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What a joke dogs have become.

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  On 04/06/2020 at 14:22, Saltmoon said:

Was have a look this morning like alot if of us I just like a look every now and then and I was beyond shocked at some prices I saw Jack Russell's 1250 notes!!! A 6 month old Springer 4000 notes the price of these dogs are just mental saluki greyhound 1200 pound what is wrong with people. But like always people will and do pay these prices. 


Same here, the brother-in-law is after a dog so I looked about at those labracockadoodledoos or whatever they are called and them are going for 2K plus. 

I've told him to get a dog from a rescue. 

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Well,not being funny but there could be 101 reasons for that mate ?

You only have to flick through the ads on these dog selling websites to see people are exploiting these breeds to top up their dole money.....the structure of any dog isnt going to improve when its so

Why can't folk just be happy with a Staffy, just a silly status symbol that looks shite. 

I've just seen an Irish kid advertising his "next project." 

An APBT X Doberman. 

He also has a cross called a Bull Herder, nice looking dogs but what the hell is he playing at?

Supposedly used for protection work but basically they are a bunch of chavs that sic'em on people, no proper training whatsover. ?

Edited by Greb147
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Looks like I'll have to eat my words: saw a nice looking litter of kelpie pups but then noticed the price...£995!

Thought to myself than they'd never sell and the seller would be readvertising in a few months at a reduced price. Lo and behold! Less than a week later and they've all been pre-booked and there's a waiting list for any that fall through.

My wife said I should stop keeping dogs and swap to bitches!

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Is there a Ten Bob crash course on protection work nowadays? I see FB is littered with idiots crossing god knows what in the name of protection work. 

Where is the standards these days? 

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