to definitively advocate for them......make no mistake about it pro white activism has been given a massive boost at a time when trying to explain the most basic concepts of race realism to brainwashed,self loathing white people ashamed of their heritage is near exhausting.....low grade universities churning out thousands of heavily indoctrinated angry young virtually unemployable graduates being used as government pawns have absolutely no idea about the wave of white nationalism sweeping the country,not nazis and not racists just normal regular folk raised in normal families....will you see them in the media,no....will you hear about them in the media,no.....but put a ballot paper in front of them right now and you,ll see where their loyalties lie.

We have a far left Mayor of London and a far left Head of Met Police is it any wonder that these primitive sub human savages are being allowed to bring London to a standstill and make it a no go area.....but one thing people will be learning from watching this radical left fiasco is that local elections are just as important as the national ones,they determine policies relating to education,health,even the courts......for a pro white movement to work it must start at a local level and what better advertising for the support of pro white groups than to see black people and their useful white idiots destroy themselves in this way.

Culture doesnt just manifest out of thin air....culture is the product of race !


Culture doesnt just manifest out of thin air....culture is the product of race !

Very nicely put. 

I will have to remember that saying.

Atb j

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  On 08/06/2020 at 21:42, gnasher16 said:

Having spoken to a number of like minded folk this weekend most are in agreement that blacks have done more to promote white nationalism over the last week than white nationalists could ever have done on our own.....millions of fence sitting whites are now realizing they are under attack and that pro white groups are the only ones willing to definitively advocate for them......make no mistake about it pro white activism has been given a massive boost at a time when trying to explain the most basic concepts of race realism to brainwashed,self loathing white people ashamed of their heritage is near exhausting.....low grade universities churning out thousands of heavily indoctrinated angry young virtually unemployable graduates being used as government pawns have absolutely no idea about the wave of white nationalism sweeping the country,not nazis and not racists just normal regular folk raised in normal families....will you see them in the media,no....will you hear about them in the media,no.....but put a ballot paper in front of them right now and you,ll see where their loyalties lie.

We have a far left Mayor of London and a far left Head of Met Police is it any wonder that these primitive sub human savages are being allowed to bring London to a standstill and make it a no go area.....but one thing people will be learning from watching this radical left fiasco is that local elections are just as important as the national ones,they determine policies relating to education,health,even the courts......for a pro white movement to work it must start at a local level and what better advertising for the support of pro white groups than to see black people and their useful white idiots destroy themselves in this way.

Culture doesnt just manifest out of thin air....culture is the product of race !


I hope your right.I went to my father for advice during this time as he has some experience from Rodney King riots.He was actually happy that the blacks and Antifa were destroying big cities.As he said this would help more than anything a white man could have done.This man was spat upon in the 90s for marching and saying this day was coming.In some weird way I am glad that he lived to see he was right.

You cant get rid of cochroaches by stomping them one at a time.

You can't make a racehorse from a plowmule.   local Klan proverbs.

MR Gnasher you are right about starting locally.Call up your local buzzards(politicians) and let them know how you feel.Pushback or bow down.


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Watching the news tonight and the antifa  fuckwits throwing the statue into the water I’m very glad I’m 50 plus and not 20 as I f****n know I’d be locked up very soon .Can feel myself raging inside with the wife telling me to calm down .

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In 1807 slavery was abolished in England. 

In 1845 to 1847 the British starved over a million irish, and drove anothe 1.5 million from their home land.

Cromwell sold 50k irish men, women and children into slavery. And committed genocide. 

The point I'm trying to make is, you don't see the Irish kicking off burning and looting major cities in the UK, for the atrocities committed on their ancestors,

We got over it,  never forgot it,got on with it, recovered and built on it.

So it must/has to be a race thing with these blacks.  Their not the only race, culture to be taken control of.

Look at the native Americans, dont see these people at this carry on, 

Atb j 

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