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Thank god for permission lol

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It’s not as black and white as people make out. The lads that are in the wrong are the ones that use Subaru’s/4x4s to tip the odds in the dogs favour, cutting stuff off from woods, blocking their escape route, all that sort of stuff. Lads that go out and steal from farms need to f**k off as well.

If you’re out lamping on big land there’s sometimes no option but to drive because if you went on foot everything would run straight out the beam. As long as you’re just following on behind and not interfering with the run. Driving land on small fields or in the daytime is just laziness though, no reason to do that.

As far as ethics are concerned about damaging farmers property etc they don’t care about us when they’re grassing us in knowing we could lose our cars/dogs. They’ll stick you in when you’re walking as well so it’s not just about the crop damage like they’d have you believe. 

Some seem to forget the lurcher is a poachers dog, it’s easy to get all high and mighty when you’ve got a bit of permission but a lot of the best dogs will be owned by keen men that go everywhere and anywhere to run them.

Edited by Shadow100
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I, used to f***ing hate the local mounted packs by me..... Honestly couldn't tell you why? Probably young, dumb or listening to some old cnut with a chip on their shoulders ?Used to get out and kill e

I think you mean It's the idiots that are f***ing the game up mate. I always thought a good poacher leaves little or no trace that they have been there.  

Big percentage of lads on here started out as poachers. 

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  On 18/05/2020 at 07:13, joe ox said:

Your comments on this topic could be mistaken for anti propaganda!


Not really mate but it’s reality with all the police busts it shows on every lad/lass busted.the police wouldn’t be bothering in dog lads/lasses  if they conducted there selfs in a different manner would they what I’ve highlighted is common ways that people have been busting People Hardly propaganda ??

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Said it before, poaching finished when meat in shops was cheaper than buying it from the local mooches and fur coats became the latest outrage there is still and always will be a way for a man to feed his family from the land and it don’t involve driving through gates, I think all these lads do a great job of keeping the police and local busy body’s occupied while proper folk are just getting on with there business as they always have,  its about living in the shadows not bragging rights ?

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It's a total myth that if every lad who drives the fields, poaches, courses hare etc all dropped out of the game today that everyone else would be left alone and treated with some kind of love and affection. 

The PC brigade, the BBC and other media have brainwashed the public into believing that the lurcher is now on a par with walking around with a knife or screwdriver.... You are seen as going to commit a rural crime, as I once found out when receiving a letter saying, a member of the public was concerned a rural crime was about to happen, from my local police.... I was on a public footpath with the girlfriend at the time with no intention of doing anything.!! 

I am not defending, damage, theft etc but sadly we are now seen as a criminal, up to no good, doing something that should be consigned to the history books, regardless of permission or not, the Hunting Act was the worst thing ever for us, wildlife, landowners, police etc. 

If I go to my local greyhound track I have to face protesters on the gate, if I walk a lurcher in the countryside you get looked at like a paedophile hanging around the school gate, it's what it is nowadays lads and won't get any better. 

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What shocks me is how much money and resources the police seem to have to throw at this but all you here is how stretched they are for body's on the streets and funding .

So much serious crime and they waist what they have on lads poaching and it's not just poaching if you stopped and don't have everything in righting right there you can give names and addresses of farmers but it counts for nothing so I do see y lots don't bother asking .

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  On 17/05/2020 at 21:56, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

Let’s not pretend there is some ethical code for lurcher work mate please. 

A lot of the reality’s are some very good dogs are tested and made by land driving lads lamping 

you can thank the law for the ditching of hares etc as your carting the evidence against you around in the back of your motor . 

As for Facebook etc , I don’t partake in that , but I can see why lads do. 

I think it’s facetious to talk down to lads out on the hoof putting gear to bed as I can’t be dealing with it. I was young once and daft , and I did things I’m not proud of with the dogs to get a few kills into them.

We have enough enemies in a law bent against hare coursers especially , the coppers , the general public , the media without lurcher man one up man ship holier than you bollocks   


It’s not about ethical code there ain’t one 

it’s just a opinion i have I don’t agree with pushing gates to get on peoples property or churning there fields up Id rather clime over an walk it id rather run gear fair an square not box it in the open an keep chucking dogs at it till it’s dropped an move on once it’s dropped Leaving it behind it’s always been a case if something has been dropped go back an fetch it with the motor to me it’s about showing the quarry some respect an the land we run over an not bringing bad light to our hobbie 

mate good dogs have been made by people that go at it on foot an also get what they drop home if edible ??‍♂️

I wouldn’t say facetious I’d say more like pointing out the obvious why Lads /lasses with Lurchers are Looked at in a dim light it’s not really looking down on people it’s more like looking up to people to do the right thing if there dogs were as good as made out they’d be able to do it on foot 

tbh mate the lurcher world is a divide there’s many out there like me That’s a long time lurcher owner Or short time lurcher owner with a opinion that they won’t stand side by side with fools that bring working lurcher a bad rep regardless of how much gear there dogs are dropping  Out of a vehicle an leaving or boasting about all over media 
this is only my 2pence worth not gospel my opinion accounts for nothing I am a nothing ??

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  On 18/05/2020 at 10:25, zigzag dan said:

It's a total myth that if every lad who drives the fields, poaches, courses hare etc all dropped out of the game today that everyone else would be left alone and treated with some kind of love and affection. 

The PC brigade, the BBC and other media have brainwashed the public into believing that the lurcher is now on a par with walking around with a knife or screwdriver.... You are seen as going to commit a rural crime, as I once found out when receiving a letter saying, a member of the public was concerned a rural crime was about to happen, from my local police.... I was on a public footpath with the girlfriend at the time with no intention of doing anything.!! 

I am not defending, damage, theft etc but sadly we are now seen as a criminal, up to no good, doing something that should be consigned to the history books, regardless of permission or not, the Hunting Act was the worst thing ever for us, wildlife, landowners, police etc. 

If I go to my local greyhound track I have to face protesters on the gate, if I walk a lurcher in the countryside you get looked at like a paedophile hanging around the school gate, it's what it is nowadays lads and won't get any better. 


spot on, mate on the money, :thumbs:  your right it never get any better since the hunting ban with dogs , before as you  know , me and me   when we had mooch together  with our dogs , years ago  if the dogs knocked a big rabbit up , or ran a fox in the day, unless the farmer having trouble  with stuff getting nicked  at the farm , or gangs of lads , travelers , etc  walking all over the place, they may of  in the 80s  , just give you a bollocking  told you not to come on again . But now  they get the cops on you right away , and as we all know can loose your car and dogs, and lamping gone the same way, they only got to see a lamp , now and they right on your back, i really feel sorry for you people starting out today, to work your dog, it will really test you, if your in it for the long ride or not, and if  peope rap it up after a season , i can deff understand . ive been in round lurchers for  to long now over 30 years, and  while i can get out for couple hours every day mooching around the woods etc , i will always have a lurcher of some sort, and ive been happy with Buck  my big  1x gsd x grey , he ticked all the boxes for me the last 7 1/2 years, he 8 in august , the gsd  hads alo to any lurcher line  deff .

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Around here the country is getting calved up with every little bit of rough ground getting bought up and clear and folks sticking caravans or tents on them and all sorts. Every one wants there own little but of of the country side which i understand. But its just more people and boundaries and EYES. If you got a dog that can go off like a hound its a pain in the neck. As far as lamping goes its a nightmare but i do have a few perms dotted about thankfully . A few farmers are getting into the old conservation side of things I assume they must be getting grants or some thing. Any way its all going down the pan 

Edited by terryd
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Most farmers don’t really care about the stuff getting caught. I’m too busy and too tired to go worrying about someone lamping a hare or whatever. But round here it goes hand in hand with thieving and general hassle. Even this time of year we have folk out, in growing crops, with a vehicle and multiple dogs, running hares, driving through fences and stealing stuff. Battery’s and energisers off electric fences are a favourite.

On the upside they do dump random things. Recently we had a load of fishing gear and also a drum kit. 

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  On 18/05/2020 at 10:26, D Lloyd said:

What shocks me is how much money and resources the police seem to have to throw at this but all you here is how stretched they are for body's on the streets and funding .

So much serious crime and they waist what they have on lads poaching and it's not just poaching if you stopped and don't have everything in righting right there you can give names and addresses of farmers but it counts for nothing so I do see y lots don't bother asking .


The thing is ......we were always going to be hung out like that . 

The fox hunts are dancing and we’re paying for the band . 

That's the truth and no one wants to say it 

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  On 18/05/2020 at 21:53, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

The thing is ......we were always going to be hung out like that . 

The fox hunts are dancing and we’re paying for the band . 

That's the truth and no one wants to say it 


That aint changed in years and will always be a day out for hooray henrys ? Now a gun pack is a different kettle of fish ? No frills its get the job done ?

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