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Trail camera photo....

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....from the egg units.


Looks to be a wee vixen.

Got to leave the camera going now to see if she like 2am regular ?.

It's going to take some figuring out if she does come there regular. This site is a royal pain fence wise!

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Pine marten, a pity is facing the wrong way.

All animals are creatures of habit, it’s just up to you to work it out, put a rock or log out in front the camera and she will stop to mark it will then act as a scent marker and get you some better p

Just getting a few ready to go out for a farmer, for me the fact his land has an old quarry down one side of it that has had a few good sightings over the years is a massive bonus and for him I will c

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13 minutes ago, Sausagedog said:

....from the egg units.


Looks to be a wee vixen.

Got to leave the camera going now to see if she like 2am regular ?.

It's going to take some figuring out if she does come there regular. This site is a royal pain fence wise!

All animals are creatures of habit, it’s just up to you to work it out, put a rock or log out in front the camera and she will stop to mark it will then act as a scent marker and get you some better pics and more regular visitors ?





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Absolutely gutted. We had an old ewe die a few days back. It was in an out of the way place so I left it for nature to take its course. I set up my trailcam about 6 feet from it and 3 days later checked the carcass and it had been spun 180 degrees so it was facing the opposite direction and it had been eaten quite badly.. Eagerly checking my trailcam and it had only taken 2 pics. Both of me picking it up off the ground. :angry: Batteries seemed ok, so it was either a ghost fox/badger/big cat or there's a loose wire in the camera. 

I put the camera back and its been there for 2 nights so far, so fingers crossed it works this time. 

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1 minute ago, walshie said:

Absolutely gutted. We had an old ewe die a few days back. It was in an out of the way place so I left it for nature to take its course. I set up my trailcam about 6 feet from it and 3 days later checked the carcass and it had been spun 180 degrees so it was facing the opposite direction and it had been eaten quite badly.. Eagerly checking my trailcam and it had only taken 2 pics. Both of me picking it up off the ground. :angry: Batteries seemed ok, so it was either a ghost fox/badger/big cat or there's a loose wire in the camera. 

I put the camera back and its been there for 2 nights so far, so fingers crossed it works this time. 

Sounds like operator error to me ?

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3 minutes ago, walshie said:

Tsk. Even I know how to switch it on, or it wouldn't have taken a pic of me picking it up. 

I change the battery’s when they drop below 70 and 80% mate as they start missing stuff then and get worse the lower they are, also a good reason to have two cameras on a scene as they not only cover each other but one will catch what the other misses, I,ve got confidence in you mate, you can do it ??

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10 hours ago, Sausagedog said:

Sounds like operator error to me ?

Maybe he was the one who spun the carcass around then forgot. Old age does that.....? 

They say the camera never lies, so he may have turned it twice!

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Well, checked all connections in there, new batteries, screen came on letting me set the date and time etc. Red light flashed to show I had switched it on. 3 more nights sitting there and zero pictures. Now the screen won't even come on, although the blue light to show it's in screen mode does. It's FUBAR. I need a new one. 

What make and model is everyone using? I hate spending money. 


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Have used the digitnow models for a few years and really rate them, have a couple and no problems at all I like the fact you can set them to take a still before the video starts recording as video is a bit slower to react, this is a bit different to mine so possibly an upgraded model but for £40 there is not a lot of difference with some of the dearer stuff I have 


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Can’t go wrong with that price .Since having one nicked I’m afraid to put mine out lol .Need a camera watching a camera watching a camera then a another which deploys a stun gun to the action .We were foxing last night and mate I was with watched a badger catch and kill a chicken which had been shut out , tearing at it like a hyena .His thermal dosnt record or he says it dosnt .Ive been waiting to record one in the act for a very long time .Shot two more which for me is 7 in 3 days.My son had the first at 120 with my .223 and Karl had the second at 240 paces ,both off quad sticks  .Farmer can’t believe the numbers we are getting ,Hes just taken on a duck egg production unit so things going to go up a notch with numbers I reckon .



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